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  • Dear Rafaella,

    Thank you very much for responding me.

    This is the url for the post. (Oh i just realised that url is not allowed to put it in mail. this is in horary - work section "do i get an another job before the end of the year? " - post 49630.

    As you know, I got a contract extended till the end of the year which was great but the working condition isnt that great. Before the contract expires, I really need to find another work, hopefully within the same organization but more stable post. (currently i am with yearly contract but there are like 4 -year contract posts)

    Since you always notice things others dont, I really do appreciate if you could share your opinion about the chart. Obviously that including the negative points.

    Thank you very much,

    Hi Whitey, I received your message....Which chart did you want me to take a look at?

    thanks :)
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