I came across this article over a year ago.
The enlarged portion is taken from the first column, second section, and you can view it for yourself here:
Lynn Sweet interviewed Hillary Clinton for the article and knows she saw a document of some kind related to the birth (probably a family record).
That is why the 8 PM time, which seems to have originated from that time.
This is on record now at Astrodatabank in the Source Notes section.
There never was any news article stating she was born "in time for breakfast" as was previously claimed.
I and others went through every contemporary Chicago newspaper that could have given the announcement
and that never appeared anywhere.
The morning birth is mere legend.
"Early" in my view means between midnight/0:00 and around 8:00 AM. Add 12 hours and you get noon to 8 PM.
I believe the correct chart 14° Aries was arrived at by Astro-Intuitive on this AW forum thread:
There has been another chart recently added to the ADB page for her,
which is based on a still invisible birth document claimed to have a birth time of 2:18 AM.
Many months ago I went through every chart possibility for her between 0:00 and 3 AM.
Absolutely nothing.
Leo rising for her is believable in theory,
but there is no substantiation in the progressions whatsoever for either a Leo or Virgo rising chart.
The 2 AM time was when her mother arrived at the hospital in my view.