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  1. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Planets In Signs They Rule*

    His chart's pretty cool. Thanks for the link.
  2. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    For a Taurus, why am I so free spirited?

    I'm not too knowledgeable with aspects, but I do notice your mars is in its ruler aries. If nothing else contributed to your free-spiritedness, your mars does without a doubt!
  3. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    angle of your best realtionship

    I've only actually been in a relationship with one person conjunct my taurus (my current boyfriend who is born 1 week and 5 days apart from me), but I also had oddly strong connections with 2 other tauruses, one was born the day after me, and the other was born on the same day the year before me...
  4. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    Learning more through Synastry

    I think the fixed quality combined with the opposition does seem to play a role in the progression of the relationship. My experience with my opposite sign never made it into "relationship territory" because he refused to get into a relationship [with me]. Like you were saying, he put up walls...
  5. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Planets In Signs They Rule*

    *Sorry in advance if I mis-replied to any posts. I was on my phone yesterday...I know now that trying to do anything on this site by phone can be a waste of time, especially since I have a laptop.*
  6. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Planets In Signs They Rule*

    Even tho your sun is 90 degrees from mine, we seem to have a lot in common. My saturn, uranus, and neptune are all in capricorn all in uranus, pluto in scorpio. I never really had many real friends (emphasis on "real"), and I can count on one hand the few I have now. Combined with my taurus...
  7. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Planets In Signs They Rule*

    Thank you very much! (^_^)
  8. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Planets In Signs They Rule*

    I agree, but its odd besides my two planets in gemini, im all earth and water, many conjunctions, trines , and sextiles.
  9. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Planets In Signs They Rule*

    Yes, same here. I don't see many charts all at with that many domiciles, and fewer with no fire in the chart like mine. Its seems beneficial now but growing up and still to this day im often regarded as odd. Haha. High five to venus in taurus! (^_^)
  10. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Planets In Signs They Rule*

    Wow, I must agree. I've gone thru many styles and outlooks on life, but im always secure with myself, and more so than changing I seem to be evolving.
  11. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Same-Sign Relationships*

    If I seem to be insinuating that having sun signs in common carries weight in compatibility, that isn't my intent. I just want to know the experiences and impact of those who happen to have had a relationship with someone of the same sign (same sun, or other planets). I've been involved with...
  12. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    how about this?

    from cafeastrology: As for his mars amd your moon in pisces- "When the Moon conjuncts Mars in synastry, there is a strong attraction that is both physical and emotional. We are combining yin and yang planets here, and these tend to generate much fascination and attraction. Over time, the Moon...
  13. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    Tattoos uranus is trine my ascendant. I read that this aspect makes me innovative, inventive, constantly changing and ready for change. I have 4 "extracurricular" piercings, but tattoos are my thing. Everytime I get one I'm ready for another one a month later. I feel like I'm not done...
  14. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    Is there a sun sign you consistantly have trouble with?

    Re: Is there a sun sign you consistently have trouble with? It's unfortunate that we have that common! And same, with Pisces sun men. You're right, it must be the feminine/emotional aspect that takes some of them off their rocker. It's odd, they're EXTREMELY romantic and charming [they put...
  15. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Same-Sign Relationships*

    :wink: I see. I guess enjoy it while it lasts. While my experience with an opposite sign was fleeting, it was extremely passionate and I was never bored around him, despite us having little to say to each other.
  16. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Same-Sign Relationships*

    My sister and I are 4 years apart. I just checked and realized her ascendant is also taurus. Most of her inner planets are air or fire, and she has only 1 water sign in her chart. Her and I tend to butt heads and not speak for a bit.
  17. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Same-Sign Relationships*

    Sorry, nevermind that last part, I read it backwards. That's nice your sun and daughter are both taurses. My sister and I are both tauruses. While I have no fire in my chart, she has quite a bit of aries in hers. I think her asc is a fire sign, too.
  18. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Same-Sign Relationships*

    I happen to have a catching mit somewhere, I used to play softball. Wow, what a coincidence. Do your son and daughter get along? If they'd ever disagree it must be quite epic
  19. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Same-Sign Relationships*

    Your so right! I can be friends with leos, but relationship, no thanks. That fixidity (i hope thats a word). If I ever make it to the west coast I'd love to come for dinner! Free food, I'm there. (^_^)
  20. venuschild.EarthGoddess

    *Same-Sign Relationships*

    This is why I like leo females so much more than leo males. Yall are so cool, and leo males I know of tend to be like the opposite! My ascendant is the ram and my sun is the bull, and they can be so similar I often can't tell which sign I'm displaying more. I fear its a blending of both...