Last night, I was searching for something, even though I did not know what. Actually, the searching had been building within me for the past couple of weeks, ever since the 3D had become harsh and unloving again. But last night, the yearning to search had reached a culmination that I began to search for answers (all of this subconsciously because in my head all I knew was that I was bored and should read things on the internet. Well, the searching for soul longed for found an answer in two very distinct rules of thumb which I were to take stock of and follow, ‘learn to trust others and save your money.’
Well, trusting other people is a weird notion for me. Mainly because I swing between being too trusting and then getting hurt and betrayed, which results in me having my barriers up, so how can I be expected to trust when I have tried and been betrayed so many times? It is not so much I need to trust more, but be more discerning in who I trust! That is closer to the truth but still the answer was, learn to trust. And yes, save money. I feel fat and bloated with all the 3D 1st world pleasures I have purchased, I mean, who really needs mushroom tea at £30 a package to help them focus more and another £30 for another type of mushroom to help me sleep better? I’m pretty sure I don’t really need it but yet, I purchased it. So yes, those two messages I received resonated with me. Oh, and stop drinking alcohol since I cannot handle it or control it when I do.
On pondering these, I saw my cat looking at me and we did a kind of communication thing with each other, where I slowly blink back and forth, and then my cat copies the movement with his eyes, and it’s a showcasing of how much we love each other in catspeak. As someone who is not particularly psychic or able to dive deeper into the world of psychic language but yet can perceive and believe my cat is immeasurably more clever and aware than me, we settle on slow blinks to communicate with one another.
I do believe my cat is aware of all the symbolical inner journeys I am going through and is here to help guide me and so I wondered how much my cat would agree with the two messages I had received. So taking the opportunity that my cat was still looking at me, I asked it silently inside my head that it it agrees I should save money, to look upwards, and so I asked and looked at the cat. Lo and behold, approx 5 seconds after I asked, the cat moved its eyes upwards. I could not believe it! So I asked a second question, to see if this was just a coincidence, and I asked silently on my head, ‘if you think I need to quit drinking look up again,’ and I waited again for any movement. Well, about 5 seconds later, not only did the cat look up, but it lifted its whole head up and looked up at the ceiling! Ok, so the cat thinks I should save money but strongly agrees I should quit drinking. So I decided to ask a 3rd question, ‘cat, do you feel that even though you clearly want me to do all these things and I need to sort myself out so to speak, do you recognise that I am trying my best and it’s ok I made some mistakes along the way? If you still love me despite my frailties, can you come up to me and give me some kisses and cuddles?’ Well, the cat started to move towards me, but instead of coming towards me, it slinky walked along the window sill to the back of my head and sat by the window.’ Ok, so the cat isn’t one for forgiving my mistakes but still loves me enough I could lean back my head and touch his fur. I’ll take it.