Does my personal trainer have feelings for me...

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Feb 17, 2009
In the US
Hey Everyone!!!

Its definitely been a while since I've done this, and I honestly miss the practice of reading and doing horaries...Ive done a chart below for your responses and viewing pleasure :)

So I have a personal trainer that I have been working with for about a month now...I get really weird vibes from her. Some days she can't make eye contact with me, she seems nervous, and just feels weird in general and other days she stays making heavy eye contact and is cool and reserved (she's a capricorn). I always thought she might have been a lesbian because of her demeanor and looks...not trying to be offensive at all...but my gaydar is always a few of my friends have seen her and thought the same thing off the back. There are a few times when I've walked away in front of her and looked back to her staring at my butt... And to be completely honest, I love men but their is something kind of attractive about her that makes me uncomfortable. So Ive written up a Horary chart, because something in my spirit tells me that something is up....

So it begins...

In my chart the ascendant is ruled by moon and jupiter is the co-ruler due to its presence in the 1st house...Jupiter in the 1st house is a benefic and usually brings the quesitied what s/he wants...

The 5th house is where I look is ruled by both Sun and Jupiter.

Sun and Jupiter create an applying sextile aspect at 1.44 degrees.

So there is a connection between the 1st and 5th, So would that mean yes she does have romantic feelings for me????

And having Jupiter be in 1st house while ruling the 5th...would it mean that its all in my head, and I just want her lol...

please let me know!!!


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Hi how are you

Thought id help a bit

you (asc) is ruled by venus here its in 23 gemini
moon co significator is 12 cap
the person in question is 7th H so mars in 15 libra

I personaly dont see jupiter is your co significator its usually a house that governs it that has some interest in you.
but hey if some have found it to be another co significator so be it.

venus has passed a trine to mars

for me the moon tells the story and is approaching a square to her ruler mars, which indicates a no.

jupiter does go to mars if we look at that and pisces rules night time charts so here we find it intercepted in her 5th of (sexual affairs, fun)

Only you can know why shes not wanting to look at you in the face, be carefull shes not picking up on your desire for her and shes holding back from that.
let me know updates id be interested in the jupiter senario here
Hey DiDi!

Thanks for your response...

I believe it is the 5th house opposed to the 7th house. I am asking about romantic feelings...not relationships...

The 7th house deals with relationships, open enemies, partnerships, even the other person if you are the chart interpreter for someone else.

5th house is a little more flightly, and a whole lot less serious.

Jupiter and Sun both rule the 5th house because of the sag on 5th and the sun's illuminaary dominance :)

The moon rules the ascendant because it is a night chart.

Jupiter being in the 1st house...would mean something brought about that is a benefit, right?

Could we also look at it a just a subsident ruler of the 1st? That way making it a Yes, but to a lesser extent???

Thanks DiDi for the look!!!!!!
The moon rules the ascendant because it is a night chart.
help me see how this is true and where you have gotten this from because ive not heard this before and ive been doing horary for years...
so quite interested

ill get back to this and have a better read after my appointment today
Sun under the earth means a nocturnal chart so the Moon rules here. Because the Moon is in Capricorn you have to look at its Triplicity rulers by night, they are 1) the Moon, 2) Venus and then 3) Mars.

but whos works is this?

I have only known the asc ruler as the sign for the person asking the question
the moon is also a ruler be it day or night.... it is also a timer of the chart.

in any case i do use the 7th (thats just me)

I hope all these other signs work for you i do but for me i see the moon,s next aspect is a square to her so id say a no.

like gen6k said maybe a bit of light flirting but not anything from this chart anyway...
chart can allways be made again when something changes another question can be made.
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Yes, you are right, and I think in Horary we are not at the same method (interpretation) as with Natal charts.
Deborah Houlding wrote about the "Classical Use of Triplicities" (The Traditional Astrologer, Issue 6, 1994) and took her informations mainly from Dorotheus.

Yes, you are right, and I think in Horary we are not at the same method (interpretation) as with Natal charts.
Deborah Houlding wrote about the "Classical Use of Triplicities" (The Traditional Astrologer, Issue 6, 1994) and took her informations mainly from Dorotheus.

Oh yes I understand triplicities
what I dont understand is the usage of this in horary for the ascendant.

the person asking the question in the horary chart is the asc ruler and moon allways.

triplicities can be used for the asc when working out if the chart is readable or not, and of course there are a few things to consider when doing this
the chart ruler is just one of them.

thankyou for your message sunny
Hi, Didi,

just so in the moment, but I have to verify it, I think to remember that the Moon is in Horary also sometimes the co-significator for the querent. Otherwise I cannot understand it, like you.