Kallinka i am sorry but i can't follow
Checking also the natural ruler for the cat and not only the accidental one, is not intuition, but a common approach in horary in lost animals or objects, for the same reason we also rarely use moon ...etc. However "intuition" would have been to say that you knew "instinctively" that the querent will find his lost cat in 4 days, still you couldn't justify this astrologically.
That being said,are we all referring to the charts in this thread or charts you cast based on sidereal? I would kindly ask you, if possible not to mix different Technics or charts, so we can all speak the same language and communicate, especially since in this thread the charts are based on tropical.So what do you mean "to use a natural ruler instead of the accidental ruler, for example. And I'm looking for all indications not only at a single one. Mercury/Venus conjunction would probably match better as timer."?
which is the natural ruler you are you referring to? why would Mercury/Venus conjunction give the time? what is mercury? and what is venus? in which chart and according to tropical or sidereal?
I mean, when we have more than only one option as significator for the cat. The cat in this chart (tropical) could be Jupiter, Saturn and even mercury-because mercury natural rules pets and Asc-ruler Venus is in the rulership of mercury. What I saw is the degree of Venus/ Mercury and Saturn/Jupiter. So intuitively thought 4 units (without turning into sidereal zodiac).
I also looked into the sidereal zodiac but our discussion didn't base on it. I only mentioned it now (in the recent post) because I think it shows better why I came to 4 units.