Almuten of Ascendent

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Feb 3, 2009
I occasionally read glimpses of this, but haven't discovered anything in detail. Is this important?
I occasionally read glimpses of this, but haven't discovered anything in detail. Is this important?
That depends on whether or not traditional astrology is of interest or not

AND calculation of the Almuten is complicated to do without the use of software - although, since medieval astrologers calculated it as a matter of course and had no computers, perhaps we may simply be 'spoiled' with our easy access to computers!!

Detailed Almuten information at
I was asked in private message to explain the method of calculating the Almutem Figuris of the chart, so I thought that since this is new forum (traditional astrology) it would be better to open a thread here and explain the method publicly where we can all discuss it.

Almutem Figuris is an old doctrine where one planet according to certain calculations applied, receives the honors to be the Ruler or Lord of the Chart.
Robert Zoler had applied the therm AlmuteM instead of AlmuteN in order to differentiate the Lord of the Chart from the Lord of certain house or place in the natal chart such as Almuten Domus (Ruler of a House).

The word Almutes is an Arabian word which means 'Winner'.
Because, the planet is the Winner of all the 'life giving' places. Or the places which are most sensible and important in the natal figure.

The method which we'll use here I call Ezra/Zoller method.
Arabian Astrologer Ibn Ezra (1089 — 1164) was the first (as far as we at this moment are aware) to explicitely wrote about calculating the Almutem Figuris.

In his writings Zoller trace the beginnings of this Almutem Figuris and he found it in the writings of Iambichus (c. 245–c. 325) who was Syrian neo-platonic philosopher who wrote also about Astrology in his writings.
Iambicus in his work "Theurgy or on the mysteries of Egypt" speaks about the thing how one can change his fate. He speaks that he can do that through Theurgy and through personal relationship with the Lord of the Geniture of which he (Iambichus) only says that can be known through Astrology, but he didn't explained the method.
Zoller, tracing back the Ibn Ezra's ancestry, through the Sabaeans and his teachers (Mashallah and other) all the way to the first centuries where this doctrine was thought. Because of that line Zoller thinks that the Lord of the Geniture of which Iambichus speaks in his writings is in fact the Almutem Figuris of the Ibn Ezra.

Iambichus speaks (through the name of Porphyry) about the Peculiar Daimon, that is some kind of an Guardian Angel and it is conected to the personal soul but its not the same
Here's what Iambichus says in his Theurgy:
This [daimon] therefore is present as an exemplar before the souls descend into the realm of generated existence. As soon as the soul chooses him for leader the [daimon] immediately comes into charge of completing of its vital endowments and when it descends into the body it unites with the body and becomes the guardian of it common living principle. He likewise directs the the private life of the soul and
whatever the conclusions we may arrive at by inference and reasoning he himself imparts to us the principles."

Zoller about the Almutem Figuris says that it is equally as powerful as all the other planets taken together."

Benjamin Dykes (great student of Zoller) says about Almutem Figuris:
"Almutem Figuris, a powerful planet in the natal figure whose spirit or angel acts as the native's special link to the Divine. The Almutem Figuris is a spiritual astrological delineation, similar to but not the same as Lilly's the "Lord of the Geniture." But like Lilly (and Plato), the Almutem Figuris was taken to affect the native's thoughts, beliefs and character. Spiritual enlightenment can demand that we open our eyes to this particular planet and use it to access the Divine. Significantly, this is a function that many modern astrologers now attribute to the sun sign." (In his article on Happiness).

The method of calculation

1. Find the Essential Dignities (the 5 dignities, apply 3 points to all 3 triplicity rulers), in the Degree of the:
- Sun
- Moon
- Ascendant
- Part of Fortune
- Syzygy (the prenatal lunation, the one that came last, i.e. after which the birth follows - New or Full Moon).

2. Add 7 points for the Day ruler and 6 points to the Hour ruler.

3. Add accidental dignities scores.

For the planet in 1st house you add 12 points.
10th house = 11 points
7th house = 10
4th house = 9
11th = 8
5th = 7
2nd = 6
9th = 5
8th = 4
3rd = 3
12th = 2
6th = 1

The planet which has most points in the aforesaid places is the Almutem Figuris of the chart!

Don't forget to apply the 5 degrees ruler for the planet near the cusp of the houses. For example, if Saturn is at 15 Scorpio in 4th, but the 5th house cusp is at 19 Scorpio, you will calculate that Saturn already in the 5th, and you will give him 7 points instead of 9 as he would took if he was in 4th house. This can make big difference.

The free traditional astrology software - Morinus (google it), calcualte the Almutem Figuris. You can find this option by typing F3. But I should warn you that in that calculation is included some adding of points according to the planets phases. Zoller did not mention any kind of phases calculation so at this moment I'm not aware why the author of the software did included that.

But the best way and more enjoyable is to calculate it with your own hand. You will be familiar with the chart more deeply if you do this calculations with your own hand as the older astrologers did.
And if you must use the Morinus software than subtract the phases scores and you will get the Almutem Figuris right. All else is the same calculation as the Ezra/Zoller method.

Zoller gives short discriptions for every planet being Almutem Figuris:

"If the Almuten figuris is the Sun, the native will want to lead, express his creative power and be recognized."

"If the Moon, s/he will want to care for, be cared for, eat and make love, dream"

"If it is Mercury, s/he will be diligent in the sciences, business and communications"

"Id it is Venus s/he will be a lover of beauty, of music, of men and women etc."

"If it is Mars, s/he will fight in order to dominate"

"If it is Jupiter, s/he will philosophize and teach"

"If it is Saturn he will retire from society, investigate hidden things and suffer adversity.""
A house almuten and the Almuten Figuris are two different concepts of unequal importance (bet you can't guess which one is which. Hint: caps).

A house almuten is merely a planet that has the most essential dignity at the location of a house cusp. For example, my Ascendant is at 25 Pisces. Jupiter gets 5 points for being domicile lord, Venus gets 4 for being exaltation lord, (I was born at night) Mars gets 3 points for being triplicity lord, Mars gets 2 points for being Face lord, and Mars gets 1 point for being Term lord. So, while Jupiter rules my Ascendant, Mars is the almuten of my First house.

The use of this is fairly varied and there isn't a whole lot going on with almutens these days. They sort of fell out of fashion after the first millennium CE.

The Almuten Figirus is that thing that Jup quoted and it's basically the almuten of the five hylegal points plus other considerations and it's to tell the native's life path and what success they will have at obtaining it.
Thanks guys, that's really helpful!

Kai, I'm confused about how Mars becomes the Almuten of your 1st house, Jupiter also has 5 points, no? Do they co-rule?

Yes, I read something about the Almuten Figuris sometimes becoming more important than the ascendant ruler. I've yet to figure how exactly how that happens, but for now I better get my calculation right!

It was our old friend Bob Z who told me Jupiter is the Almuten Figuris of my chart. I don't know his calculation, I thought the Sun would win. Anyhow, I've Cancer rising, where Jupiter is exalted. The Moon is troubled by aspects, though in the 3rd house - Joy - if that can be counted.

If the ascendent ruler is troubled, but the Almuten of the 1st house or the chart are well-placed, I'll next need to figure how do they co-rule or does the more essentially dignified command anyhow.
Mars is the almuten of my first house because he has six points to Jupiter's five and Venus's four.

When to use the domicile lord or the almuten is sort of a difficult thing to discuss because there are a lot of different opinions on it. Many people believe you should use the almuten if it is more capable of performing than the Ascendant ruler. I disagree with this.

The Almuten Figuris typically isn't used outside of the astrological magic tradition other than to just be known.
Please forgive me if this was already answered but in the case of the "syzygy" how can one find out about whether there was a New or Full Moon before birth? I have tried researching this before and nothing. (I may not have phrased the question right). Perhaps a special ephemeris out there Im not privy to?

Thanks Astrologers; great thread!!!
You just have to check and see which happened before you born. If the Moon is waning in your chart, you have a Preventional chart and the Moon was full before you were born. If the Moon is waxing in your chart, then you're chart is Conjunctional and you had a New Moon before you were born. To find the exact degree just start looking back through the chart creation.
You just have to check and see which happened before you born. If the Moon is waning in your chart, you have a Preventional chart and the Moon was full before you were born. If the Moon is waxing in your chart, then you're chart is Conjunctional and you had a New Moon before you were born. To find the exact degree just start looking back through the chart creation.

Thanks Kai it was indeed Waxing meaning a New Moon. Question: At how do I get the degree there do you know? I'll check it out but I just dont remember seeing anything like that there.

Thanks again and God bless!
Thanks Kai it was indeed Waxing meaning a New Moon. Question: At how do I get the degree there do you know? I'll check it out but I just dont remember seeing anything like that there.

Thanks again and God bless!

astro doesn't have the option to put the prenatal lunation on the chart. If you don't have a program that calculates it, the best way is to check an ephemeris. There is one here

To get the exact degree, you need to use the degree of the Sun for when the Moon was either New or full. For example, if we look at February of this year, we can see that the Sun was in Aquarius and the Moon in Libra at the start of the month. The Moon was in Aquarius the 9th and 10th, in Pisces sometime on the 11th. The Sun was at 21* on the 10th, the Moon at 17*, so the new Moon occurred when the Sun was at 21* Aquarius.

You could probably narrow that down further using the time of birth and the motion/speed of the Moon, but this at least gets you the degree.
So based on the advice given the New Moon before my BDay in 1964 was on 2/13 making the Sun at 24deg Aquarius; how is this written? Ive never seen a glyph for the "Syzygy" (or called "the Prenatal Lunation").

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So based on the advice given the New Moon before my BDay in 1964 was on 2/13 making the Sun at 24deg Aquarius; how is this written? Ive never seen a glyph for the "Syzygy" (or called "the Prenatal Lunation").
The software I use displays as follows
New Moon Syzygy = miniature Sun image above a miniature crescent moon with the 'conjunct' symbol between the two images

Also displays the
pre-natal Full Moon Syzygy = miniature Sun image above a miniature crescent moon with the 'opposition' symbol between the two images

The software I have has an option to choose to view the location of the pre-natal Syzygy on the natal chart because this sensitive place is considered to remain 'active' for the entire lifetime of an individual in relation to transits of planets :smile:
So based on the advice given the New Moon before my BDay in 1964 was on 2/13 making the Sun at 24deg Aquarius; how is this written? Ive never seen a glyph for the "Syzygy" (or called "the Prenatal Lunation").


I've been using Delphic Oracle lately, and it is shown on the chart as either :conjunct: (for a conjunctional/new Moon syzygy or as :opposition: (for a preventional/full Moon syzygy.)