Hello-what a great thread. And it's interesting to see how it has evolved in the month since its inception-as the disaster continues to unfold. There are many, many thoughtful posts.
I see there are two charts posted, one at the beginning by MTTy for 9:45 with 0 sat asc and another by Bob, 9:42 with 18 scorp asc. Do I read the chart correctly, Bob, that it is set for EDT? My understanding is that the location is CDT. I think EDT starts in Alabama; could be wrong.
I did a chart for 9:33 am, as I watched a hearing with US Navy and Coast Guard of the captain and others on the ship on CSPAN, not too long after the event. They seemed to agree on "right after 9:30" for a time, so I guessed 9:33. This gives a 28 Scorpio asc. 7 virgo mc. I felt more comfortable about a late scorp asc as on June 23, when the cap of the BOP blew off or was nudged off by an rov-whichever you think-the whole scene seemed to get more drastic. I actually was watching live streaming then, and an orange cloud started coming out of the vents. This is sharp contrast to the grey/black plumes. Suggestions on a forum I was following thought this might be some form of sulphur and/or other nasties. The moon was 28 scorp, so I thought that rather fitting for an escalation of some sort. And mars just past the MC. More oil has spilled since then, as they cannot seem to get the cap on correctly.
What concerns me are the long-term cosequences, as it does many of you. Some of the suggested scenarios are down right ominous: the fracture in the sea floor could eventually cause a tsunami, second the oil could eventually reach Ireland, Europe and worst of all; a volcanic eruption in the Gulf that sets off the fault line leading to the New Madrid seizmic zone in TN, AK, IN, MO etc, where a series of horrific earthquakes in 1811-1812 destroyed much of the area and changed the course of the Mssissippi River. These earthquakes were felt all across the eastern half of the US, and from Canada to Mexico-by far the largest area affected in any US quake. There is a lot of info on New Madrid-google it. Several books, too.
I did a bit of checking on the NM quakes and did find some connections. Most interesting: the last and most damaging quake was 2.7.1812, mag 8 pt or so: T pluto is now conj that sat in 12th house, conj 8 cap asc.I don't know what to make of it, but noticed the prog moon of that quake is now conj its natal and prog pluto. Progressed for aug 9, 2010: a "super moon" (what does that mean?) that looks like another shift of some type for the spill chart. Pluto will be on the 2 cap MC, sq ur and jup on the 3 aries asc, square mars and saturn on the dsc. New moon 17 leo are sesiquadrate (SP?) ur and jup as well as pluto, and semi square the IC and semi square mars saturn Almost all planets involved in this configuration except merc in virgo and nep and chiron late aquar. It seems to me with so many powerful planets on angles the scene may shift dramatically. What do others think? What do you think of a late scorpio asc for the oil spill chart? I'm not nearly as adept as others with interpretations.
I can post these charts, if anyone wants.