I know that in traditional astrology pisces is only ruled by jupiter, but in modern astrology it's ruled by both neptune and jupiter. My only question is what is the evidence that it is ruled by both neptune and jupiter?
Hi YonyGursho,
There is none.
I mean we know virgo and gemini are both only ruled by mercury and are both very intellectual signs, and they are opposite signs of pisces and sagitarrius, so it would make sense for pisces and sagitarrius to be ruled by the same planet?
I mean how can pisces be opposite virgo and have neptune and jupiter, but sagitarrius can be opposite gemini and have only jupiter? It's an uneven amount of planets per sign, and it would make most sense if just mercury and jupiter are opposite planets and thats all it takes for pisces and virgo to be opposites, instead of pisces needing an additional planet to be opposite of virgo lol.
It might help to understand the scheme.
There are 12 signs and 7 celestial bodies. Those 7 celestial bodies are further divided into the 5 planets and the 2 luminaries and paired off based on qualities.
Signs of Venus oppose signs of Mars. Why? Venus is pleasure; Mars is pain.
Right? Yes, Mars is violence and anger and so on, but that's all pain or painful or results in painfulness, right?
Mercury's signs oppose Jupiter's signs. Mercury is logic; Jupiter is philosophy.
Mercury's logic says a certain action is necessary, while Jupiter's benevolence says that certain action may not be philosophically correct.
Of the two luminaries, Sun is given masculine Leo and Moon feminine Cancer and both luminaries oppose the Dark Lord Saturn who is Lord of the Planets. Light opposing Dark. Saturn's in the deep cold, while Sun is warm and toasty and certain Moon phases are warm and toasty.
We see that pisces is the sign of illusion, dreams, isolation, and imaginary things. Jupiter is said to be part of pisces, but jupiter is the planet of joviality, happiness, merriment, optimism, humor, fun, freedom, expansion.
You just listed the positive facets of Jupiter while totally ignoring the negative facets like pious fraud, excess, false hope, illusions, grandiosity and such.
You don't need Neptune when you have Jupiter.
Jupiter in H6, H8 or H12 is everything except "joviality, happiness, merriment, optimism, humor, fun, freedom, expansion."
Jupiter can also be hostile and have a bad temperament, which is why in a mundane chart a H8 Jupiter is an indicator of war.
In old times astrologers did not know Neptun.
Hi norbertsco,
That doesn't matter.
At least traditional astrologers didn't engage in full-scale tautology.
A little girl names a newly discovered body "Pluto" after a Disney character, but modern astrologers say, "no, she actually meant Pluto the god of war" an then try to crow-bar Pluto into something it never was.
If Neptune had been named "Angel" instead of "Neptune" it would have a whole different interpretation by modern astrologers and they probably would have assigned it to Aquarius.
That's not even impressive.
Jupiter is a sky-ruler, symbolized by the lightning bolt. Pisces is a deep water Sign. Not seeing the connection in that sense. Neptune fits, as sea-ruler, symbolized by the fisherman's trident.
Hi david starling,
Nobody cares if Jupiter is a thunder god and that's not how rulerships were assigned.