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  • Hi ElenaJ,
    I remember you from years ago, maybe you did too, I'm having a hard time, maybe you want to look at the last topic I opened? thank you..
    Hello Elena,
    I hope you are well and keeping safe.
    When you get a moment, can you please me in reading my friend chart. I have posted this in Read my chart group and Natal astrology.

    Hello All,

    Can someone please help me in reading below chart of my friend. She is really worried about her marriage and would like to know general things about his future life.

    If someone can please have a look into this chart and point out positive points and negative will be much appreciated.

    Anything relating to health, job, marriage, settling abroad, kids etc. Thank you very much in advance and god bless you all.

    Sorry, this sounds terrible but I've just now seen this message. Apologies for not replying, it was nothing personal.
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