Self-denial huh...? That's interesting, and probably a topic for another more private thread...Thanks for posting it here though. I REALLY appreciate that. I don't really think it's appropriate to put someone's details like that or make such a comment like that. do you?? Out of nowhere, and without warning. It almost seems, spiteful...hmmm.. naw. It couldn't be that could it.
Then why I wonder...
Of course charts work in synergy, I'm not, nor was I denying that. But I don't agree with you. It supposes you have more control over reality than you really do.
Look at the state of the West and all of the stupid morons that inhabit it.
I am familiar with both systems. I've studied them both, and fate is a "Real Thing." Venus in the second, debilitated also would indicate self- esteem and confidence.
I'm NOT denying what you said about the Moon, it's probably true partly you can blame my Mother for that, and meanwhile... ask her why she was that way.
Your problem with women, and in general, is that you avoid internal criticism, ask questions about your blindspots and when they result in criticism you're insulted.
Pretty convenient way to always have your problems feel like someone else's doing, but your problems will only ever >feel< like that and your use of astrology is to explain to yourself that whatever you do is just who you 'naturally' are.
Why, it's not like you are capable of making any other decision than the ones you have made.
But.. wait? If you're not capable of agency, then doesn't that imply that everyone who you're complaining about in "the West", also lacks agency? Wouldn't that mean that God is responsible for all the things you're complaining about? Maybe it's just not in the plan for you to be getting girls and there's nothing you can do about it, because that's the plan? Are you suggesting God's plan is wrong?
My Venus is highly OOB in 0 degrees Capricorn, my experience was that I didn't have much luck and spent years trying not to think the way you're suggesting. Eventually I recognized that, actually, I'm not perfect, have blind spots and all I really need to do is get familiar, check them and make different decisions.
But of course, that means I'm now a trans woman, sex worker, and artist, am sleeping with a cis-girl who is kinky in exactly the same ways I am and I saved her from the galaxybrain neighbor dude who abused her... so, based on the way you keep saying "the West", you probably think that all sounds terrible.
I've never been happier, but feel free to just accept that the universe dropped a rock in your bag and there's nothing you can do about it but dumbly grumble about how everyone around you is evil and that's why everything is terrible and you can't get laid.