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My Lilith conjunct Saturn in the 3rd (Virgo) with Jupiter and Mars in the same house; and my Eros conjunct the MC and Venus with Eris and Ceres in the 10th (Aries). I find Eros to have an equal role along with the most significant asteroids in astrology: Juno, Pallas and Vesta...and Ceres can be included. Can anyone tell me what Lilith conjunct Saturn and the proximity of Jupiter and Mars, and Eros in a close vicinity of Venus, Eris and Ceres represents on a chart?

Eros and Eris not the same? ? I always thought they were the same 🙉
My Lilith conjunct Saturn in the 3rd (Virgo) with Jupiter and Mars in the same house; and my Eros conjunct the MC and Venus with Eris and Ceres in the 10th (Aries). I find Eros to have an equal role along with the most significant asteroids in astrology: Juno, Pallas and Vesta...and Ceres can be included. Can anyone tell me what Lilith conjunct Saturn and the proximity of Jupiter and Mars, and Eros in a close vicinity of Venus, Eris and Ceres represents on a chart?

Greybeard is the best person to ask. As far as I know personally he explains things so clearly and well and knows so much. I can hardly understand some of the stuff ppl say on here but he is amazing. Greybeard where are you????
Oh and elenaj she’s the best too..... I think they are real astrologers as I’m experienced and that’s there job. Not sure but that’s what it looks like