First cause of motion,cruel firmament,
Driving the stars with thy diurnal sway
And hurling all from east to occident
That naturally would take another away,
Thy crowding force set in heaven in such array
That this her first,fierce journey must miscarry
Any Mars will slay this marriage,if she marry.
O thou unfortunate oblique degree
Of the Ecliptic,whence the cadent Mars,
Thrust from his proper angle,helplessl
Falls into Scorpio,darkest house of stars!
O lord of war,whose influence debars
All hope!O feeble Luna,vainly knit
To him,thrust forth from where thou shouldest sit!
And O imprudent Emperor of Rome,
Is one time like another in such case?
Haddest thou no astrologer at home
To chose the favourable time and place
For journeying? For one of such high race,
Whose hour of birth was known to thee? But O,
We are,alas,too ignorant or too slow.
The Man of Law's Tale- Chaucer