Natal Moon void

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Dec 29, 2006
The Moon is void if she has made her last major aspect (con., sext., sq., tr., opp.) to the major bodies. They say in mundane affairs that nothing will come of anything begun during the void, it will be worthless, but that isn't necessarily true. If you quit a job during the void you will surely find another one quickly. If you shop for a major item, knowing what to look for, of course, you may just be able to find the very best value for you investment. The universe seems to open to certain loopeholes during the void.

I'm sure most would agree that a human life is never fruitless and that every thing, even Moon VOC, has its purpose.

The Moon is in place to reflect the light of day into the darkness of night. It is our candle in the night. She helps us to feel how we are connected to our world. She rules the womb. When the womb is void it is fully cleansed and prepares once again, a fertile home for potential life. That seed is planted in darkness, ruled by the waters, the Moon. As the waters below were gathered into one place, dry land appeared (a fetus in development, a place for evolving life to step to higher ground and into the light?).

Imagine the chaos that must have taken place as the waters receeded to one place and part of the waters rose above the expanse where the spirit dwells. Perhaps there were raging volcanoes, tsunamis of enormous strength molding and shaping the new world about to be born.
Ann Massey's article states in part...
"I personally believe that individuals born with the Moon void-of-course exhibit the traits the rest of us only experience briefly during Moon void-of-course periods. Emotional issues that throw Moon on-course individuals into a loop don't appear to have the same impact on Moon void-of-course individuals. Let's take a grave emotional issue, such as a death, Moon void-of-course individuals are more capable of rationalizing the issue, and making it more matter of fact. There are fewer ties to major emotional themes, the Moon is allowed to act and react without input from other heavenly bodies. Perhaps this void-of-course Moon could be classified more fatalistic or fated. On the flip-side let's look at a trivial matter, to a Moon-on-course individual, such as a pot plant that withered away while left unattended for a couple of days - I have observed many of void-of-course Moon get upset for days over this insignificant event.

I have also observed how void-of-course Moon individuals tend to fall into jobs, marriages, and other situations that form the basic story lines of human life, through fluke not by apparent design. These void-of-course Moon individuals are not in the least materialistic; pursuing riches is not on their agenda. They go with the flow unless we are talking about moral issues and ethics; they do not take injustice lightly. Void-of-course Moon people, in my opinion, take a very strong stand on what is right and what is wrong, no shades of gray here. Mind you I do not think they are judgmental, but strong ethics appear to be a very inherent, natural trait.

Hilary Clinton is a Pisces Moon void-of-course in the 10th house First Lady. It is apparent that her emotional reactions are very much under control. We could further speculate that she got where she is by fluke in as much as she is not the one who ran for office. She may have known all her life that this was her destiny, and because of it she went with the flow. Maybe the social issues she could right from that position were her motivating force. Perhaps Bill's doings are totally irrelevant as long as Hilary is allowed to complete those goals.

It is important to note that when an individual has a Moon void-of-course that Moon is placed late in the sign. Late degree planets are indicative of qualities, characteristics and traits that are well developed, honed almost to perfection. Maybe the fatalistic categorization isn't that far fetched after all. The emotional responses of a void-of-course Moon individual are almost those of a Buddhist monk or similar religious person learning the art of detachment in order to find enlightenment. With less attachment it is easier to navigate through life and to form fewer bonds requiring a return trip in a new body. It is more difficult to create new karma because by staying detached you are evoking less reactions from others. "

© Anne Massey 1988-2002

Linda Hawthorne, who has passed on, stated that the person with natal Moon Void has completed their personal karmic journey and have chosen to return to assist with a group karma issue. She went on to say that the person will have a sense of frustration until they find their true purpose.

Martha Stewart, Princess Diana, Winston Churchill, Hilary Clinton and Noel Tyl all have natal Moon void. The only other astrologer I've heard acnowledge its importance in the nativity is Jenni Stone in an article for the Mountain Astrologer. Most, including Noel tyl say it's not to be considered. But yet he defines a peregrine planet as one making no applying aspects and gives it utmost importance.

For some other's imput on this subject visit Eros astrology.

So, some questions:

Do you experience emotions and mother differently than would be expected?

What possible special purpose might be found within the void?

Do you notice repeatedly that fated things occur during a void?

Which of the above statements, if any do you find true for you?

Absolutely not true?

What other things are there about you that may be attributed to the unique circumstance of being born during the void?

What purpose might be shown through the last aspect Moon made before her time of reflection?

Have you noticed anything connected to your Moon sign and/or house position being overlooked?

Please share.

(edited to add the last question)

My chart:
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I still dont see why it is called void of contact when it does in fact contact planets, but apparently mine is void by being in the last degrees?

Well I guess I will start this off with my experience of the last time the moon was VOC in virgo, which is also the direct opposite of my natal moon (few days ago). I dont know if anything fated has happened during any of these times, but my experience was... well confusing and scarey. I defintly experience emotions waaaay differently then anyone I have ever met or even heard about who wasn't maybe completly insane.

I am gonna sound like i have issues, which i do (lol), but dont worry because of this experience i am going to seek professional help (i hate therapists so i have been putting it off...).

I may create this in my own head... I once suffered from schizophrenia and still, rarely, have anxiety attacks (more like an explosion of emotion) but those are for a reason so ya lol, because i have a very vivid imagination and had a stressful childhood. This was just completly different.


That morning in my first class, i felt strange... so i tried to embrace the feeling a little to see what it actually was (the day before i could not even describe the feelings i had all day, but not bad). I then felt like crying for no apparent reason and i wasn't really sad or anything. The next class i felt very anxious (i should add there is this girl i am infatuated with in that class so could contribute) and i had this odd pain behind my brestbone (chakra i believe) like i do many times but this was more intense then usual. My last class felt much the same as my second, but i really just wanted to get away from everyone. By the time i came back to my room i felt like i was surging with energy...

I honestly had such an intense feeling... I cant explain.... I felt like my soul was trying to escape my body, and I had the strongest urge to set it free (i kept imagining it coming out from my chest). I had a kind of panic attack or, whatever it is, and eventually calmed down after I kinda talked myself down rationally. I am not suicidal (anymore, heh) and am generally satisfied with my life, although I am defintly not content currently.

Anyway thats my experience with the virgo moon void (was also squaring pluto, and pluto almost rules my chart).

...If anyone has ever felt anything like that i would be thrilled to know how you deal with it.

Oh and if anything crazy happens today I'll let you know, I mostly feel very focused, and all things scorpio seem to be amplified.
I have surely felt the way you describe. Maybe all of us have, or maybe it's my Scorpio Moon, I don't know. I have only felt extrememly that way, though since my Uranus opposition. (I'm a li...ttle older than you ;)) At the same time Uranus was opposing himself, Pluto was crossing my Moon so you can imagine, maybe. During that time I had a couple of panic attacks. One time I was wearing a top my sister had given me as a hand-me-down. She has panic attacks frequently. I learned we can really pick up other people's energy. Anyway, during this time I was led by my tarot angel to develope a synergistic blend of essential oils for me. I was instructed to name it the High Priestess. Its a lovely grounding blend with 13 different oils including Jasamine, patchouli, rose..... I used this blend, inhaling deeply and it brought me back into center, back into my body, maybe. I have a massage therapist who uses it with her clients that need grounding too. I didn't offer it for sale for about a year, but finally decided it was to share. It's not my cheapest blend but probably the best, next to my Caley Cream.

You said, "I still dont see why it is called void of contact when it does in fact contact planets, but apparently mine is void by being in the last degrees?" Perhaps we need to clarify contact. If you touch someone, they can still sense it even after the contact is over but you aren't still touching them, physically. That is the state of a void planet. It isn't empty, really, its that it isn't actively pursuing further contact in the current sign or nature. The contact that has been completed must be sustained and assimilated. What has already occured is sufficient.

The Virgo void you spoke of began with a square to Pluto in Sagittarius and only lasted a few hours later in the day. I have a more emotional time when the Moon is in my natal sign because it is reinacting the natal condition. What you describe sounds very much like a Pisces experience which would also play out by reflex in Virgo. I wish I had your chart in front of me so I could see the last aspect made. I'd like you to look at that last aspect and see how it may fit with the feeling you had in your heart chakra. Your body is attempting to communicate with you, I'm sure of that.

I noticed that I began this thread when the Moon was void. In fact I'm doing my lunar return tonight. I quite often initiated things during the void. I'm not feeling easily brought to tears at all like I often do during Scorpio Moon. It may seem odd but when the Moon is in Leo, and comes across my ascendant but conjuncts Pluto and squares natal Moon, I am usually upbeat, feeling good. This morning the Moon squared Saturn which is pretty close to natal Pluto. That combination would be described as a time of temporary depression. I'm not feeling depressed or sad at all today. I was really sleepy yesterday though. Today I worked on my income taxes (Scorpio) that I've been putting off. Now that I think about it, the Scorpio Moon hasn't bothered me as much recently as Saturn has moved in close to natal Pluto. Looking back to the last time Saturn cojoined natal Pluto, it was a good time in my life.

You said Pluto pretty much rules your chart and today everything Scorpio seems amplified. That is because Scorpio is the 9th house, position from Pisces. Jupiter/Sag/9th house amplifies, multiplies or expands. Remember that when you are experiencing the Piscean energy. Jupiter as the 10th house authority position to Pisces, magnifies your feelings there. If you pick up on someone's fear in your environment, Jupiter with multiply it. That's enough to give anyone a panic attack. So think back to those in the room. Was there someone who seemed sad? Was there someone who seemed anxious? Remember, Pisces knows no boundries.

As for my earlier questions, What purpose might be shown through the last aspect Moon made before her time of reflection in your chart?
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I ran across another article that mentions the Natal Void written by Jenni Stone.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that many of my transits don't go as normally expected. For example, when Venus progressed into Sagittarius I suffered a major loss rather than gain. Natal Jupiter is quite happy in Cancer and Venus is at home in Libra in the natal position. The square is over 6 degrees separating and Jupiter is the most powerful, least friction planet according to cosmodyne calculations. Not only did I suffer a loss, I injured my arm at work and have since been fired to avoid dealing with me. There are other examples, but this is a biggy. I was a model employee and never missed a day.
That really sucks, but if they fired you for that... better off. You get workers comp or anything? Was a very interesting article, i was alot more productive then i usually am when the moon was approuching VOC in scorpio. Then i somehow spilled some liquid onto my keyboard and apparently in the tower too, it started to beep... well anyway i had alot of difficulties but felt good.

My chart is in my signiture if you want to study it, currently in Grand Junction, CO for transits.
You and I have more than the void Moon in common. Our Sun's oppose and we both have a bowl chart. That's definately another area of research I plan to do.

I can see where someone might have told your mom her child would be a new soul. The Aries node is one. And the fact that you have that bundle in Pisces but without the karmic indicator planets involved. But 29Pisces has traveled a long path, you're an old soul. I'm sure you feel like you have the whole universe of time and wisdom packed into your head, ready to pour out on humanity. But perhaps you are searching for how or where and why? Another indicator you don't have personal karma to fulfill is the fact that before the Moon went void she squared the two planets ruling group issues, 3 and 9 degrees ago. 3 shows fertility and expansion. 9 indicates completion, culmination. Jupiter and Moon are at the degree of expiation and atonement.

Linda Hawthorn said that this soul has completed their personal journey and has returned to assist in group karma. Your chart would fit that description beautifully. I wish, the one time I spoke with her I had the experience with astrology that I do now. I would love all the details and data she used to come to that conclusion.

The mere fact that the Moon has finished her work and is now void would support this idea. But lets test it out. Look at the negative happenings in your life. Do you see, looking very honestly at yourself, that it was your karma? We know if it's ours because the same thing keeps happening and we did something to cause it. For example, during my childhood, there was physical abuse. It always seemed to miss me and land on my brother. But his mouth drew it too him. He was an arrogant, sassy little boy. As an adult he continues to dish it out and receive it back, although not through physical violence any more.

There are a few things that have happened directly to me, more than once that I have beat myself up for over and over again searching for what I did to cause it. One example: I opened an organic greenhouse in 1990 specializing in herbs and heirloom flowers. I was a trend setter, noticing the other greenhouses began to grow the same plants as I when they hadn't previously. I received public notice through the media. One article was picked up by the Associated Press and was even published in neighboring states. I was even recognized at the check out of the grocery store. I was creator of the newsletter and later president of my local chapter of Organic Growers of Michigan. In test trials of my plants alongside identical cultivars bought from greenhouses using traditional chemical means of growth, my plants sustained even late frosts where theirs were dead with the slighest provication. I did various advertising, although limited because of resources, but it was creative and well done. Since my location wasn't real convienient, I took myself to the local market, so I covered all my bases. But still after 5 years I hadn't shown a clear profit and gave it up because my husband complained. It did bring us benefits through income taxes but he resented I wasn't tending to his wants like I used to and wouldn't acknowledge what success I did have. But the fact remains, I wasn't materially successful despite the fact I did every thing right. I don't see anything in my chart to account for failure here. Mars is quite comfortable in Capricorn and even in good aspect and mutual reception with Saturn. Jupiter is exalted trine Moon ruling home business. Mercury is exalted and sextile Jupiter. I don't think we can blame it all on Moon square Pluto or Jupiter-Uranus square Neptune-Venus. Jupiter sq. Neptune is the only one still applying and all of them have been completed by converse progression, even Uranus square Neptune. The end of that one by converse progression brought me getting fired for being hurt in the line of duty. :confused: There is no doubt, I didn't deserve that one. I was a model employee. I didn't pursue that job, it came to me. Common reading of my chart may say, Moon in fall in Scorpio, in the 4th, put the Moon energy into Cancer or taurus. That would be service or corporate America out in the world, my 12th and 10th. But that has failed at every turn. So there has to be an explaination and the void Moon seems to be it. There is one thing that all of my seeming failures have in common. That's where I see the group karma fit in. Another thing I've noticed is that all the seeming failures are really secret victories in lessons other's had to learn. For example, my new husband and I were both fired because I dared complain of sexual harassment against both him and me. Civil rights made sure they replaced our lost wages. I know they learned a valuable lesson because they left our profit sharing and 401K moneys untouched even though they could have taken 40% because we weren't fully vested. (Mercury is square to Vesta, separating by 1 minute, by the way)

I know you're kind of young, yet, Piscean, but look at the questions I raise and see what you find. I attached my chart too, in the signiture.
AquarianEssence said:
But perhaps you are searching for how or where and why? Another indicator you don't have personal karma to fulfill is the fact that before the Moon went void she squared the two planets ruling group issues, 3 and 9 degrees ago. 3 shows fertility and expansion. 9 indicates completion, culmination. Jupiter and Moon are at the degree of expiation and atonement.

Linda Hawthorn said that this soul has completed their personal journey and has returned to assist in group karma. Your chart would fit that description beautifully. I wish, the one time I spoke with her I had the experience with astrology that I do now. I would love all the details and data she used to come to that conclusion.

The mere fact that the Moon has finished her work and is now void would support this idea. But lets test it out. Look at the negative happenings in your life. Do you see, looking very honestly at yourself, that it was your karma? We know if it's ours because the same thing keeps happening and we did something to cause it. For example, during my childhood, there was physical abuse. It always seemed to miss me and land on my brother. But his mouth drew it too him. He was an arrogant, sassy little boy. As an adult he continues to dish it out and receive it back, although not through physical violence any more.

This is interesting... it could explain my challenges with love since I broke up with my last G/F. I should of never been with her.... for her sake, but it did give me some experience. She had always been treated badly by guys and been taken advantage of, then I came along and was the nicest guy she had ever been with. Trouble was I didn't like her nearly as much as she liked me, I really didn't feel the mental attraction... honestly. It was hard to relate to her, I felt like we were on different levels (other reasons as well.. **** Venus in Capricorn). I broke up with her and she was crying that whole day in school... and probably after that too. I am still inexperienced with relationships and I could of handled it way better. I talked to her after that and she was telling me how much I ment to her... and I had no freakin clue... I feel so bad still. I was supposed to call her back and I never did... dont have her number now.

Now my heart has been broken by this girl I still cant get over... it really sucks because she is just so much more then any girl I have ever met. Never felt like I could love someone before like her... and I was never even actually going out with her.

However, I have had many more important things happen in my life that I dont think I could of possibly induced because I was an innocent child then. My early years have been ALOT more stressful, emotionally, in relation to most american families. I was finnally able to relax untill I had to meet her... It may be the Karma of my family since the psychic also said that, basically everyone in my family has had past lives with each other except me.

You say your parnter was fired as well, that could be his Karma. I am just delving into transits and progressions, as I have only been studying astrology for a few months. Even with all the planets doing whatever, I think s*** can still just happen. At the same time I dont doubt they can tell us much as any chart is just a snapshot in so called "time", and if everything that will happen is mostly predetermined then the clock we live in can tell us when.

I am interested tho as to how I may assist in group karma, or if I will just find out if this is indeed my purpose or plan.

Edit: I forgot about how the last girl I actually hooked up with (not the girl I felt so much for) was only for 2 days and was like... torture.. when she had to go back home. That was a few years ago I think... pretty soon it will be (how sad is that). I hope I have payed this back...
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You will probably have a lot of very fated relationships with your Vertex at 8Virgo in the 7th. Fatal attraction is coming to mind here. With Mercury in Pisces and Uranus at the galactic center you will, I'm sure, attract and separate from relationships that want to be co-dependant. If you only knew that girl 2 days, and didn't feel a mutual attraction, she was looking for co-dependancy. That is not your intended path at all. You also have Black Moon Lilith square the nodes from the 5th. This will bring some interesting love relationships. She will be your friend as long as you don't repress your hidden desires and be willing to embrace her light in the darkeness. Since she is on the receiving side of your chart, you'll probably uncover other people's hidden desires that they deny. You could be Lillith for others, confronting them with their dark side, which seems to be the case with the girl you mention. The other girl is a tool to help you re-member what it feels like to be in the other girl's shoes and fully embody the Piscean nature. Notice, too, that Lilith is trine your Sun. I have much more to write about her, but if you'd like to visit my site there's a good start to uncovering Lilith's secrets.

As for your group issues, I would look to the last aspect Moon made, which is conjunct Jupiter. The theme here is embrasing all that Pisces is, which is everything, seen and unseen. Jupiter also rules your 11th house of groups where we find Uranus, Neptune and even Saturn who is close enough to act out in that house. Through Uranus, there is a whole generation as a group carrying this energy. It's attractive and repulsive at the same time. The galactic center is drawing in but Uranus' job is to separate each of us from what is no longer useful for our evolutionary growth, then Pluto takes it and transforms it into something new and better. You will probably see a lot of relationships come and go as necessary. Neptune in Capricorn will dissolve physical barriers. I think you will learn to perceive the difference between what is real and what is imagined and be a light through giving compassion when these separations happen, both in your relationships and other people's. You will probably also learn how to see what appears to be imagined, symbolically or see the symbolism in things and events. Then you will see the reality in it.
Thank you so much for your input, this has really turned into our own spectated conversation. Maybe it was not such a good idea to start this while the moon was VOC :38:

If anyone else has natal moon void then please comment on how you experience the questions AquarianEssense raises.

I feel more like an old soul then a new one. Eventhough I feel lost and confused at times, I think we all do. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I feel like so many people are ignorant and blind and I feel the obligation to help them. This causes problems, as you can imagine, with me trying to press my beliefs on them and my tendincy to always think I am right (which I am most of the time damnit lol). Sometimes in class they ask you to learn how to "think critically" or take a certain perspective and i am like... wow i've always done that with everything. It is sad how many poeple live unconciously and I wish I could show them the way, but all are not ready and all wont listen (not saying I am ready to fully live conciously).

What you say about Lilith makes me think of what I have been considering making my main career lately. I think I would do well as a psychologist, strong plutonian energies and after dealing with my own psychological difficulties. I would enjoy helping people, but I can see where it could get annoying trying to deal with some people (I have found I have more patience for people then many of my peers though). I also think astrology could benefit GREATLY from new scientific research on both how it is actually possible and more in depth as far as mental deseases or personality defects. Both psychology and astrology could go hand in hand very well, gaining new insight and acceptance into both sciences.

I dont know if this is my "destiny" or if anyone has a "destiny", but I've always felt somewhat special. Many things in my life have seemed like "fate" and I can attribute them to being beneficial in the long run, I have been handed many opportunities. I feel like there are alot of things I am O.K. at and I am very versitile (alot of mutable as you know) but I dont know what I am supposed to do yet.

You talk about all things pisces being part of my intended path so maybe I am realy supposed to take a more spiritual path? I have been told about the strong polarity of my bowl rim, Pluto/Scorpio (Power) in the 9th house(higher mind) and Mars/taurus (resources) in the 3rd house (i more identify with the 3rd house... lower mind). However... I really think people would respect an educated, qualified, and scientific view in these days. After all true spiritualism is a solo journey, and expecting someone other then yourself to run your life or show you the truth is to give away your own divine power and right. Forgive me, Christians and others, your religion is not wrong or less divine and carries with it many truths as do all religions.

Anyway, you have most likley been one of my fated relationships. Ever since I have started to seek truth and studied astrology my life seems like one fated event after another. I think anyone with the moon VOC has a different, more fated, purpose then other incarnations. I am NOT saying we are better in any way as we all serve a purpose.

I will read about Lilith on your site and would be grateful for any more insight you have to offer me, and am willing to help you in your research as I am able.
You're right, we do all have our purpose and place in the greater scheme of things. You know what they say, a time for every purpose under heaven, even for the void. Another question I've pondered is, what might I be involved in that I don't want to succeed. I can see the mother and broken family (Jupiter-Uranus in Cancer) accused of being unfit (Moon in Scorpio square Pluto). That happened to my mother, we were taken twice. She eventually won us back when she appealed to the higher court that would only look at her fitness as a mother rather than her sexual prefrence. One of the reasons she was declared unfit was because she was involved in a Lesbian relationship back in the 60s, a big no-no. Then 30 years later my soon to be ex accused me of being an unfit mother using contraversial home schooling as his weapon of choice. Once again it came to nothing. The battles always catch me completely off guard but I always win the war.

That's another thing you may have noticed with void Moon. My instincts aren't always turned on when you would think they are needed the most. This may be so I can't avoid those relationships and events that are my fated lot. I think the general theme that I have been a channel for is the issue of a womans place, fitness as an equal but different human being, the value of the mother and woman, both in the family and in the work world. Every negative experience I've been involved in is infused with this theme.

Psychology is a good field for the Pisces energy. It fits you Mc also. With Saturn involved you'd probably want to be in private practice though, so you can be in charge. Or at least have a group that you're in charge of. With Capricorn ruling your 12 you'd have a grounded approach to your psychological views. Mars opposing Pluto could be put to good use through integrating astrology into your practice along with role playing or other techniques that can get to the underlying matters. Your skills will surely come before the public in some way. (Aries point on the 2nd cusp)

Oh, by the way, the coming Solar eclipse in March will touch your Jupiter-Moon. I think you may already be experiencing some at-one-ment.;)

As much as I've appreciated all you've shared, I too hope others will join in. I see several with Moon VOC. Perhaps it is the traditional negative definition given that scares others away. I don't think of it that way at all. The void is like a time of rest, that's a good time, and very necessary.
Yes many of the aspects to my moon talk about a disruptive early life, but overall it was not nearly as bad as you have described and many have experienced. I still feel lucky for where and who I am in my life.

AquarianEssence said:
That's another thing you may have noticed with void Moon. My instincts aren't always turned on when you would think they are needed the most. This may be so I can't avoid those relationships and events that are my fated lot.

I have indeed noticed this many times... hard to explain, but i know how to act but i dont always do it. Sometimes like watching myself do something wrong, but thats more of Lilith's influence maybe.

Try taking this test on tickle for Emotional IQ I wonder if people with a VOC water sign moon would score generally high on this. You need an account but it's free unless you get an indepth profile. It requires empathy and perception etc. into emotions, a different kind of skill many people overlook and see as weakness. I got a 135, 99th percentile scoring perfect on empathy ;) (like now I probly come off as bragging to some). Too bad I cant act on all of my own wisdom tho... at least yet.

The test is also PH.D certified
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I just went through 100 questions and didn't get a score...probably because I said no thanks to their Mabelline offer?

What I really meant is that I don't always have the best intuition at cruicial times. I am very perceptive and figure every thing out when the time is right but there is a time when my raw insticts seem to be on hold. I'm thinking it is because if they were working normally in the beginning I wouldn't be a key player in the senario and that is where I'm supposed to be. So the instincts are shut down until I'm in place and the cards have been played. An example would be the cover up of defects on medical parts that was going on in my work place. For a while I didn't even understand what was going on. Then when the time was right, all the cards were played and my work there was done, I figured it out and reported it. If I'd woke up sooner, some key things wouldn't have played out. If my intuition was working properly in the first place I would have never taken that job. One of the defective parts was a knee bracket for prostetics. I have more than one family member that depend on those for their safe mobility.
I dont know you should get one, just skip the stupid offer but anyways I see what you mean. I didn't know what intuition was, exactly, untill recently and have never known how to follow my confusing feelings. Strange though, I can empathise and see others emotions, yet have a hard time with my own.

Your theory makes sense, if you were to of sensed the job was bad then you may have never accomplished some purpose later on. Interesting...
AquarianEssence said:
The Moon is void if she has made her last major aspect (con., sext., sq., tr., opp.) to the major bodies. They say in mundane affairs that nothing will come of anything begun during the void, it will be worthless, but that isn't necessarily true. If you quit a job during the void you will surely find another one quickly. If you shop for a major item, knowing what to look for, of course, you may just be able to find the very best value for you investment. The universe seems to open to certain loopeholes during the void.

I'm sure most would agree that a human life is never fruitless and that every thing, even Moon VOC, has its purpose.

The Moon is in place to reflect the light of day into the darkness of night. It is our candle in the night. She helps us to feel how we are connected to our world. She rules the womb. When the womb is void it is fully cleansed and prepares once again, a fertile home for potential life. That seed is planted in darkness, ruled by the waters, the Moon. As the waters below were gathered into one place, dry land appeared (a fetus in development, a place for evolving life to step to higher ground and into the light?).

Imagine the chaos that must have taken place as the waters receeded to one place and part of the waters rose above the expanse where the spirit dwells. Perhaps there were raging volcanoes, tsunamis of enormous strength molding and shaping the new world about to be born.
Ann Massey's article states in part...
"I personally believe that individuals born with the Moon void-of-course exhibit the traits the rest of us only experience briefly during Moon void-of-course periods. Emotional issues that throw Moon on-course individuals into a loop don't appear to have the same impact on Moon void-of-course individuals. Let's take a grave emotional issue, such as a death, Moon void-of-course individuals are more capable of rationalizing the issue, and making it more matter of fact. There are fewer ties to major emotional themes, the Moon is allowed to act and react without input from other heavenly bodies. Perhaps this void-of-course Moon could be classified more fatalistic or fated. On the flip-side let's look at a trivial matter, to a Moon-on-course individual, such as a pot plant that withered away while left unattended for a couple of days - I have observed many of void-of-course Moon get upset for days over this insignificant event.

I have also observed how void-of-course Moon individuals tend to fall into jobs, marriages, and other situations that form the basic story lines of human life, through fluke not by apparent design. These void-of-course Moon individuals are not in the least materialistic; pursuing riches is not on their agenda. They go with the flow unless we are talking about moral issues and ethics; they do not take injustice lightly. Void-of-course Moon people, in my opinion, take a very strong stand on what is right and what is wrong, no shades of gray here. Mind you I do not think they are judgmental, but strong ethics appear to be a very inherent, natural trait.

Hilary Clinton is a Pisces Moon void-of-course in the 10th house First Lady. It is apparent that her emotional reactions are very much under control. We could further speculate that she got where she is by fluke in as much as she is not the one who ran for office. She may have known all her life that this was her destiny, and because of it she went with the flow. Maybe the social issues she could right from that position were her motivating force. Perhaps Bill's doings are totally irrelevant as long as Hilary is allowed to complete those goals.

It is important to note that when an individual has a Moon void-of-course that Moon is placed late in the sign. Late degree planets are indicative of qualities, characteristics and traits that are well developed, honed almost to perfection. Maybe the fatalistic categorization isn't that far fetched after all. The emotional responses of a void-of-course Moon individual are almost those of a Buddhist monk or similar religious person learning the art of detachment in order to find enlightenment. With less attachment it is easier to navigate through life and to form fewer bonds requiring a return trip in a new body. It is more difficult to create new karma because by staying detached you are evoking less reactions from others. "

© Anne Massey 1988-2002

Linda Hawthorne, who has passed on, stated that the person with natal Moon Void has completed their personal karmic journey and have chosen to return to assist with a group karma issue. She went on to say that the person will have a sense of frustration until they find their true purpose.

Martha Stewart, Princess Diana, Winston Churchill, Hilary Clinton and Noel Tyl all have natal Moon void. The only other astrologer I've heard acnowledge its importance in the nativity is Jenni Stone in an article for the Mountain Astrologer. Most, including Noel tyl say it's not to be considered. But yet he defines a peregrine planet as one making no applying aspects and gives it utmost importance.

For some other's imput on this subject visit Eros astrology.

So, some questions:

Do you experience emotions and mother differently than would be expected?

What possible special purpose might be found within the void?

Do you notice repeatedly that fated things occur during a void?

Which of the above statements, if any do you find true for you?

Absolutely not true?

What other things are there about you that may be attributed to the unique circumstance of being born during the void?

What purpose might be shown through the last aspect Moon made before her time of reflection?

Please share.

My chart:

What i underlined in bold letters describes me so good...
The not being so emotional disturbed by big dramas (break ups, deaths) but going mad over details...
Add to it that i'm a late Virgo Moon :38:

No one ever called me overemotional, some even thought i have no feelings...
Little do they know...
But, i place heart and head on the same rank... And I try to think before i lash out emotionally, this could indeed be not so good for my spontanity, but to my surprise, many ppl called me spontanouos and enthousiastic...
Stupid Mercury RX! Have patience, Mercury will be much cooperative as soon as it picks up some speed. Mercury doesn't care which direction he's going, as long as he's not moving SLOW... hence why the stations cause so much grief.

I took am working on a reply, hopefully will finish tonight. I have a 29Aqu52 moon :)
Well I see this thread wants to come to life but has had a slow quickening, probably due to starting it when Moon was void:(. But I'm not giving up hope. I know more than one has tried to contribute. It isn't void right now and I just edited the initial post to include a very important question I overlooked in the beginning. The Moon isn't void now but if you're over 8 hours away from me, it is, so It'll probably still be overlooked by some. But we'll see.
Belgianmoonguy, somehow I missed your post. I apologize, and thank you. I have went through major shifts with important deaths but have experienced them differently too. It isn't that I lack emotion, that would be impossible with a Scorpio Moon, they are even more intense. But with each one, I was emotionally detached in any way that would hold them here, have even cared for two people as they "crossed over" that threshhold, blessing their journey. My last aspect is Moon trine Uranus.

One thing I've noticed is that emotions are in high gear in areas that are often overlooked by others. One of my biggies is the way mothers are so disrespected and undervalued. When I was working as a temp there was a woman making $8/hr, not enough to care for her family. Welfare paid her day care provider $20 a week more than she made to care for her children so she could be underpaid. Why wouldn't they pay her that much? She's the best one to provide that service, or at least that is her divine right. These things stimulate more emotion than I can describe.

Please see the last question I added above and give your thoughts.
Flower1 said:
I think it makes perfect sense that a birth is a moment in time, just like a horary and therefore, a VOC Mn should be just as valid natally.

I totally agree. A birth is but a moment in time, which exactly what horary is.

Flower1 said:
Other than the late degree of a VOC Mn, I don't know either what is the difference between that and a peregrine planet (Mn in this case).

You must be refering to Noel Tyl's definition and not the traditional meaning. There is no difference between his (a planet that receives no applying ptolomaic aspect before it leaves it's current sign) and one that is VOC. That is the void. The traditional meaning of peregrine, according to Lilly:

A Planet is then said to be Peregrine, when he is in the degrees of any Sign wherein he has no essential dignity: As Saturn in the tenth degree of Aries, that Sign being not his House, Exaltation, or of his Triplicity, or he having in that degree either Term or Faces, he is then said to be Peregrine; had he been in 27, 28 &c. of Aries, he could not be termed Peregrine, because then he is in his own Term. So the Sun in any part of Cancer is Peregrine, having no manner of dignity in that Sign. This is very much material in all Questions, to know the Peregrine Planet, especially in questions of Theft; for ever almost the significator of the Thief is known by the Peregrine Planet posited in an Angle, or the second House.

So we have to be careful not to confuse the two. I tried to suggest the name Virgin since he was emphasising the untouched quality, my suggestion must have been overlooked. But you are right. That is exactly a void of course body. But then we have to dicker over the orb because many planets are void temporarily within certain orbs. The real test is, does it act void? My Moon certainly acts void. Then to complicate matters my Sun in the 2nd is peregrine by the traditional definition but is barely within moiety of orb to one planet, Jupiter, so isn't unaspected unless you tighten the orb. Sextile should manifest 2nd house matters and it is in good aspect to the nodes. But then, I see in the above quote that Peregrine Sun in the 2nd is a theif, oh my. :eek: I'm certainly not a theif. Very little manifests by my 2nd house efforts though. So off I went in search of why. Since I have 2 sons which void Moon it it's importance is threefold.

Flower1 said:
I rather like the fact that I've done some emotional work in this life and am more detached. Perhaps that does prepare us for broader group karma type work as suggested by Ann Massey. I wonder if we took a bunch of light worker's for example and checked their Moons, I wonder what percentage would have a VOC MN? Seems like they are on a group mission.

Well, let's see: My Moon in Scorpio in the 4th of family Karma. I was born into a family where the Male is the traditional head with majority say and power. My dad's ancestors parted ways in Ohio, my Grandpa's closest kin coming to Schoolcraft Michigan to settle in the prairie with the brother moving further west to eventually give birth to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Morman church. Need I say more? On my mother's side are a long line of mininster's of the southern Baptist type persuasion. I share a little of the attitudes in my family in my ongoing Lilith article on my website. While I do currently embrase the truth hidden in the scriptures I have always seemed to be the one to point out the discrepencies in what one preaches and what one practices, both within the church and my family. I have always felt like an alien in what ever circle I find myself in, wether it be church or family. My basic energies allow me to still feel comfortable most any place I find myself, at least to a certain extent, but I still always feel like an oddball.

When I look back at the dramas in my life I feel like I was playing the supporting role to show the lead what is really going on behind stage and this is why the curtain just closed. My dad has had the opportunity to see his little girl be treated in the same way he treated women but with a completely different outcome. I didn't play the game. You're right, there are many people in my life who have just gone through life not thinking about anything, comfortable to carry on the sins of the father. I have ended a lot of family karma.

We were taken away from my mom claiming she was immoral and neglected us. She lost our home when she lost her job and we slept in the car for a time. Then she was in a lesbian relationship. During my divorce my ex accused me of neglecting our children's education (controversial home schooling) and someone who's identity remains hidden called protective services on me with a sexual accusation. The whole thing caught me completely off guard, never expected. But of course, it went no where. That is not my karma, so why would it. But it did complete my mom's karma. The drama of my dad's karma may not be quite completed yet. My mom's never surfaced until 3-4 years after her death so the final chapter in my dad's may not surface until after he is gone. A little bragging on my neglect of their 13 year old just did an online ged test and on his second attempt got 93%. So I guess he's ok.

Flower1 said:
The Soul may be born to come in and "clean up" so to speak very deep ancestral and generational karma that noone has delt with (think of all the individual family members that live in denial). They bring up all the "glunk", forcing the issue to find healing but was it "their" karma? Perhaps not. The VOC Moon may convey this as the biggest problems are given to those Souls who can handle them as they "take on" the karmic glunk. Perhaps it means they have the means to resolve things without the threat of getting stuck in the long run because once born, our feet do get muddy.

I have to totally agree from my experience. So many things have happened out of the blue, like my example above. I've done more than my share of soul searching for where the cause originated and haven't been able to find it in myself. I have neither gained or lost anything, really, from those experiences. Even when my dad gave money to my ex that was rightfully mine the universe replaced it from a different source, unexpectedly. Have you ever noticed this happening, since you have an 8th house Moon?

I would think if making other's responsible for what they rightfully owe is part of the purpose for your Moon, then when you've completed contact with anyone who was the target, that part should fall away.

My ultimate goal with this searching and researching is to learn how to discover the ultimate purpose and benefits of being born during the void. Noel says these peregrine planets, which are really void planets, tend to run away with the chart, which is true of his 3rd house Leo Moon. He is an eloquant communicator and writer. It's hard to remember he has a Capricorn Sun with that Moon. He has clearly found the niche for his Moon and doesn't feel the frustration that I have experienced because he has figured out how to reflect the light of his Sun through his Moon. His group karma? That one is easy. The last aspect his Moon made was to sextile Mars who rules his 11th, group forum on the internet. I'm sure he has helped with a lot of karma through that channel. Even his mystery abby spammer is probably part of it. He obviously is doing sacrificial service to put up with that constant headache. One thing he may be overlooking for the greater good?

Thanks for your input, flower, I look forward to more. And thanks for pointing out that thread. I had completely overlooked it. I follow it up, as I'd never heard of this man before. I'm sure at least a couple have tried to boil me in oil for an idea or two, but I just ad some calendula and comphrey, and like magic, I have my Caley Cream. :D
Thanks for bringing that to my attention, Flower. I had completely overlooked it.

I decided to look at the prenatal eclipse to see if it confirms the theme of my life. That led me back to the mother eclipse back in 1179. It was very interesting. I want to share this with any interested enough to read it so you can see the connection with my void Moon.

Saros 126 are south node eclipses and this one began near the south pole. So the theme is the seeds of ending, moving away from what doesn’t work to what does, or perhaps a union that was over before it began. I can clearly see what needed to end. Everything except Cancer and Capricorn was intercepted, due to it’s extreme southern location. Placing it at my place of birth, the south node is in the house of income. The chart is ruled by Saturn who is debilitated as an employee (6th, ruling 1 and 2) partly because he is disposited by Mercury 8* (reactive-karmic) before the node in Pisces, but also because he is more suited to being in charge. Here, he looks more like an indentured servant. Sun and Moon are at 26Pisces in the 3rd, family. Looking at the parents or IC-MC I see that they have found a good working relationship. Here I see a family business, which is what most businesses were, I assume, back in 1179. There is some indication also that it may be like the tribe of Levy, temple servants. The nodes at 10* reminded me of the tithe. Aries-Libra rule 4/10. Venus is in Taurus and Mars is in Scorpio, so both are quite comfortable by being in each others house, because each rules the income of the other. Interesting? I've seen quite a few charts recently that make me aware of this unique relationship Venus and Mars have by Ruling houses side by side (like Gemini's glyph). In this chart I saw that each were contributing their skills and relying on the other for their income in a partnership. Apparently Venus was more suited to nurturing than being on the front lines at the MC so she was in the 4th taking care of the home base. Mars was better at being away from home and building the community relations so he was in the 10th. So, as far as the dispositorship, the buck stops there.

I woke this morning from a dream showing me that a planet being in the sign across from where they rule is similar to a photographer, unnoticed by the subject, able to get natural, candid shots. Both Mars and Venus are in this position and also dignified by being in their own natural signs, just blending into the environment.

The problem was with the new Moon routing. Jupiter, the only known ruler at that time was close to the cusp in the 2nd (5/11 of parents) in Aquarius with Saturn an employee, and his ruler fell. Looks like someone didn’t get paid or valued for their contribution. In horary, Jupiter would clearly be seen as the thief being peregrine and in the 2nd. Ruling the 12 reinforces this. The yet undiscovered future ruler, Neptune, had the same handicap being at 0 Aquarius in the 1st. The future ruler of Aquarius who would help with the evolutionary changes was at the solstice point of my current Sun. which just happens to be where the North node is, almost 11 Virgo in the 8th and where Mercury is exalted. Interesting? Uranus isn’t too bad off here since his dispositor, Mars, is in his other sign of rulership. So he has some dignity. Mercury rules the 9th (religious institutions and in-laws), along with the 6th, so he may have been a servant. Mars is placed conjunct my current pars heyleg, purpose for life, not too far from BML. Pluto is opposing his current position and sextile my natal Pluto. Saturn is conjunct my Vesta in 11th, the temple prostitute. During a past life journey I did, I saw myself as a prostitute. Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Uranus and Pluto are all peregrine here. (Perhaps we had an alien visitation?) Chiron is exact square the new Moon standing right next to Pluto.

So it seems that the main goal of this series of eclipses is to change the way income and charity was viewed by evolving Mercury into Virgo (which is where mine is) and the north node in the 8th. Jupiter, ruler of this eclipse, also rules the 12th. I have a feeling he was taking someone else’s portion or may have not been getting paid his due. He is 10* before the Sun and Moon, again reminding me of the tithe.

This is so interesting with the experiences I’ve had. My main job raising 7 sons, is completely unpaid. My last job away from home was grueling but I still qualified for public assistance, if I would have chosen to apply. My ex and I ran a business for a year that my dad built, back in 80. Immediately the recession hit, gas doubled, the engine for the main business tool had to be replaced, depleting all the resources we had brought into the venture. When we decided not to buy the business, my dad kept all of our accounts receivable, deciding we owed that to him, even though he had a new engine to resell. On more than one occasion family members have not paid what was agreed upon with my ex. And he still owes me part of our assets although I paid him off for the house earlier than agreed upon. Other things I have in common with this eclipse is N. Mercury on the 9th, n. Vesta conjunt Saturn inconjunct n. Chiron, n.MC conjunct Venus, n. desc conj. Jupiter, N. Sun conj. Node and square 6/12, natal Chiron conjunct equatorial ascendant, n. pars heyleg conjunct Mars, all close to exact.

I didn’t find a lot of historical detail about this time period, but a little. The year before on June 18, 1178 5 Canterbury Monks witnessed an explosion on the Moon, now believed to be the origin of crater Giordano Bruno. Chretien de Troyes of France introduced Camelot into the Arthurian legend and placed Lancelot in the saga along with the quest for the Holy Grail. The Crusades were taking place during this time period. Pope Alexander III forbids the Waldensians to preach without permission from the diocesan bishop. Waldo rejects the prohibition, saying he will obey God, not man. (Does this sound like sound like Pisces eclipse series?)

The prenatal Eclipse before I was born was one of 10 total eclipses in this series. The longest total eclipse was right after I was married in 1972. At the prenatal eclipse Gemini and Sag were intercepted (that original Saturn placement, ruler of the mother chart) in 5/11, with Leo/Aquarius ruling 1/7 and 2/8, confirming the problem with values. I interpret this chart as a lack of love and/or children, in the truest sense of the word, being projected onto the values system and sexual identity or purpose which causes reason vs. revelation to be thrown out of balance both within the love axis, one’s children and the evolutionary growth of humanity. The home school theme that was the focus of my divorce is also shown by the interception in the house of schools with the signs of education. Pisces, the mother eclipse, is the sign of large institutions such as public schools. The other thing that occurred to me is the great decline in births leaving less chance for re-generation, re-creation. No one can accuse me of not doing my part here with 7 sons.

This eclipse shows the new Moon just inside the 12th of large institutions and unfinished business at 8Cancer, sign of the home and mother. This was a very interesting eclipse because Jupiter was also completly eclipsed, or occulted behind the Sun. So earth, Moon Sun and Jupiter were all perfectly aligned. Another very interesting thing that happened that day is that a man named Maurice Allias, a French economist, had been conducting a series of experiments with a pendulum. During the eclipse, the pendulum took an unexpected turn, changing its angle of rotation by 13.5 degrees. Both before and after the eclipse, the pendulum experienced normal rotation (Foucault effect of 0.19 degrees/minute). This 13.5-degree excursion in the angular plane persisted throughout the length of the eclipse, a total of 2.5 hours of observations. Allais got similar results when he later repeated the experiment during a solar eclipse in 1959. If you should research this further, note that the wikipedia article is under question as to it’s neutrality and Nasa’s site seems to agree that something is important here. Unfortunately there is a lot of mystery with further studies conducted around the world with one man leaving Nasa and taking his notes with him from a recent total eclipse study. This abnormality observed could teach much more about the nature of gravity since there is still much they don’t understand. Another interesting note, my adopted maiden name was French. In one of my past life meditations I was in France, during the Revolutionary period, I think.

Every planet in this chart follows a route back to the Moon except Saturn and Mars who are in mutual reception just as when I was born. To determine where the imbalance came from I have to look at the dignities and placement of energies. Mars is exalted at 0Capricorn in the 5th (same as natal) and gives his strength to Saturn in the 4th while also ruling the MC and 5th house. That fits my having authority over my children and working in my home most of my life. Neptune is sitting on the 4th cusp opposing the MC showing some unfinished business in the family karma. Neptune rules the 9th, and no, I don’t have a “college” education but am self taught. The rulers of the interception are Mercury, ruled by Moon in Cancer, and Jupiter also in Cancer, exalted. All but north node are in Cancer so the scales are heavy on the side of the home and family. North node in the 6th in Capricorn indicates service in smaller business from home (Saturn in 4th) Jupiter is better placed than Mercury being in Cancer and the 12th house so Gemini in the 11th must be where the imbalance had occurred.

As for Leo and Aquarius deficiency, Sun is weaker than Saturn but his partner, Uranus isn’t too comfortable. Still, Saturn wins out and rules the node so the deficiency must be on the Leo side where Venus and Pluto reside. This again points to a lack or re-creation and children. This is a bowl chart just as my natal is with all the energy from the 12th to 6th cusp showing a self sufficient protected state. The 6 degree Leo ascendant shows my 6 sons home schooled with my 1st husband. In looking for my 7th son I notice that my POF is on the 11th with is the 5th of the 7th. He certainly is a daddy’s boy. My boys know how to do everything they need to know, including cooking, mending and cleaning the toilet. Each year I hope that our representatives will finally pass a bill to give the school tax money to the parents to fund the education of their choice for their children. Since 1985 our tax money has gone to other people’s children instead of our own. Maybe before my last is grown it will be accomplished. That would help to put an end to the lack of value for the service that the parent provides in the home.

The imbalance on the 12th house sides with North node on the other side shows the need to leave the large institutions behind and move back to private (Saturn at 2 Scorpio in the 4th) home based small business or schools with more of the cooperative (Aries-Libra 10/4) effort rather than large corporations or government institutions.

The benefits that Jupiter has hidden behind Moon and Sun? My oldest was able to have 13 credit hours under his belt at the local community college by 18 and my 13 year old just scored 93% with an online high school equivalency test. If I had the money they all would have spent their teen age years at the local college or gaining the knowledge in the field of their choice if they’d known what they wanted to do. When my oldest would have been a senior, the local high school began to allow their seniors get a head start also. The other thing Jupiter there did was to give parents in the early days of the home school movement, protection to home school under our religious freedom rights.

I also see in these charts the dissolving of the institution of the family as we knew it with a new structure forming where one consistent parent is the backbone of the family with the need to be valued. Even the Sun here, depends on the Moon-mother. Reading these charts reminded me that when I ran my greenhouse I paid my children but never paid myself, even though I spent up to 15-16 hours a day working.

My natal Moon sits on the 5th cusp of this eclipse chart telling me perhaps my purpose is to re-create. That seems so strange since I’ve always felt like I had to be working in some way. But if I look at it as providing a means for souls to re-enter the earth plane, that’s quite a noble job. So many were killed during the wars before my birth. I’m sure they weren’t finished with their physical journeys. The family karma in this chart involves fairness and equality which confirms the idea that I am to assist with restoring balance here. Venus rules here along with the 11th house of group issues. In the old days the 1st child was offered as a sacrifice, given to temple service. I have focused mainly, on temple service. My natal Venus is in Libra. In the eclipse chart she is at karmic 15 Leo, the degree of Lammas, the offering of the first fruits. I am the first born of 7. This is the number of days in a week. In 6days the work was done and on the 7th God rested, re-created. According to the Jews, that was Saturday. I was born on Saturday. What is the best thing to do during the void? Rest and re-create. Hmmm. Maybe I just need to relax.

I apologize if I got too long fingered, here:9: