How to Recognize Physical Beauty

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May 9, 2009
Three Sheets to the West
How To Recognize Physical Beauty

True beauty will be exemplified by Venusian aspects to either the ascendant or to the ruler of the chart. This means that Venus will form a Ptolemaic aspect, each one's quality related to the degree of beautification. This includes squares and oppositions. Additionally, Venus in the sign of the ascendant, especially in the first house, will beautify. The terms of the ascendant also tend to enhance physical beauty. The signs related to these points in the chart, however, tend to not have such a pronounced effect on whether one is beautiful but tend to show mere physical expression of personality, that is, charming, aggressive, reserved, et cetera. Nonetheless, they will assist the physical beautification of the native, but secondarily, assisting the primary significations. And the primary significators that physically augment a native are the planets. In all, look for Venusian factors, and in their totality, they will direct you to making an accurate judgment on whether a child will be physically beautiful.

It is necessary, however, to note how effectively Venus will operate by taking into account its essential and accidental dignity. These will have a marked effect on Venus' ability to bestow its Venusian gifts upon the native. The chart of De Vito is an example of how a debilitated Venus will be almost inoperative in beautifying the native.


Pamela Anderson – Sextile


Although the chart does not acknowledge the aspect, you can see that Anderson's Venus is making a tight sextile to her ascendant, which is within 1º. The sextile is, in my opinion, the most powerful aspect for delivering physical beauty to the native.

Jennifer Aniston – Opposition & Libra Rising


Aniston's time is from memory, but I believe she was born earlier than the time given. A difference of minutes would put Venus in opposition to her ascendant. She also has Venus as the ruler of her chart, which heightens the probability of being physically beautiful.

Gwyneth Paltrow – Trine


Here, she has Venus forming a trine to the ruler of her chart, which is Jupiter.

Angelina Jolie – Conjunction


Jolie has the luck of having Venus in a partile conjunction to her ascendant.

Elizabeth Taylor – Double Trine


Taylor has a trine to her ruling planet as well as to her ascendant, which is why she is regarded as one of the most beautiful women ever to have graced the silver screen.

That State of Not Beautiful

Here are some examples of when Venus is not influencing the ascendant or the chart ruler

Rosie O'donnell


Here, you can see that a Venusian conjunction to the Sun does nothing to provide the native with physical beauty. It may make the person socially appealing, but that is as far is it goes.

Sandra Bernhard


Here is another example of neither the ascendant nor the chart ruler being configured with Venus. Although not made hideous, the native is denied physical beautification.

Gerard Depardieu


And so as to not just pick on the women, you see that Gerard's Venus is hurt by being cadent and with a very strong affliction from Saturn.

Exception to the rule – No

Danny Devito


Although not hideous, especially in his youth, De Vito is not known for his good looks. Here you have what seems to be the exception to the rule. Venus is in the first house and conjunct the ascendant. Furthermore, it is making a square to the chart ruler. Venus is in sect and angular. But it is forming an opposition with Saturn, the worst aspect one can have with Saturn. Furthermore, Saturn is in its detriment, so it will have an especially pernicious effect on Venus, so much so that it nearly restricts all of its gift giving abilities, especially the ability to beautify. This is why other factors will have to be taken into account before a judgment can be made.
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I would have to say that this is your definition of beauty.

Not all of the people that you showed were beautiful, in my opinion; not all that you showed as ugly were ugly, in my opinion.

And certainly, people who are not of the Caucasian race, might be characterized as ugly in your scheme.

I'm not sure that your scheme borders on racism, but it sure is heading in that direction.
I would have to say that this is your definition of beauty.

Not all of the people that you showed were beautiful, in my opinion; not all that you showed as ugly were ugly, in my opinion.

And certainly, people who are not of the Caucasian race, might be characterized as ugly in your scheme.

I'm not sure that your scheme borders on racism, but it sure is heading in that direction.

Please … I assure you that I have no discriminatory intent. Your comment, however, is an interesting reflection of your state of mind. Interesting, indeed. These examples are a reflection of societal consensus. Racial variations will be forthcoming when time permits. These were chosen based on a strong Rodden score and top google hits for "physical beauty" and "physically unattractive."
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Your comment is an interesting reflection of your state of mind. Interesting, indeed. These examples are a reflection of societal consensus. Racial variations will be forthcoming when time permits.

Where exactly is your societal consensus? Are we talking about fan magazines? I know of no societal concensus that you have used.

Now... If your example had come from beauty pageants, such as Miss USA or Miss America or Miss World, I might be forced to grudgingly agree, even at the same time recognized that those pageants in their very nature exclude winners who are not Caucasian.

But you're welcome to continue to pursue it. I just have to register my small protest that in my opinion, this kind of typing of beauty borders on racism.
Where exactly is your societal consensus? Are we talking about fan magazines? I know of no societal concensus that you have used.

Google Trends

Magazines would work as a reflection of market trends. Women in many countries are primarily marketable based on how attractive the public deems them. I am not saying it is a good thing; it is just the way it is. These women would not be as successful as they are if the public did not find them beautiful.
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I have taken affirmative action to remedy the racial, and potentially ethnic, allusion cast on my choice of examples. After making a great effort to scour the database for a double A rating, I have found two new examples, one from Spain and the other a top model of African-American decent.

Penelope Cruz


Here, you have the Moon as the ruler of the chart, and Venus is forming a trine with the Moon. Venus is also forming a trine to the ascendant. The Moon is strong as is Venus by sign and house position.

Tyra Banks


Tyra's chart is interesting because Venus is forming a weak opposition to the ascendant. I believe the time is slightly off, and Venus should be progressed more North, aligned to the descendant. Either way, it is in a strong position and is an example that, in some respects, the nature of the aspect is not really important. What is important is that some connection is being made to transfer the Venusian energy.
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I would suggest trying to find charts of people who posess physical beauty and do not have Venus in aspect to the ASC or the chart ruler. As a control.

Looking for the Exception to the Rule

I will be proactively defensive with this post, so as to avert any sexist aspersions, by focusing exclusively on the male sex, part of which was designed to determine whether, as T-Small alluded to, there are exceptions to the rule. After some time, I looked up six men commonly regarded as handsome, each of whom have double A Rodden scores. I just went with these, and the results are interesting.

(On another note, I considered that men might be more receptive to a Martian influence on the ascendant or chart ruler. There are also other techniques that I will try later, dating from the Hellenistic period that could change the results. But I will test those at a later time.)

First I shall show the "exception."

Sean Connery – Exception?


Sean Connery has his ascendant in 6º and 7' in Capricorn. His chart ruler is conjunct his ascendant. Mars is forming a nice opposition to his Saturn and ascendant. Venus, however, is too far away to square either. But, if we were to adjust his birth time by a mere 15 to 20 minutes, it would form a nice square to his ascendant, and a difference of 30 minutes would form a square to both Saturn and the Capricornian ascendant. Could it be that his birth time was recorded incorrectly?

Robert Redford


Here, Venus forms an applying square to Redford's chart ruler.

Zac Efron


Efron's Venus forms a sextile to his ascendant.

Jake Gyllenhaal


Gyllenhaal's Venus forms a trine to his ascendant.

Robert Downey Junior


Downy has his Venus conjunct the chart ruler and forming a trine to his ascendant.

Leonardo DiCaprio – Exception?


Here, Venus neither makes an aspect to the ascendant nor does it make an aspect the chart ruler. However, he has Libra rising, making his Venus the chart ruler, which is conjunct the Sun. Perhaps those with Venus as their chart ruler have the benefit of not needing a configuration to the ascendant. Or, perhaps DiCaprio is not exceptionally good looking.
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Hey, thanks for this kind of information that i have searched for long time...

My chart ruler is Moon and it doesnt have aspect with Venus :) Also my Venus has really bad aspects.But it has located perfect place that conjunct with my MC, Part of Fortune and aphrodite in Pieces...

Venus square Saturn 6th house sagittarius
Venus square Uranus 6th house sagittarius
Venus square Mars 6th house sagittarius

...Firstly i wanna say that i feel my self mostly ugly.Finding my faults is my best hobby ever.In order to feel beautiful i can do everything (Saturn Effect).Uranus square Venus gives a person to tend to plastic Surgery,doesnt it?But i have got no idea Mars square Venus.

But according to midpoints sun/asc/venus combination gives me beauty little bit.

Am i ugly?Should i be?How can you comment about this kind of aspects?
An excellent compilation reflecting the good looks/not so good looks of various celebrities. One thing I did note, which may not necessarily be relevant here, is that 7 of the so called "good looking ones" all have a Sun semi-square Venus. I wonder if that is coincidence or if this aspect has in anyway attributed to their looks? :/
Hey, thanks for this kind of information that i have searched for long time...

My chart ruler is Moon and it doesnt have aspect with Venus :) Also my Venus has really bad aspects.But it has located perfect place that conjunct with my MC, Part of Fortune and aphrodite in Pieces...

Venus square Saturn 6th house sagittarius
Venus square Uranus 6th house sagittarius
Venus square Mars 6th house sagittarius

...Firstly i wanna say that i feel my self mostly ugly.Finding my faults is my best hobby ever.In order to feel beautiful i can do everything (Saturn Effect).Uranus square Venus gives a person to tend to plastic Surgery,doesnt it?But i have got no idea Mars square Venus.

But according to midpoints sun/asc/venus combination gives me beauty little bit.

Am i ugly?Should i be?How can you comment about this kind of aspects?

I do not think that you are ugly. You are definitely pretty. I have not yet looked at chart symmetry to determine what factors one should consider in regard to whether one is beautiful.

And the way I have been looking at this is not that the lack of these aspects makes one ugly but that it just makes one not exceptionally beautiful. You can still be beautiful without these aspects. There seem to be exceptions to the rule, which I am trying to determine the reason for such exceptions.

You could post your natal chart. That might help. :smile: I'll then comment on what I see.
An excellent compilation reflecting the good looks/not so good looks of various celebrities. One thing I did note, which may not necessarily be relevant here, is that 7 of the so called "good looking ones" all have a Sun semi-square Venus. I wonder if that is coincidence or if this aspect has in anyway attributed to their looks? :/

Interesting! I'm going to look into this. Semi-squares are very much related to the "physical," so this would be an interesting factor to pursue. Thanks Saturnian for the great observation.
Interesting! I'm going to look into this. Semi-squares are very much related to the "physical," so this would be an interesting factor to pursue. Thanks Saturnian for the great observation.

Lol. I didn't even know that Semi-squares had anything to do with physical beauty. Oh well perhaps we've made a new discovery eh? Would definitely love to hear anything about the semi-square relations.
Hello cypocryphy, Thanks for your enlightening information. I had another method of checking physical beauty before but your method really gives a quick solution to this matter. Where the men are concerned, I really did not give it much attention, and anyways I think that in the mens chart, venus may not be that active in this regards, but maybe the moon and mars plus mercury. Anyways this was very informative for me and thanks for that. A beautiful / handsome man might not get the ladies but certainly a talkative one will, so mercury works here. Just had a look at your chart. Would you like me to comment upon it? I can send to you a private message if you like. Let me know
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Hello cypocryphy, Thanks for your enlightening information. I had another method of checking physical beauty before but your method really gives a quick solution to this matter.

You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :happy:

It's still a theory, so it could change in time. But I believe it works consistently enough to use.

Where the men are concerned, I really did not give it much attention, and anyways I think that in the mens chart, venus may not be that active in this regards, but maybe the moon and mars plus mercury.

I definitely think Mars is a factor. I'll have to look at how the other planets play out. I have also discovered how to tell whether one will be psychic, clairvoyant or mediumistic. I cannot yet separate the classes or modes of psychism but I can, with a very high probability, discern whether people have these types of gifts. But that will be for another post. :whistling:

Anyways this was very informative for me and thanks for that. A beautiful / handsome man might not get the ladies but certainly a talkative one will, so mercury works here. Just had a look at your chart. Would you like me to comment upon it? I can send to you a private message if you like. Let me know

Yeah!!! That would be awesome! I would love for you to comment on it. You can send me a private post or you can post it here. If you think you might say something to embarrass me :)w00t:), then you can send it to me in as a private message. :lol:

I hardly every have anyone interpret my chart or notice things in there, so it's always very enjoyable when someone does. It's like back scratches or a massage. :happy:
Additional Examples​

Nicole Kidman – Sextile & Square


Here, Kidman's Venus makes an applying square to her ascendant as well as a sextile to her chart ruler. Granted it has a Rodden rating of "A" but it is close enough, I am sure, because of the sextile to her chart ruler.

I thought I would add her since she is one of my favorite actresses.

Jessica Alba – Conjunction


Ah. Jessica Alba . . . and she has a AA rating. Look at that wonderful conjunction of Venus to her chart ruler, the Sun.
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@Cypocryphy Here is my photo and my chart...I am wondering your comments cuz my venus has a lot of bad aspects also Venus is my moon sign significator :/


Other Example

Sandra Bullock


Last night I thought of my other favorite actress: Sandra Bullock. Although not a perfect Rodden score, I am not surprised by the result.

Here you have Venus conjunct the ascendant and forming a sextile to the chart ruler, both planets able to express themselves well through the powerful influence of the Sun. And Saturn in its own decan, forming a trine, helps rather than harms.