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  1. Lupus

    So what do you think of the age of Capricorn?

    I think I might have to write a novel or few about the coming times. Hmmmm?
  2. Lupus

    The mottos

    Yes, must be my Virgo ascendant. Individuation is similar in some ways to analysis. Analysis means to examine and sometimes to criticize in a sense, but it also means to split into parts, and is an antonym of synthesis. Individuality is seeing the world distinctively. Virginity itself is...
  3. Lupus

    The mottos

    Ah, more funny light bulb jokes. You may be right about Gemini being not so much to do with relating as Libra is, but it is a communicative sign of the common world, and relates in that way. Libra is more about relating half-commonly. Now that I think of it more Gemini is more about "I...
  4. Lupus


    Some people think that Eris's only quality is a motivation towards greater order in the vain attempt to avoid her. She also can help to break up negative order, like that of the hellish tyrannical empiricism that Saturn sometimes represents. Uranus breaks up that kind of order too, but Eris...
  5. Lupus

    Light bulb jokes

    Taurus sun. Unless you're going by vedic astrology in which case I'm an Aries sun.
  6. Lupus


    No, that's not accurate. You fail. Maybe you oughta quit the psychic asshat gig and try out your wits at shutting the butt up instead.
  7. Lupus


    Ophiuchus? Yeah, he's also a 13th sign of the sidereal zodiac. Said to be a sign that the sun goes through for a short time in November, and said to be a symbol of healing and immortality, which is a relief for some Scorpios. Trust the snake? He might be ruled by planet Eris if we don't...
  8. Lupus


    Alternative astrology for heretics written by somebody with a sense of humor: I'm kind of heretical about astrology dogma, though I still retain and use some of its wisdom at times. There is some good wisdom about it. Chaos...
  9. Lupus

    The mottos

    The short and sweet two word mottos I've read in various astrological articles have often been the same: Aries: I am. Taurus: I have. Gemini: I think. Cancer: I feel. Leo: I create, I can, or I will. Virgo: I analyze or I serve. Libra: I balance. Scorpio: I control, I desire, or (chuckles) I...
  10. Lupus

    Light bulb jokes

    This is just something I saw in a newspaper once, that stuck in my memory: Q: How many Aries does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Just one! Gotta problem with that? Q: How many Taureans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Just one, but just try and convince him that the old lightbulb is...
  11. Lupus


    I'm Lupus the Wolf, named after my chaos astrology sign. It probably doesn't matter to you what the rest of my horrorscope looks like, unless you care for a game of guess and check to see how uncanny your intuitive psychic awareness is. I used to be something of a chaos astrologer myself, and...