Gulf Oil Spill

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Based on the chart, the best possible opportunity to cap the well is the first week of July.

The cleanup will take a long time, about 18 months lasting through December 2011.

The 12th House represents conspiracies and related criminal activity. It is ruled by Venus in the 12th. We would want to see an aspect between Venus and either Mars (fires and explosions) or Uranus (also explosions) and also Pluto, but there are none.

I made a mistake there. Venus rules the 12th House, but it is not in the 12th House, it is in the 7th House (in Taurus), still it makes no aspects to the usual suspects.

Just wanted to clarify that.
yes...well i was speaking from pain and some knwledge about it but this whole situtaion is like muddy waters for me i truly do not know who even cares anymore -the bloggers? the videomakers? sometimes i think they make stuff about gulf to promote themselves and even that part is the neptune influence

for the sake for animals trapped and hurt people and fishermen ho love the sea as much as i d but in a different way- i want it to stp

as for astrology am very good with natal charts - looked at obamas and what i saw -this event i don't read that well -i don't read events well yet...

what really upsets me is the amount of info about it on the net teh videos blogs and is all abut self prmotion i think
yo must own BP stocks zemco,the exxon valdez spill is still not "cleaned up".the oil persist in the sand a few inches below the surface.


I'm a disabled veteran. I don't have any stocks or bonds. I have a valid license, but I don't have a car (I sold it in 2007) and having been licensed to drive for 32 years, I have only owned one new automobile, and for 17 of those 32 years I never owned an automobile.

I see what you're saying, but the cruise ships don't plow their way across the ocean floor, so nobody sees the persistent oil there. As far as the government is concerned, "Cleanup" means everyone can go hang out at the beach.
as far as the goverment is concerned they do not take res[ponsibility or help at all in cleaning on land waters unless you can count obama fish lunch as help-yes we can!( eat fish-)-new slogan maybe?plus a good photo in front of us flag? while nthing is done-as far as bp is concerned cleanup (or whatever it is called) is making the area more dirty and poluted nt just sea but air and crops too= with deadly toxic corexit -they also burn turtles alive to not pay fee per endanered species as far as i am concerned this goverment is uncaring and i knew bad knews is coming when i saw the upcoming transits but honestly this is too much

there is plenty of people exploiting the topic ith cpmedy scetches on youtube -same people voted for this president so am not surprsed that the surface is what matters to them -holocaust should be next on their list of laughs-is that kind of sensitiity and ignorance

i think this is about the worst eniromental disaster in human history and the oil is still gushing and is third month...the president is beyond stupid he blocked help from other countries at the start and jeopardised the states who tried to fight it on their own by building sand dunes

and there is more

nothing but empty slogans from his mouth and more of that bs than oil in the sea

bob -it will not be successfully capped at the beginnig of july i think we are looking then at maybe it pouring until 2011 and what yu see as cleaning is really it spilling until then and completely destroying beaches - the oil is now already in pensacola beach flrida making its way t key west -the most beautiful place i ever saw is there - i truly hate the dumb goverment ho left the sea in the hands of a corporation and so far the only thing they do is destroy it every day
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I understand what You're saying man 'bout the Platitudes and all of the empty slogans that's why I made the statement about making money and none of the people who SHOULD be getting the money are receiving it.To add insult to injury some Bigwig on a Big jesus sized yacht somewhere is making MONEY off of this abject misery and it's EASY to blame the President but if We connect the dots the seeds sown that would lead to this quagmire in the Gulf goes back way before Obama. We need to look at who MADE that oil rig and what THEY are doing to fix this mess. Everybody's seemingly buying into the BS and all of this smells like One BIG Amigo DISTRACTION!!! The coverage and all the "aid" it's all too convenient.
Hello-what a great thread. And it's interesting to see how it has evolved in the month since its inception-as the disaster continues to unfold. There are many, many thoughtful posts.

I see there are two charts posted, one at the beginning by MTTy for 9:45 with 0 sat asc and another by Bob, 9:42 with 18 scorp asc. Do I read the chart correctly, Bob, that it is set for EDT? My understanding is that the location is CDT. I think EDT starts in Alabama; could be wrong.

I did a chart for 9:33 am, as I watched a hearing with US Navy and Coast Guard of the captain and others on the ship on CSPAN, not too long after the event. They seemed to agree on "right after 9:30" for a time, so I guessed 9:33. This gives a 28 Scorpio asc. 7 virgo mc. I felt more comfortable about a late scorp asc as on June 23, when the cap of the BOP blew off or was nudged off by an rov-whichever you think-the whole scene seemed to get more drastic. I actually was watching live streaming then, and an orange cloud started coming out of the vents. This is sharp contrast to the grey/black plumes. Suggestions on a forum I was following thought this might be some form of sulphur and/or other nasties. The moon was 28 scorp, so I thought that rather fitting for an escalation of some sort. And mars just past the MC. More oil has spilled since then, as they cannot seem to get the cap on correctly.

What concerns me are the long-term cosequences, as it does many of you. Some of the suggested scenarios are down right ominous: the fracture in the sea floor could eventually cause a tsunami, second the oil could eventually reach Ireland, Europe and worst of all; a volcanic eruption in the Gulf that sets off the fault line leading to the New Madrid seizmic zone in TN, AK, IN, MO etc, where a series of horrific earthquakes in 1811-1812 destroyed much of the area and changed the course of the Mssissippi River. These earthquakes were felt all across the eastern half of the US, and from Canada to Mexico-by far the largest area affected in any US quake. There is a lot of info on New Madrid-google it. Several books, too.

I did a bit of checking on the NM quakes and did find some connections. Most interesting: the last and most damaging quake was 2.7.1812, mag 8 pt or so: T pluto is now conj that sat in 12th house, conj 8 cap asc.I don't know what to make of it, but noticed the prog moon of that quake is now conj its natal and prog pluto. Progressed for aug 9, 2010: a "super moon" (what does that mean?) that looks like another shift of some type for the spill chart. Pluto will be on the 2 cap MC, sq ur and jup on the 3 aries asc, square mars and saturn on the dsc. New moon 17 leo are sesiquadrate (SP?) ur and jup as well as pluto, and semi square the IC and semi square mars saturn Almost all planets involved in this configuration except merc in virgo and nep and chiron late aquar. It seems to me with so many powerful planets on angles the scene may shift dramatically. What do others think? What do you think of a late scorpio asc for the oil spill chart? I'm not nearly as adept as others with interpretations.

I can post these charts, if anyone wants.
I see there are two charts posted, one at the beginning by MTTy for 9:45 with 0 sat asc and another by Bob, 9:42 with 18 scorp asc. Do I read the chart correctly, Bob, that it is set for EDT? My understanding is that the location is CDT. I think EDT starts in Alabama; could be wrong.

The coordinates are for the actual Deep Horizon platform. The time zone is for morons like me who don't check. 88° is Chicago or west and that's definitely CDT, not EDT.

The time (9:42) is the time I found when the accident was reported.

This is a different chart, which will require some time, but just glancing, notice how Jupiter continuing to transit comes into conjunction with Uranus, expanding the disaster and making it worse, and now as Jupiter moves away from Uranus, it is abating somewhat.


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OK, we agree on the time zone!

But I surely don't understand how you can say the disaster is abating? If the oil is coming out in a greater volume, now, with the cap askew, and BP states there's no hope of capturing more oil until the relief wells are complete in August-with no guarantee that they will hit the oil supply, I don't see this as an abatement.

As to the other scenarios I mentioned, they are being supported by lots of folks, including NOA, I believe,-not just wack-job bloggers, etc. For example, it is a known fact that the Loop goes up the Atlantic coast. It seems reasonable to me that if the oil continues to gush, it will eventually end up there.

Am I misunderstanding you here?
so bp is driling reief wells in august what happens if that does not work? so far they made ony mistakes this is beyond scary and not blogger scary this is real
huge skimmers arrived but is not capping the well...

so many say is dangerous-might be a tsunami wionder if anyone sees any major disaster in august in the chart cause is when tehy will drill another hole -what happens then? these people don't really know what they are doing it seems

I haven't checked on the capping process, need to do that.

What I read in relation to a tsunami was concern that cold sea water could impact on the fractured sea floor and in areas where oil has vacated; thus causing a sudden drop or shift in the sea floor. I have no idea if this is a valid concern. Jack Reed, an engineer, I guess, from that area has said this is a possibility. He's also the person who warned about a connection with the New Madrid seizmic zone. Others talk about it on blogs, some claiming they are engineers, etc, but I don't know.

As to astrological activity in August, I did notice the new moon 17 leo august 9. A super moon; don't know what that means. I used Lake Charles for the location; don't have the ability to set the lat and long; but it is pretty much straight north of DWH, I think. Pluto is on the 2 cap MC, squar ur and nep on 3 aries asc, squ sat,venus and mars on the dsc. New moon is also sesquiquadrate ur, nep and pluto MC, semi-squa
2 cancer IC and aries stell, dsc. So that doesn't look too good. Yet we know some very ominous aspects can be present and nothing really happens.

Let's hope Bob is correct about the timing of capping and that those relief wells are right on target.

... What I read in relation to a tsunami was concern that cold sea water could impact on the fractured sea floor and in areas where oil has vacated; thus causing a sudden drop or shift in the sea floor. I have no idea if this is a valid concern. Jack Reed, an engineer, I guess, from that area has said this is a possibility. He's also the person who warned about a connection with the New Madrid seizmic zone. Others talk about it on blogs, some claiming they are engineers, etc, but I don't know...

I have been looking for this type of information - thanks for this.

I had similar feeling, so I checked data about various spills in sea. There are comparable leakage in past to make me comfortable.

But still I have some concerns about quake or tsunami.
all the videos are freaking me out-using my instinct here not astrology but astrology based in my strong 8th house- this tsunami is one big bs used by many to promote self and for a trip to paypals and or joining cults-it seems that greed made the spill happen greed made it worse and greed is so part of human nature that the people are using it to for more greed now..
I'm so glad for so much response on this event.
Many charts have been posted on your responses....will someone please point to the one which is the actual time and place of the initial explosion?
I'd like to puruse it.
The murk and sloth surrounding reaction and response have been exceptionally painful for me and many. I wonder if there is a time of illumination or awakening, so to speak, and a time where all the varied energies will come together so that the efforts will actually have the desired effect? Sun (illumination and activity), Jupiter (scale), Saturn (responsible activity), Venus (compassion and creativity), Mercury (communications), Uranus (brilliance of insight), Pluto (deep abiding change), Neptune (fluids), Moon (emotions)....
During March and early April, several platform workers and supervisors expressed concerns with well control.

At approximately 9:45 p.m. on April 20, 2010,

methane gas from the well, under high pressure, shot all the way up and out of the drill column, expanded onto the platform, and then ignited and exploded.