60 Minutes pedophilia Expose

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Oct 5, 2006
5025 valley crest dr #135 concord ca 94521

Theresa, a young British girl, recalled for '60 Minutes' the drama that she was forced to endure as a child.
According to her, she was raped countless times by dozens of rich and powerful men that were part of a Satanic pedophilia cult.

I had a thread closed by tmail because the owners of the site who were "offended" and "unverified" allegation of pedophiia among the elite.
the perversity of the elite is a matter of public record and I will post about this subject until the Rothschild establishment news media shuts down free speech or until I am banned for posting public knowledge.

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So he called the baby a 'hotard' on Instagram...it's an evocative comment, but it's not evidence for a pedophile ring.
So he called the baby a 'hotard' on Instagram...it's an evocative comment, but it's not evidence for a pedophile ring.

I saw that too, but I also checked out the rest of the pictures on their instagram (now private) and it kept referencing pedophile symbolism and code. It’s quite bizarre.

I couldn’t ignore the fact that there was code that is commonly used by pedophiles found on Hilary’s emails, which is what makes this very disturbing. :andy:

I checked the articles published by the mainstream media a week ago or so, and most just diverted from the issue and didn’t address the topic at all.

Here is an overview of it: https://aceloewgold.com/2016/11/20/pizzagate-clinton-podesta-what-is-it-and-is-it-credible/
The reason this great evil exists & is allowed to flourish, is because it is outside of ordinary people's reality, and they can not bring themselves to believe it.

I myself a few years back came across this topic for the first time accidentaly. It involved child abductions & murders in Belgium, and led to a trail that implicated people in positions of power. The witness's stories sounded too authentic to deny . Sickening stuff goes on
that is beyond the scope of ordinary people to grasp .

Bunraku - The "American Psychological Association" is a part of the Establishment! Hardly a credible source. Of course they are going to whitewash it by denying credibility of memories.

This horrific Evil must be stamped out. But first people need to know about it.
Unfortunately the Media is complicit in covering it up.

I wrote a comment today on Nibiru, in Chat, saying that Earth is due for a "cleansing", because of the degree of evil that is at an all time peak in our world today
and I think it highly probable that this will happen at some point.in the future.
Bring it on.
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I saw that too, but I also checked out the rest of the pictures on their instagram (now private) and it kept referencing pedophile symbolism and code. It’s quite bizarre.

I couldn’t ignore the fact that there was code that is commonly used by pedophiles found on Hilary’s emails, which is what makes this very disturbing. :andy:

I checked the articles published by the mainstream media a week ago or so, and most just diverted from the issue and didn’t address the topic at all.

Here is an overview of it: https://aceloewgold.com/2016/11/20/pizzagate-clinton-podesta-what-is-it-and-is-it-credible/

Just finished reading the link. It's amazing how little it's being talked about over here because I knew about the leaked emails but not 'pizza gate.' It's hard to comprehend the way they're talking about children :/
Moderator warning: This is a highly provocative thread and will be monitored as such. Overly long quotes, posting more than three quotes or links in on post, and anyother violation of forum rules will result in deleted posts. Conversation is encouraged. Spiraling conspiracy theories is not.

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PizzaGate: BBC Covering Up Yet Another Huge Pedophile Scandal

before I add a few quotes about the above article, here is a link to the verified coverup by the BBC that is alluded to.

the saville scandal extended to participation by the BBC and the queen as saville had been knighted before he died , .saville influence came to no avail.
Saville was popular figure and his sexual abuse even penetrated homes for emotional disturbed children, where he had be given free reign of the facility even though he was a “volunteer”.
The saville case showed how child sexual abuse permeates the highest levels of british society.
So Ian Watkins case came at a inopportune time.
And with the most recent allegations about the height of depravity at the height of the social order of the popes involvement child abuse and Satanism

now back to the current coverup

The BBC are the last organization on earth that should be weighing in on a pedophile scandal, but the state-sponsored outlet with a shameful history of covering up elite pedophile scandals has declared Pizzagate “fake news” and dismissed the scandal as “the fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread.”
That would be the same BBC who covered up their star presenter Jimmy Savile’s decades of extreme pedophilia until as late as 2012 – only relenting and acknowledging the scandal after it was forced into the open by independent investigators.

“They ignore basic truths. For instance, the conspiracy supposedly is run out of the restaurant’s basement. We don’t even have a basement.”
but the reality is :
Of course Mr Alefantis may well be confused, or have been misquoted, but the inconsistencies don’t help his case, especially as he shared Instagram photographs of construction work in his basement.

[deleted personally attacking comment~moderator]
these are not conspiracies ,the above 2 links give court judgments of the existence of pedophilia at the highest levels.


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Literal Satanic pedophile elites in D.C. twisting the resources of the media and law enforcement to cover their own tracks, and to further enable their disgusting fetish, would explain a lot.

#PizzaGate is not fake news, but the media is protesting too much here, which reveals their hand - someone is terrified of a public discussing PizzaGate, too bad, because I suspect the public is going to be talking plenty about these pizza emails in the months ahead.


#PIZZAGATE DEATH THREATS: Censorship is the Goal


Urging the Public to Research Pizzagate

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The pizzagate scandal is totally fake news. The restaurant owner has been harmed by these false rumours, and patrons were treated to an armed man firing shots in the restaurant. It has no place on a reputable astrology forum.
The pizzagate scandal is totally fake news. The restaurant owner has been harmed by these false rumours, and patrons were treated to an armed man firing shots in the restaurant. It has no place on a reputable astrology forum.

What is the argument for the evidence the other side claims as proof?
I have been hearing about this pizza gate stuff lately but haven't looked into it. I recently watched a documentary about a paper boy who vanished in the 70s. They discuss an identical sounding pedophile ring. Allegedly rich powerful government officials are behind Jonny gosch, the paper boy's disapearncence and many other abducted children's disapearncences. There is a banned PBS documentary from the 80s on YouTube called conspiracy of silence that is all about the ring discussed in the John gosch case. I can't watch it. Makes me want to lock my kids in the house forever. I tried to watch it and had to shut it off. I don't know anyone who has finished conspiracy of silence.
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I have been hearing about this pizza gate stuff lately but haven't looked into it. Does this have anything to do with the government pedophile ring discussed in the banned PBS documentary from the 80s?

No this has to do with the supeana the new York police detectives got to seize ex congressman wieners laptop during a pedophilia investigation of him sending a picture of his penis to a 15 year old girl.
No this has to do with the supeana the new York police detectives got to seize ex congressman wieners laptop during a pedophilia investigation of him sending a picture of his penis to a 15 year old girl.
Hmm crazy I will have to check it out. I assumed pizza gate was just the same old govt pedo ring fr conspiracy of silence. I was to afraid to look into it




And no, those are not mainstream media sites.

Folks, check your Jungian psychology about psychological transference and shadow material.

rahu, just because you mistrust mainstream media doesn't mean that any and all conspiracy theories are thereby correct.

If you add up all of the accusations against Hillary Clinton made by fake news promulgators, Hillary haters, trolls and alt-right conspiracy theorists, there is no way any single human being could physically be guilty as-charged on them.

Pedophilia is a serious problem for its victims, and it does them a huge disservice to co-opt their emotional pain and trauma as a platform for trolls to capitalize on them to spread this type of malicious fake news.

It does this forum a disserrvice.

FBI Chief Exposes MK Ultra Programs That Murder, Use & Traffic Children — High Level People Involved

2016 seems to be a landmark year for transparency in the mainstream, and that’s in large part thanks to the efforts of researchers, activists, and whistleblowers like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Unfortunately, what is being revealed to us is extreme corruption within Western politics and our entire political, corporate, and financial systems.

Whether it hints at a hidden government, the enactment of corporate/financial agendas, or rigged elections (as we saw in the DNC this year), the “disastrous rise of misplaced power” that president Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address as president of the United States is and has been happening for decades, and it’s destroying our planet

These revelations include pedophellia, child trafficking, and murder.

With regards to pedophellia, ever since Donald Trump brought to light the allegations against Bill Clinton and his treatment of women, others have come forward to corroborate his story.

pizzagate is not only fake news, it is a cynical rip-off of the experiences of real children who actually are or have been victims of sexual predators. The people who spread this fake news are not personally concerned about children's personal safety, or they would actively support foundations engaged in supporting pedophilia victims, such as the Elizabeth Smart Foundation. http://elizabethsmartfoundation.org/

Incidentally, the 60 Minutes program was not the US version, but the Australian version, which has a more tabloid format, and which reported on the real-news problem of RC priests' sexual exploitation of children. It didn't promote Pizzagate as a true story.

Hillary Clinton couldn't possibly have simultaneously run a pedophilia ring, murdered over 2-dozen victims, master-minded a "pay for play" scheme out of the State Department, enabled Bill Clinton as a serial rapist, have had major life-threatening health problems, and have died on 9-11 this past fall. (To name a few fake charges leveled against her.) The conspiracy theorists have tried so hard to demonize Clinton that their excesses are glaringly obvious.
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that the elite have are involved in pedophilia and worse has been proved in court repeatedly in court last few years.


Queen Elizabeth Found Guilty in Missing Children Case? Whistle Blowers Incarcerated, While She is Free

The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.

After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia.

Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964.

“Queen Elizabeth had direct involvement in the kidnapping and death of aboriginal children” it was reported on the ITCCS website. “Royal Family members also appeared to regularly participate in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult rituals at the Mohawk Indian School in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.”

A court document had been filed indicating that in Jan. 2012 UK Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby acted under the direction of Queen Elizabeth to destroy forensic remains of a Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child homicide.

Two eyewitnesses have testified that as children they were present during this same murder of a native child.

The satanic rite evidently occurred in a sub basement catacomb under the west wing of the Canadian Branton Ontario Mohawk Indian residential school. The two eyewitnesses alleged that they saw a young girl being bound to an altar.

The five or six year-old child was gagged, repeatedly raped, killed, disemboweled and dismembered. Her blood was consumed by nine red-robed figures that included a member of the British Royal Family.

Former Kamloops School resident William Combes died after a 2010 radio interview where he discussed witnessing Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip leave the school with his ten friends and fellow Kamloops residents.

Directly after the interview the healthy Combes was ordered to report for tests at the Vancouver St. Paul’s Catholic hospital. There he was given an injection that put him into a coma. Within hours and without consent of his family members, Combes was permanently pulled off life support.

British citizen David Compan was another victim of whistleblowing against Queen Elizabeth. In 2013 he was twice arrested, as was his wife. Compan’s “crime” was daring to post Queen Elizabeth’s arrest warrant on a Catholic Church.

I suggest reading the full article.

this article as been deleted twice from my threads.

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I've read the links from both sides and I don't know what to think now. Can you not consult a horary for this?? I did the other night and reading through it.
Bluebell87, what you do is up to you, but rahu has linked some vicious fake news sites.

Yes, pedophilia exists and actual little kids get hurt out of it. The problem of pedophile priests, ministers, scout leaders, and teachers is mainstream news when it is revealed. Canada in the early 20th century had a huge problem with its First Nations residential schools system, where Native children were forbidden from practicing their cultures, were malnourished, were sometimes physically abused,and experienced high mortality rates. But this has all come out in the mainstream Canadian media, like the CBC.

But Hillary Clinton and Queen Elizabeth?? Pedophile rings involving hidden underground catacombs? C'mon. The psychological symbolism here is all too Freudian. Rather than consulting a horary, I'd suggest reading further on Jungian shadow material. These fake news trolls have a huge emotional problem with powerful women.
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