Did my neighbor kill her baby

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Sep 11, 2012
I am curious what the chart indicates.


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Here is the best i can interpret since i dont study horary. Im the querant so im ruled by mercury. Mercury is in the 7th because its a question about someone else. My neighbor would be represented by mars 3rd house trad ruler in 5th house of children. Saturn rules 5th, and there is a conjunction of mars and saturn. So is that a yes? Or does it just indicate her children? And more is to be read in chart.
You are the querent, your neighbour is the 3rd, mars. Her children are the radical 7th (5th from the 3rd).
The 7th is a double sign, pisces, showing twins, plus mercury, another child.
The 8th from the 7th is the radical 2nd, their house of death. This is where moon, your question, lies. Moon opposes sun, ruler of the head.
Mars lies in the radical 5th, square Uranus of explosive violence.
The 5th is also your neighbour's 3rd, showing mental disturbances.
The moon is in her 12th, supporting the psychological problems she has.
Her partner would be Venus, who doesn't seem to be connected to the event, she acted alone, in a moment of emotional explosion.
Neighbor = mars
Neighbors baby = Jupiter/Mercury.

The part of violence and murder is @12'17" Aries, ruler mars which is square Uranus.

We know the baby is mercury as by contra-antiscia the baby is conjunct Chiron (wound) in Aries (to the head) ruled by Mars (violence) which is in a square with Uranus.

So as you specifically asked about her, then id say yes she did.
Thank you for the interpretations, both were insightful.
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I think both (she and her boyfriend) were involved. Jupiter is in Saturn's rulership, in conjunction with Pluto.
Seems I've got a different part of violence and murder (Asc+Moon-Ruler Asc). This lot is in Cancer. And there are two parts of death. The first one is in Cancer, too. The other one at 3 Degree in Libra. Part of death and part of violence in her 8th house could mean, that it was an accident. The Dispositors are here Venus and Moon (in Libra). Moon last aspects were to Venus an Mars. Both of them were in aspect to Saturn and Jupiter. If he wasn't the murderer, I think he is a witness.
If we use the child as Asc, one part of death is at 19 Degree in Pisces -in the 12th house of the child is an indication of a violent death. The other lot is in Aquarius in conjunction with Saturn. So both Mars and Venus were in aspect with Saturn. Mars did hit the lot. Seems she is the murderer but he was in some kind involved.
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Interesting take on chart.

I think both (she and her boyfriend) were involved. Jupiter is in Saturn's rulership, in conjunction with Pluto.
Seems I've got a different part of violence and murder (Asc+Moon-Ruler Asc). This lot is in Cancer. And there are two parts of death. The first one is in Cancer, too. The other one at 3 Degree in Libra. Part of death and part of violence in her 8th house could mean, that it was an accident. The Dispositors are here Venus and Moon (in Libra). Moon last aspects were to Venus an Mars. Both of them were in aspect to Saturn and Jupiter. If he wasn't the murder, I think he is a witness.
If we use the child as Asc, one part of death is at 19 Degree in Pisces -12th house of the child is an indication of a violent death. The other lot is in Aquarius in conjunction with Saturn. So both Mars and Venus were in aspect with Saturn. Venus did hit the lot. Seems she is the murderer but he was in some kind involved.
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Neighbor = mars
Neighbors baby = Jupiter/Mercury.

The part of violence and murder is @12'17" Aries, ruler mars which is square Uranus.

We know the baby is mercury as by contra-antiscia the baby is conjunct Chiron (wound) in Aries (to the head) ruled by Mars (violence) which is in a square with Uranus.

So as you specifically asked about her, then id say yes she did.


Neightbor is 3rd - mars --- last aspect was a trine to venus (which fortifies her) - she didnt do it
her child is JUPITER speculative and most likely the moon
last aspect of jup was from merc .... -- resident of 7th if not a suspect
but moon opp to sun is suspecious. which validates her statement.
her child is a newborn - MOON
Moon is in house of quested's 12th house plus it is via combusta
sun hates the moon (he hate the child) - child hates that a**hole.

case closed
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"Neightbor is 3rd - mars --- last aspect was a trine to venus (which fortifies her) - she didnt do it"

Tikana, the Venus trine mars aspect in the chart is not yet completed, it is in the future.
"Neightbor is 3rd - mars --- last aspect was a trine to venus (which fortifies her) - she didnt do it"

Tikana, the Venus trine mars aspect in the chart is not yet completed, it is in the future.

wrong.. LOOK again
they COLed with Saturn at 0 deg in aqua
they will be chasing each other hence they will never perfect again for quite sometime.. venus turns retro later on
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the last Venus/mars aspect was a square in January. Before both can perfect the trine, Venus will turn retrograde. Next aspect is again a square in June.
I'm completely lost. The ephemeris shows the Venus/mars trine completing about Apr 15th. What am I missing here?
Venus turns retrograde May 13th.
Mercury and Jupiter sextile is applying. Not perfected yet.
Moon is in Venus' domicile and in the detriment of Mars (Moon hates mars) and in fall of Sun.
Moon shows also the events. Moon was in aspect with Venus, Mars and Saturn (natural significator of death) and in opposition with chiron in the 7th (child house).
Moon approaches an opposition with the Sun (situation is at the worse now).
Sun is the 10th house ruler of the neighbor, Moon is her 9th house ruler. The 10th represents all kind of authorities- law, courts, judges. Sun "loves" Mars and hates Venus and Saturn. So if it will end in a court case, the jugde could decide for her. Or maybe it shows how the public see that case.
I'm completely lost. The ephemeris shows the Venus/mars trine completing about Apr 15th. What am I missing here?
Venus turns retrograde May 13th.
No. Venus is currently a bit too slow and can't catch up with Mars. This trine is neither applying nor separative.
Mars, the neighbour's significator, just separated from the Uranus square, and the Saturn conjunction, both of which rule her 4th of home, showing the tensions there, and violence.

Neightbor is 3rd - mars --- last aspect was a trine to venus (which fortifies her) - she didnt do it
her child is JUPITER speculative and most likely the moon
last aspect of jup was from merc .... -- resident of 7th if not a suspect
but moon opp to sun is suspecious. which validates her statement.
her child is a newborn - MOON
Moon is in house of quested's 12th house plus it is via combusta
sun hates the moon (he hate the child) - child hates that a**hole.

case closed

Incase you've not noticed Tikana, were all individuals who all read charts in different ways, we don't all read charts the same as you. We've all come to our own conclusions using our own techniques and our own ways of viewing the chart.

Case closed.