This is a channeled messages from a lady I know well. She is an academic and psychologist, so someone who would be able to identify hallucinations. She has been a clairvoyant and empath as long as she can remember, and has been, for the past few years, channeling the Archangel Michael. This is a message that I recorded and later transcribed. Errors in punctuation are, therefore, mine.
The importance of stillness
"I want to talk about stillness, about being centred and being calm. The great majority of the problems you experience in your life and the lives of many of you on earth that are not overtly caused by external events, the problems you experience as people whereby you feel depressed, stressed, anxious, sad, worried, cross, frustrated - all these feelings come from a failure to be still. You can think of many days when there is absolutely no stillness at all. This is not natural and it’s not healthy. This is not the way to be if you desire to come to terms with yourself. Coming to terms with yourself is very much to do with being who you really are and living as that person, not living as an image, not living in a role, not living as others want you to live but living as the person who you really are. When there is no stillness, there is a gradual separation between your consciousness and your reality. When you’re not still, when this is perpetual, you are cutting yourself off from understanding your experience. Experience involves not only what happens to you in your life, what you do in your life, but also who you are, how you feel, what you understand – all these things are aspects of your experience. Also an aspect of your experience is the extent to which you are in communication with God, with your source, with your centre and the degree to which you are able to learn from that connection, that communication.
It is the case that the world in which you live is of course very material, very materially driven and materially defined. One of the paradoxes of your world is that material driving perpetuates a cycle of thinking so that literally the more you strive to do, the more you strive to achieve, the more you strive to acquire, the more you need to do, achieve, and acquire. You never seem to get to your goals, they are always somewhere off there in the distance. This is the paradox, almost a law of the material world, which says there is never enough, it’s never good enough, there’s never enough to go round, there is never enough time. This is the law of never enough. It is peculiar to the material world and you on the earth find it very difficult to step off the cycle: to allow yourselves to believe that it’s alright not to achieve everything; it’s alright not to fill every moment of your life with energetic, positive, meaningful activity in the sense that you use those words. Again the material view is that to sit and do nothing is wasting time, is achieving nothing, it’s being selfish, it’s being lazy.
Think of it this way - your centre, your spirit, your soul, it is eternal, indestructible, without beginning or end, complete in itself, whole, unitary, divine, interrelated, interactive. This wonderful thing called your spirit, your soul, or your centre, or your being, is all these wonderful things. Your physical body and your physical mind are vulnerable, fallible, exhaustible, limited in extent, in endurance, in time and existence. So the two things are very different and from that idea you can conclude that that which is devoted to the material, to sustaining this frail physical thing, if it is not in comparison with the time devoted to the spirit, if it is not accorded equal energy, then the energy that is accorded to the material and the physical is, in large part, wasted. For example, talking in numerical terms, the spirit requires 99.9% or your energy and the physical body requires 0.1% of your energy. Taking that analogy, you can say that as most of you devote the great majority of your energy to your physical life, it’s not surprising that most of you are terribly imbalanced most of the time, out of harmony, out of concordance. The answer is to trust, to have faith, to know that the right way is to devote far more energy to your spirit and far less to your physical. Your duty to your physical body is to keep it healthy, fit and well, to protect it, to give it shelter, to generally monitor it and be aware of any harm or damage or disease or illness or disorder that happens to it. That’s your duty to your physical body and you can live your physical life with those goals in mind. For example, you can arrange to choose a career that keeps you fit and healthy, enables you to have a home to protect yourself and those you have in your care and also sustain your physical brain, physical mind. That’s all you need to think about in terms of your goal. Once you start to add to that and believe that you need more than that, you’re depriving your spirit of the energy that it needs.
The answer is so amazingly simple, that if everyone were to listen to it and respond to the answer, they won’t find that not only would their lives be transformed, the world would be transformed at extremely small cost. Anyone can do it. Anyone can take the answer and use it. The answer is to devote a small amount of time every single day to being still, not to meditating, not to praying, although stillness is a kind of prayer, not to a philosophizing or trying to learn or trying to understand or trying to communicate. None of these things, because all these things are not to do with stillness, they are to do with effort. Just to be still, which is just to sit quietly, in a quiet and beautiful place in silence. Music, however beautiful, is distracting at this time of stillness; it’s beautiful in another context but not in your time of stillness. Just to sit quietly for a period of time. Of course you can’t really set that period of time because you will end up looking at your watch or setting the alarm clock and these things would be silly. Instead, allowing your body and your spirit to dictate and determine the amount of time that you need. Just stillness. Not nothingness, not making your mind a blank because that can’t happen, but being aware of what happens as you sit quietly and start to be still - the mind is racing and many things are going on in your life, many feelings emerging. Then with time, this all becomes calm and becomes quiet and you find yourself in a lovely, soothing, comfortable state almost of suspension. It doesn’t have to take long. It can be five minutes or it can be twenty minutes or it can be half an hour but it must be every single day. Not like a discipline, not something that you put in your diary and squeeze in, no not that at all. It is something your spirit needs, your body needs. It is something that almost you come to crave every day. Almost like your sleep or your food --- got to have your stillness! The consequence of this is that you then become habituated to centering and correcting your center every day, to bringing everything to the center, to bringing everything into harmony and balance. It carries over if you do it every day. This is so simple and it is the answer that everyone who is stressed and pressured needs. And it is the way for everyone."