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  1. LovelyMissAries

    Pluto in Aquarius

    That sounds exciting! I just don't know if I trust Pluto will upgrade the same way Jupiter does.
  2. LovelyMissAries

    Pluto in Aquarius

    I don't have my birth chart atm, but I have Gemini rising at 23 degrees, therefore Pluto will be transiting my 9H for the next 16-20 years. I had a few thoughts I wanted feedback on... Being that Leo rules my 3H, I wondered how this transit would affect my Aries Sun in the 11H. I also...
  3. LovelyMissAries

    NN / SN Observation

    North Node and Chiron in Aries, therefore SN in Libra... Saturn moving into Aries of my 11H. Oddly, I felt nostalgic the past few weeks and looked up friends from my past I haven't spoken to in awhile. I tried adding them on social media and all of them denied my request. I can't help by let it...
  4. LovelyMissAries

    Saturn moving into Aries

    Okay, so all of pop astro platforms keep celebrating about Pluto moving out of Capricorn and now us cardinal signs are *free!* (cue one lone streamer noise). But as a Sun, Merc, Venus in Aries with mutual reception to my Mars in Gemini I'm not *psyched* about Saturn moving into Aries / my 11H...
  5. LovelyMissAries

    Did my ex recognize me?

    Oh, it's probably wrong regarding my question but I remember reading Gemini ruling the eyes. If we looked at Jupiter in Gemini in the 1H - would that be a literal translation of 7H seeing 1H, OR would it be that 7H can't see 1H because 7H Jup is in detriment in Gemini? Just some out of the box...
  6. LovelyMissAries

    Did my ex recognize me?

    I could see that with the exception of Jupiter in Gemini!
  7. LovelyMissAries

    Did my ex recognize me?

    Ironic... a month ago or so I had posted our syanstry in RMC thread, and now I saw my ex at the gas station. I haven't seen him in 11 years; however, we have my close friend in common. It took me a second but I def clocked it and ran out of there quickly. I'm wondering if he saw me / recognized...
  8. LovelyMissAries

    Is it JUST the 8H sextile Pluto?

    I'm surprised Jupiter can describe someone's character like that, OH! Is it because his Moon is in Sagittarius, not because of Jupiter by itself?
  9. LovelyMissAries

    Is it JUST the 8H sextile Pluto?

    Yes, it had to do with secrecy and sex! I didn't notice our Moon / Jupiter but that makes sense. I think the fact he was younger than me and I still got duped always stings a little - I really should've known better. I also wondered if the house or planet person would be affected more (is it...
  10. LovelyMissAries

    Is it JUST the 8H sextile Pluto?

    Hi yall! I'm attaching a synastry chart of me and my ex (my first from 10 years ago). It ended badly and was not a good experience for a relationship. The experience really messed with my self esteem and confidence, and while we've obviously both moved on since I know the experience has haunted...
  11. LovelyMissAries

    Will he ever reach out to apologize? What does he feel now?

    I have a general question about this... how does horary factor in detriments with reception? Here the querent would ideally want to see the 7H ruler in their sign, and no matter what, that ruler will be in detriment to its opposite sign.... if detriment is a negative then is that kind of...
  12. LovelyMissAries

    Neptune in Aries - Thoughts?

    OH, duh, that's such a good point about the wars and belief systems - I wasn't thinking about that broadly yet, just individual, but it's so true. Will the aspect to NN and Chiron be healing though? I'm not sure if Aries is in detriment or fall being in Pisces, but in my head their energies...
  13. LovelyMissAries

    Neptune in Aries - Thoughts?

    Neptune will be moving into Aries March 2025. I read a few threads about this, but didn't like the answers as they seemed to merge with other collective transit predictions; found them too generic and vague. (Example: "Old systems will disintegrate and become more progressive" Eh...) My...
  14. LovelyMissAries

    Pluto in Aquarius and ...all of it.

  15. LovelyMissAries

    Aspects indicating a parent has mental illness in the chart?

    A little late to here, but for my own mother - paranoia, controlling, narcissistic, emotionally immature / stunted.
  16. LovelyMissAries

    Seeing 555 a lot!

    Hi! Ironically... I am currently in the E.R. with my partner who's had an ongoing hernia for several years that he got from work! He hasn't been able to push it back in today. I wanted to update because you mentioned that about job and health. For me, I've been at the same job for 2 years...
  17. LovelyMissAries

    Seeing 555 a lot!

    Back in my original account, thank you.
  18. LovelyMissAries

    Seeing 555 a lot!

    Hey ya'll :) I'm someone who believes in the whole angel numbers thing, and lately I've been seeing 222 and 555 a LOT! 555 is also one of my favorite numbers. Even if it sounds unorthodox I get vibes from when I see numbers and that guides me to its meaning. I'm more right than not, honestly...
  19. LovelyMissAries

    ADD/ADHD Natal Charts

    I was dX with ADD - Inattentive type (which they've now lumped it all under ADHD) and have the following aspects: Gemini rising 23 degrees (Aquarian degree) Aquarius ruled 9H with Saturn (12 degree or Pisces) and Uranus (5th / Leo degree) in the 7H in Capricorn (7H ruled by Sagittarius)...
  20. LovelyMissAries

    Aspects indicating a parent has mental illness in the chart?

    I know of Moon / Pluto (hard aspect), or Uranus in the 4th house. What are some other indicators one or both parents / caregivers have mental illnesses?