Venus and Chastity

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Pharaohs did publicly and with swag. It’s well-documented.

The other well-documented thing is Greek historians’ (specially Herodotus) hatred and false historiography of Persia.

That tradition still continues with movies like 300, that blatantly distort history.

Some things haven’t really changed :)

Ptolemy was living in Hellenistic Egypt, and in this Egypt the practice of marrying siblings had spread amongst the noble non-royal classes. This is well documented.
But I have the configuration of Mars and Venus and I am very frigid.

Do you though
While I agree that planets represent archetypes first and foremost, I think that there is only so much that one can read into mythology.

Venus is all about attraction, but let’s draw a line between love and sex as they are not the same thing.

It stands to reason that if love is strong, there would be less adultery, hence more chastity, yes?
An author once mentioned that we can take Venus for morality. I might have misremembered or misread it though. Let me look for it if I can find it.

[Some Comets move, others again are fixed, How to judge their portences]
You are to take notice that some comets do move as the planets. And again,
others do not stir <move> but are fixed, as are the other stars.
To judge of the accidents portended by comets, the place of their appearance in
the heavens is to be observed and what stars are in configuration therewith.
Also <observe> in what similitude they appear, and where they appear and
If they appear like swords, wars are threatened and destruction of mankind; likeflutes or haut-boys, it portends mischief to musicians; if in the middle of a sign,to whore-masters, and women gamesters; in form of a triangle of quadrangle,
i.e. a trine of square aspect to any of the fixed stars, to wits and learned men. If
a comet appears in either of the Nodes, or those places which we commonly
call the Head and Tail of the Dragon, it proves infectious and pestiferous.

These texts are truly fascinating. Thank you for linking these.
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[Some Comets move, others again are fixed, How to judge their portences]
You are to take notice that some comets do move as the planets. And again,
others do not stir <move> but are fixed, as are the other stars.
To judge of the accidents portended by comets, the place of their appearance in
the heavens is to be observed and what stars are in configuration therewith.
Also <observe> in what similitude they appear, and where they appear and
If they appear like swords, wars are threatened and destruction of mankind; likeflutes or haut-boys, it portends mischief to musicians; if in the middle of a sign,to whore-masters, and women gamesters; in form of a triangle of quadrangle,
i.e. a trine of square aspect to any of the fixed stars, to wits and learned men. If
a comet appears in either of the Nodes, or those places which we commonly
call the Head and Tail of the Dragon, it proves infectious and pestiferous.

These texts are truly fascinating. Thank you for linking these.
Indeed, interesting delineations of traditional effects of COMETS :smile:
Also conspiracy theorist if you're reading this, I remember you posting about Jupiter breaking all malice in a thread before and you forgetting where you found it, and I found where it came from!

Thread relevance: Venus is able to mitigate Mars.

Judgment 34

If Jupiter aspected a malefic, he changes its nature into good;
and Venus cannot turn a great thing (that is, the evil of Saturn)
unless they would aspect Jupiter.
For Jupiter loosens what Saturn binds up:
that is, if Jupiter is joined to Saturn, he breaks [Saturn's] malice
and changes it.
And Venus loosens what Mars binds up

Pretty sweet, although I've forgotten that entire discussion. What do you think about Venus overcoming Mars, have you seen that in your experience reading charts?
Practically, no. I only came across it today, and that's because I was bored looking for specific things. I've never read the works of Persian astrologers in depth, so I'd be a little more cautious in its application.

Side note...My most referenced chapter/book is William Lilly, chapter XXX (30) titled: 7th house and its questions. :innocent:

We can start up a new discussion about it though, if you're willing.