can a psychic be gay?

Astrologers' Community

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you're taking it too literally.:lol: those were his words not mine, which he kept repeating. of course i would not prefer he push me. that would even be weird. i would prefer nothing actually.

Well I don't blame you for "preferring" nothing, as you were probably not expecting this relationship with this person to extend beyond what it was intended to be. But still, I think you've been a bit harsh about this person's behavior. That's just me though. I think you read into it too much. :tongue:

i meant astrology. in that there is a method for it.

ah thanks, just wanting to be clear, appreciate you spelling it out for me here.

it doesn't. in short the astrologer said gay men cannot be psychics.

so you're saying this astrologer said that *just* gay men can't be psychics? I'm still curious Lacellrein, what were the grounds that the astrologer said this on, to use as proof that people, gay male people in this respect, cannot be psychics? Why did they feel this way? What was the context of this conversation?
Perhaps this astrologer had had negative experiences with people who had abused their trust through sexual means. Perhaps this one had been done during a time of something spiritual and far-removed from the act of sex and it's many constituents, placements, and contexts. An astrology reading or psychic reading is not a place I think people would expect to get hit on, and for some, that can be a bit intense when they've left their spiritual guards down, but sometimes, it can be a bit relaxing too, since you're all open and what not, and sharing so much. This vulnerability can be appealing or endearing in others, even attractive. It could be kind of a perfect time, it all depends on how you see it. This is something Neptune could be referring to her in her experience. Or she could just be being remotely objective here.

Hmmm what is Neptune doing...?

I would be very careful not to project anything at all onto what I think the astrologer was doing, so as not to misunderstand the intentions of the astrologer. We each have our own personal experience of this world and the reasons for one person doing something will be completey different from anothers'. In this, I am refering to the astrologer mentioned in the initial post as well as anyone else.

As for me, and my little 'hit on' experience, it was only a half hour session i took spur of the moment. I think my Scorpio Uranus was conjunct his ascendant, so how could he help himself ;) Seriously though, there was nothing really in it at all, it wasn't an amazing magical experience where I was sharing myself and open, I was just being my usual self, he found me attractive as I did him a little but didn't take it further. I simply took it as a compliment.

Sticking to the facts


I SAID: As Tikana suggested

(as facts cannot be suggested)


(it being the "gay male thing" which appears to be our point of reference)

MIGHT be able to allow for one

(ONE = gay male individual in question or in reference)

to be more sensitive or intuitive

(this meaning "feminine" and could have little or nothing to do with sexuality, and more with bodies.)

but not always,

(hence not saying this is fact, and nor were you)

certainly wouldn't treat this as fact.
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maybe she had a reading with the astrologer and were making small talk about other new age non astro stuff. i don't know. he is not my astrologer.

this is possible, but what a strange comment to let slip out. I still don't understand this context! :throws hands up: I'm just confused please explain to me why anyone would be saying such things. I still don't get it! If it's not true, why are people saying these things?

maybe it's bias like if i believed male interior decorators that were straight were the best because they loved women, while gay men and women decorators loved men, which are the less beautiful of the species. :sideways: that wouldn't make sense. what about lesbian decorators? they love women too.

Some men are beautiful, more beautiful than women it seems. :sideways:
Some men are beautiful, more beautiful than women it seems.
I'm a living example of that. :smile:

Reading this thread, one thought kept entering my mind. It doesn't matter if the person is into "New Age mumbo jumbo" or not; generational, societal, cultural, regional, moral, religious, etc. etc. beliefs will still be present, and not always consciously. And it just so happens that, historically, many people did not approve of/like gay men. I don't know the proper term for the phenomenon I'm trying to describe, but hopefully you'll understand my point.

Either way, the opinion of one individual, through hearsay, is uninteresting to me. There are obviously many well-known gay male psychics; whether they are actually psychic or not is a mystery, but the fact remains: there are gay male psychics.

I don't understand why so much discussion is coming out of this. It's really quite amusing. I think some of you/us are guilty of using the forum as a therapy session. :smile:
AHHHH ET NOW i know who posed for Michelangelo's David statue...
Astrologer, Psychic, Gay ,Straight, Male , Female = HUMAN
Homosexual.Hetrosexual.Bisexual.Transexual = HUMAN
White.Black,Red,Yellow.Brown = HUMAN
to believe otherwise = IGNORANCE
Stop the hatred and spread the hugs. HUGS are GOOD. They relay love and warmth.

I am a new member and hope to make a few friends.
Blessings to the room
i second that a psychic maybe a man a women straight or gay of any creed or race
what does sexual orientation have to do with anything???
who cares about that~~when people begin to look within the heart and soul of someone and not the outside that is when the world may change
Whomever You share a bed with has NOTHING to do with how Intuitive and Perceptive You are. How well a person is plugged into the Socket of Spirit Central has nothing to do with whether they're dating Charlie Or Charlene. That is completely silly.
I have deleted the off topic comments, and sexually orientated crude jokes. Can we please stay on the topic of the thread.
