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  • Derek: I definitely emptied my trashbox on the computer of everything received last week, the first day I came back from the hospital then It was the meds I was on according to my husband, acting irrationally. I'm sorry to have to ask again. And if you send again, can you please let me known in advance so I'll be looking for them that day?

    Once again, thank you in advance. I wish I hadn't done so, but I did for sure.

    Debra XX00
    Hi Monk: I wonder if per chance, you sent over the Twins report for their Parans while I was in the hospital? Just checking in case.

    So far so good, but tomorrow the surgeon will look and let me know if I did anything wrong.

    Thanks and again no hurry, just wondering as I don't want to miss it.

    I tried to see your avatar (whatever it is?) but could not make it out. Happy New Year btw. Hope its a better one for all of us.
    Hi Monk I inadvertently randomly accessed your page - so shall wish you "the complaints of the Season" old friend :)
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