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  • Hi Sunny! I haven't seen you around lately. I hope all is well!? Let me know and take care!
    n? As it is in conj to moon in the 9th house it is also a point because I think I have to go (abroad!) as I always felt much more better abroad than in G.
    karmic issue, I would agree that all things are karmic, but it depends on how much it weight. in my case and my question was: because of the neptune transit during my 12th house I live in this old house with the "spirits" of my ancestors. This means to integrate the whole family history. The question is: have I to do this? because of paying karma, maybe?
    Or could I leave and is this only in my mind?
    I am not good in horary astrology, have to learn.

    thanks a lot for your post! sorry about maybe misunderstanding, maybe I use not always the prop. eng. words.
    have an nice day
    Hello Sunny, thanks for input and comment. will be helpfull, you are right this conjunction is not the only aspect what makes this trouble. lot of things more. thanks for positive input. nice monday A
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