Persistent unknown itching

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she went to spain for 6 weeks. still the same problem
digestion? ummm dunno
I am not a doctor I dont want to speculate on what is causing it.
when scalp it itchy dandruf it is usually dryness ... BUT it has spread.
She could have eaten some same ingrdient, item in Spain also - so same result.

Spain is on the same planet :)
Good morning :sleeping:

My gender is on the opposite side of the spectrum (Male)
I did go to Spain and the foods there are pretty much the same, I can verify that. Most humans are also creatures of habit, we eat or try to eat the same kinds of foods we do elsewhere, when possible. Also in the last 2 decades or so exportation is a lot more prominent than it was prior to that.

Tikana, it has indeed spread but I ment to say to pretty much the same region, maybe I should have made that more obvious so no misconception could occur.
It started on a very small spot on the top of my crown (scalp) and since then over the course of a few years it started to move to other places on my head. First moving to the majority of my hair on the top of my head. Recently like a year or so now to eyebrows also. Prior to that I also had some outbreaks around my upper lip (moustache area) and beneath my lower lip (slightly above chin)

Passiflora, you question the lack of fat. It might be a possibility but I do not know how I would know this. The only thing is that I have always been very skinny. I eat quite alot for someone my weight (60 kilo's) this includes quite a lot of meat. The meat I eat is mostly chicken some turkey/pork/beef but the latter 3 a lot less. Fat might be a issue, interesting point.
I have done numerous blood tests and the results vary. I have had times when my Iron and Zinc were low. As recently as a month ago I did the scans and got my blood tested quite extensively as well (12 or 14 vials.) All values were normal (incl. Zinc and Iron which were low previously.)

Now that is out of the way, back to Astrology.

Aquarius, you brought up Virgo twice, I am curious why you refer to that. Since it is the ruler of the 9th house in the chart what does it have to do with the question? Is it because it is the natural ruler of the 6th or because it is ruled by Venus?
You also bring up wheat. I did skin prick tests for allergy 2 months ago and wheat did leave a red spot. The assistant who did the testing said it was not big enough to be considered a allergy (the welt was really small) I found it curious though.

Final point - The whole situation with water might be appropriate. I do experience a lot of thirst and I drink a lot. More so than I ever recall having before. Which is why I find that point curious. It could all be linked, sadly my nescience of this subject impairs my ability to read the chart by myself.

Thank you all so much for all the effort and information shared!
I honestly do not know what to say or give you any sort of a solid answer without sounding like "should have could have and etc."
umm try holistic medicine.

Don't worry Tikana,

You do not have to prescribe me a remedy. I would just like information on the chart, that is all :wink:

If everything has already been stated then that is fine, it is all I could ask for!
But since I am a very curious and inquiring person, I always tend to have a lot of questions.
I'll probably look really out of space and also pretty cuckoo but your natal chart says your on fire mate like you have stellium in fiery fixed leo firt house wich rules head and your only watery planet is pluto opposing jupiter in fiery cardinal aries trine your first house battleship. So like it is not so stricking for me that you have chronically dry skin on the head. You must be pretty much ego person so like, I don't know I would maybe recomend some meditation you know
All opinions and insights are more than valued Meluzina!

It has never been chronic though. I started suffering from this around age 27. Went right ahead to the doctor when it started and he just brushed me away saying it was nothing. It just kept on getting worse and worse to the state I am in now. I have been doing some light meditation but I have trouble sitting still hahah. Usually when I try to meditate I prefer to lay down rather than sitting and then I fall asleep....
Thanks for the insight into the natal chart though!

Edit - Funny enough that is also close to the time I started eating "healthier" Leaving fast food behind me and eating more veggies, fruits, nuts etc etc.
If takes a long time so I speak of it as chronic. I believe you can be "too much", too much tasks, too much ideas, plans, too much activity, maybe even stress. Yes naturally you would have this problem with meditation that's why you should be doing it. If you cannot do it, you can start with music, play something chill music, some psybient could be very nice, and just sit and close your eyes and immerse and clean your head, leave your thoughts. If you cannot leave your thoughts for "nothing" then start with leaving them for music, concentrate on that. Maybe it will help you learn to sit still.
The Rust on Dust,

Astrology aside for a min. - What is your plan now? Are you getting further allergy tests done?
How do you plan to deal with this?

I certainly am interested in knowing what medical tests reveal. That would obviously also help you deal with the issue more concretely.
Well Meluzina how much is too much, I find myself asking that a lot of times. Too much for some person might be very little for another. i will try to meditate and take your advice and see if that helps as well:smile:

Aquarius, When I got skin pricked a few months ago. I went through a questioning of symptoms and such, so they can determine what substances you might be allergic too. I cannot just ask them to test me on everything. In fact I told them I wanted to be tested for everything and they said it is just too extensive. They just gave me a few general ones like wheat, dairy, some nuts not all etc. Which is why I asked you what foods are related to Venus and Moon. That way I could specifically ask them to test me for it.
I will be going to the doctor again to inquire for further testing, but I cannot just tell him test me for everything. But yes I have been pursuing this issue for a number of years now and I will keep doing what I have to do resolve it, even ask horary questions or meditate if that is what holds a answer for me.
It is also the reason the horary question was specifically geared towards the foods I ingest and if they are the cause. I want to know it is related to the food I consume. If it is then I could just go forward with allergy tests or elimination diets and have it solved like that.

To be very honest I was expecting this to a simple yes/no thingy like most horary questions seem to be. Hence my question being kind of specific and geared towards food. Now that I have thought about it, also seeing the reply's, I am not sure I should have asked "what is the cause of my itchy scalp" :lol:
I thought this would be simply a yes or no, perhaps with some added details depending on the house or sign. Like mars being meat is the issue or Sun and wheat etc hahah
Well, this is not a simple horary Q to begin with - like - will i hear from my ex, or will i get the job i applied for.

You Q is not a - do i have a food allergy. It is more about what/which substances causes the allergy. That is more complicated. So you should not expect a "simple yes/no thingy". I already gave you some foods.

Another way to help you that I can think of is your own natal chart if your birth time is very accurate. That might reveal something too
Do you suggest that I ask the question a different way? If so please tell me how I should ask this question at a future date that would make this easier to interpret. My natal chart is posted on the initial post and also on a later reply on the first page. The birth time is as accurate as it will ever be, it is from the hospital where they write it down when the birth occurs. My birth time is 5:50 AM by the way.

I have been tested on wheat and as I alluded to in a earlier post, I did get a small red spot with a very slight welt, but the assistant said it was not big enough to be considered a allergy. It left me quite intrigued. Also some nuts I have been tested on with the other more general allergens. I will inquire in further allergy tests about the other things you have alluded to like cucumbers for example.

Edit - The question was - Is my itchy scalp food related. I figured that was pretty specific enough to be a clear yes or no answer haha guess I was wrong.

Edit - Sorry, it just dawned on me that you or anyone might take the Title of my thread as the question posed, which it is not. The question of the horary is - Is my itchy scalp food related

Added both charts on this post


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  • scalp.jpg
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I, or anyone, should not be suggesting you to ask anything. Horary means it has to be your own compulsion and necessity to know.

Your Q did evolve into causes, which is not unusual. So, I answered saying that in my opinion, your allergies are food related. Understandably you would want to know - which foods. I will take a look at your natal chart in depth a little later.

Can you respond though to - whether you eat a fair bit of meat almost on a daily basis, and also nuts. You have a lot of fire in your chart, so heat-producing foods like meat, nuts, spices could be causing inflammations and ulcer-kind of effects, but more extrinsically on your skin in your case.

I guess, you have tested negative for gluten?
Are you implying the question or the chart "evolved" by itself due to my subconscious thoughts to imply specific foods, not just general foods? This is very new to me, I was not aware this was even possible...Thank you for sharing that insight with me.

About the point you make about the way of asking. You make a great point and I agree. It is just that maybe the way I asked was not optimal and I was inquiring if you perhaps would share a more adequate forming. I respect your argument and I do agree.

I have always been a pretty substantial meat eater. We never ate a lot of red meat in our home when I was younger, nor do I now. I always find it very hard to compare. I stated it in a earlier post as well, what is a lot? Spices and nuts is something that I have been eating a lot more of compared to prior to this problem occurring. When I opted to eat "healthier" I added a lot of spices and also have been eating a lot of nuts regularly.

Meat - almost daily, some days I do not eat meat
Nuts - almost daily, same as above. Might have a day or 2 that I do not eat them.
Spices - A lot and pretty much daily. Varies what spices I use by what kind of dish I prepare. Cumin, nutmeg, kerry (mixture of spices), oregano, basil, parsley, thyme, rosemary, smoked paprika. Most of my common used ones

All of my allergy tests were negative incl. wheat (gluten I guess)
...I have always been a pretty substantial meat eater. We never ate a lot of red meat in our home when I was younger, nor do I now. I always find it very hard to compare. I stated it in a earlier post as well, what is a lot? Spices and nuts is something that I have been eating a lot more of compared to prior to this problem occurring. When I opted to eat "healthier" I added a lot of spices and also have been eating a lot of nuts regularly.

Meat - almost daily, some days I do not eat meat
Nuts - almost daily, same as above. Might have a day or 2 that I do not eat them.

Spices - A lot and pretty much daily. Varies what spices I use by what kind of dish I prepare. Cumin, nutmeg, kerry (mixture of spices), oregano, basil, parsley, thyme, rosemary, smoked paprika. Most of my common used ones

All of my allergy tests were negative incl. wheat (gluten I guess)
Yes, you are a pretty substantial meat eater. Daily is substantial.

Were you tested for meat? If not, I would suggest that you stop eating meat, any kind of meat, for about 6-7 weeks. It will do you body almost no harm, and if you want, you can consult your GP.

See if that helps. I almost feel it could be meat or nuts related. If meat is not the cause, which you should get to know after 7 weeks of no meat at all, and if you do not find the scalp/itch issues to have mitigated, then you might want to try stopping with nuts altogether for 7 weeks. This is just a suggestion and if you feel you should consult your doctor before those experiments, please do before embarking upon them.
Interesting conclusion. May I ask you to indulge me? How did you arrive at those conclusions? So I can sate my own curiosity and learning. As you were going to check my natal chart. I would love, if you could share what positions, aspects, etc. led you to this.

Stopping from eating meat for such a long period, shall be a very trying challenge for me. Nuts I could easily stop as it has been a recent acquisition to my diet (only a few years.) I have been tested on some of the nuts I eat and no allergy was found. I have not yet been tested for any meat I think. In any case I shall consult with my practitioner if that is a possible way forward. I will also inquire for some allergy tests to be done on meats and a few other things you mentioned prior.
Hello rust
Saturn in this chart is not only jupiter's (your face and body as accidental sig) dispositor (has power over your body) but signifies also your skin as a natural ruler and we also see that saturn is unbalanced (saturn is a cold and dry planet placed in a hot and moist sign) and accidentally afflicted as retrograde.So the root of your problem is an excess of blood (sanguine humor) which has damaged Saturn (your skin).To be more specific the disease is in the third degree being a mixture of a lot of blood with melancholy causing this type of disorders (eczema, psoriasis...etc...typical for significators in air signs..for more info you can check on Saunders' book ). Moon opposing asc is depictive of the symptoms you face, so it's a part of the symptoms (too much heat and humidity that affected your head/body in this case-jupiter and jupiter is ill as you may also see ..unbalanced, in his fall, retro..etc) not the cause.

In order to find a solution to your problem the first thing you have to do is to change your diet (which happens to be also saturn as l2) (eat foods that are cold and dry as to balance the excess of sanguine humor try to eat foods such as :Endives, potatoes, barley, barley water with lemon juice, vinegar, lemons and oranges (sour= cold/dry), rye, gooseberries, currants, sour apples and pears (all sour fruits) chestnuts, lentils, medlar, tamarind, chicory, sprouts, vine leaves, surrogate coffee (chicory, oak, barley), beef, green olives, cauliflower, broccoli,...etc) and of course you must follow a treatment of specific herbs (cold/dry) which will help .

In case you're interested finding a professional medical practitioner with expertise also in medical astrology who can prescribe you the correct treatment (building your diet...etc) for your case sent me a pm and i would gladly help you

have a nice day:smile:
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Rust on dust, I already explained the reasons in previous posts as to why I picked certain ingredients that I feel could be connected to your allergies. I also told you that you have a lot of fire (heat) in your chart. Whilst others with fiery planets might not have similar issues, in your case, it could show up as allergies. With others, it could have to do with falls and bruises for instance.

One of the main ones is meat. I know this from other cases also. Now it is up to you how important it is for you to experiment and find out if indeed it is meat that is the culprit. Of course, if indeed it is, you will need to change your food culture and lifestyle if you want to get rid of your itch issues.
Interesting conclusion. May I ask you to indulge me? How did you arrive at those conclusions? So I can sate my own curiosity and learning. As you were going to check my natal chart. I would love, if you could share what positions, aspects, etc. led you to this.

Stopping from eating meat for such a long period, shall be a very trying challenge for me. Nuts I could easily stop as it has been a recent acquisition to my diet (only a few years.) I have been tested on some of the nuts I eat and no allergy was found. I have not yet been tested for any meat I think. In any case I shall consult with my practitioner if that is a possible way forward. I will also inquire for some allergy tests to be done on meats and a few other things you mentioned prior.
The first mention of the immunity system in Hill's book "Medical Astrology" is on Sign Polarities. For the Virgo/Pisces governs the immune system, and the sympathetic (involuntary) nervous system


Sun Cancer - it says possibility of allergies

Sun Scorpio - I think someone above asked about Crones....

Sun Pisces - weak immunity

Disease Degrees Immune System

Gemini - 15 - 16 asthma, lung trouble 17 - 18 asthma

Virgo - 4 - 5 asthma

Pisces - 4 -5 asthma


Moon Gemini - asthma

Moon Cancer - allergies

Moon Virgo - allergies


Saturn Gemini - asthma


Mars Gemini - asthma

Mars Cancer - violent allergies

Mars Virgo - allergies due to hyperactive immune response

Venus’s not Venus

Jupiter is not stated as a cause either....


Mercury Gemini - asthma

Mercury Cancer - allergies


Uranus Gemini - spasmodic asthma

Uranus Virgo - hyper immune response resulting in allergies

Uranus Pisces - spastic asthma


Neptune Virgo - strange allergies

South Node

Cancer - environmental toxins

North Node

Virgo - hyperactive immune reaction, allergies

North Node conjunct Saturn - lupus

Virgo rules immune system

Hope you find this helpful....