Nominee For "Word of the Day"

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Gazebo. (Ga ze' bo), long "e".

From Latin, "ebo", I shall, and "gaze", look.

A small, picturesque, roofed, open-walled structure for sitting and enjoying the landscaping and/or a private garden. Earliest known depiction - ancient Egypt, c.3000 B.C.

The word was invented for this purpose by English architects, John & William Halfpenny, in the 1700s.
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The appearance of being true or real

‘The detail gives the novel some verisimilitude.’

I have three gears.

Neutral. steady. extreme.

But what speeds are hit with these gears?

Well the tempo could relate to the mind.


(Bee hive cluster is in Cancer constellation)


The tempo cannot be coaxed by the external, the mind must register what is going on and react accordingly. It is self governing and rebellious.

Moon & Mars trine Uranus.
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It's two words, actually, and are words from the Chippewa language. The spelling in English is thus a bit arbitrary. The words mean big sea, or great water, depending on the sourced translation. It has traditionally been taken to have been the Chippewa name for Lake Superior.
"Great sea" indeed! As today I found out that there are whales that exist in the Great Lakes, or at least in Lake Superior. Fresh water whales... I would have never guessed as such.
Check it out.