I'm not a moderator at astrogle to delete threads/posts.
It was admin and others who decided to delete or hide data i posted for everyone to use. (May be Gaurang can explain why it was done that way)
If i was selfish and wanted to keep my discovered methods and data with myself, i would have never explained it on public forums or through private messages/email to people like sasirekha, seetaram, varenya, leo, gaurang, star dust, Bhavani.
Few newcomers like bluetooth, arietus, shailendra are picking up well but i'm not in touch with them.
I think they're picked the method from old posts on astrogle made by me and others.
Even now i'm in constant touch with Jibriel/Revan everyday and i shared my analysis, timings and observations even for big bash league and also for recent soccer leagues.
Infact we're trying to derive a method to predict timing of goals in football which if successfull earlier than expected, can be used in world cup soccer.
3 weeks before Asia Cup began, me and sasirekha had a conversation where i predicted that India will get knocked out and Lanka-Pakistan final will happen.
That is what
she posted in astrogle