Will I get into the college I want?

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App Leo, I don't hate you-- though universities tend to be liberal places. You'll hear a lot of new views, unfiltered.

Just to chime in.....

I am thinking about that VOC moon.

I don't know what type of first-choice university you applied to. Many state colleges and universities, depending upon their legislative mandate, kind of have to take every applicant who is a state resident, has a minimum GPA and a pulse rate. (A court date is OK.) This is true even for some flagship universities. If this is the case, then you should be OK.

(They keep up their standards because a huge number of the freshman class will flunk out.)

But I'm struck by the moon in the 4th house, as well. It's almost like, if you're living at home now, you will continue to live at home-- and maybe choose to attend a commuter campus nearby. (I dunno, maybe as a cost-saving measure.)

Mercury in detriment ready to ping Saturn in the 6th house doesn't strike me as a heap of wonderfulness. I would read this as the possibility that your top choice might not be everything you'd hoped.

Astrology aside, and unless choice #1 is too far away for a visit, I hope you can visit the campuses you've applied to, if you haven't done this already. See if you can talk to students and the undergraduate adviser in the field you currently hope to major it. That way you'll get a more realistic sense of what the next four-plus years will be like.

Also, if you enroll in choice #1 but it doesn't suit your needs after you're there, you can usually transfer your credits to a different campus. You're not necessarily stuck with the place.

On Tikana's experience:

Every university contains some bad apple professors. Sort of like high school. Sometimes these profs have other assets, like their research. Unless they're the only ones teaching a required course, usually you can avoid them. I wouldn't do this on your own, but if you do wind up with Professor Deadwood, a group of students can go and confidentially speak with the department chair about him. It may not help you for your particular course, but you might get him out of required courses for future students. I've seen this happen, where a professor who really couldn't teach well was deferred to non-required elective courses, and then when too few to no students enrolled in them, she gracefully retired.

I hope you really enjoy your experience.
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interesting thread

Longest horary thread I've ever seen, especially since it was asked and answered so quickly, with all the experts in agreement. Let us know how you enjoy attending Trump U.! :lol:
Seriously though, you have the ability to study on your own, and when it comes to higher education, you really only get out of it what you put into it. The degree itself opens doors (if you want to go through them). Many, if not most, companies train you in their own format, and they value enthusiasm and dedication more than encyclopedic knowledge.
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All, I've deleted the off topic comments and replies to same, as well as the attacking comments by the OP.

AppLeo, please grow a thicker skin here, or at the very least learn how not to attack other members if they say something you don't like.

It's horary, folks, probably the board most invested in actual astrology without sidetracks. Let's keep it that way.

I was curious about what was being said earlier. I wanted to look further w/ Tikana's, CS’, and Obsidian's interpretation of the negative effects of a malefic situated in the quesited’s house, so I went to what my books had to say about it. The books laid out clearly and plainly that if there is a square between rulers 1st and 9th, the 9th ruler is ruled by Saturn, and is in bad aspect to the Moon portends a bad omen. Mars in that house also is malefic, and Saturn seems to favor Mars. A malefic in that house signals difficulty in the question.
Also, just to add, Moon in common signs imply a matter that fluctuates, which adds to Tik’s prediction.
I was curious about what was being said earlier. I wanted to look further w/ Tikana's, CS’, and Obsidian's interpretation of the negative effects of a malefic situated in the quesited’s house, so I went to what my books had to say about it. The books laid out clearly and plainly that if there is a square between rulers 1st and 9th, the 9th ruler is ruled by Saturn, and is in bad aspect to the Moon portends a bad omen. Mars in that house also is malefic, and Saturn seems to favor Mars. A malefic in that house signals difficulty in the question.
Also, just to add, Moon in common signs imply a matter that fluctuates, which adds to Tik’s prediction.
I'm no horarist so keep that in mind :smile:
It seems the question has been answered and is a "Yes"

nevertheless you highlight concerns already raised by conspiracytheorist and tikana
regarding Querent being possibly "corrupted" in some way
when in attendance at college of choice

Certainly Saturns close conjunction of Mercury IS concerning
both Saturn and Mercury are under the beams

interesting that Virgo Moon rules 2nd house of money from Mercurys sign
Mercury applies to Saturn
Saturn the out of sect malefic rules 8th house of debt and fear
raises red flag re: potentially serious long term debt issues

arguably also Sun, Mercury and Saturn all oppose the ascendant aka Querent

I also predict that you will get accepted into the college, but that you may also change your mind about the whole matter, since 29 degrees of Capricorn is found on the 9th house cusp of higher learning and education.

The rulers(Mercury and Saturn) falls into the natural sign of colleges (sagittarius) and do conjoin in this chart, so you got the "green light" to proceed.

I guess that the good old saying applies here: "be careful what you ask for or wish for, as you may get it ?"

Finally, the modern day horaryists would tell you about the radix Moon's last aspect making an inconjunction (150 degree aspect) to URANUS in Aries. That is NOT always a happy ending, by the way ! As Uranus rules the 10th house of work and career, I would interpret that as something getting into the way of the main question, or interfering, such as getting a job and being unable to go back to school, or some major career change of mind, or something pretty dramatic and/or unexpected , such as: taking a training course or degree via the internet (Uranus), if available ?

good luck to you !
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All, I've deleted the off topic comments and replies to same, as well as the attacking comments by the OP.

AppLeo, please grow a thicker skin here, or at the very least learn how not to attack other members if they say something you don't like.

It's horary, folks, probably the board most invested in actual astrology without sidetracks. Let's keep it that way.


I'm sorry.

Sorry everyone for being annoying. I appreciate all your insights and astrological knowledge.

I also predict that you will get accepted into the college, but that you may also change your mind about the whole matter, since 29 degrees of Capricorn is found on the 9th house cusp of higher learning and education.

The rulers(Mercury and Saturn) falls into the natural sign of colleges (sagittarius) and do conjoin in this chart, so you got the "green light" to proceed.

I guess that the good old saying applies here: "be careful what you ask for or wish for, as you may get it ?"

Finally, the modern day horaryists would tell you about the radix Moon's last aspect making an inconjunction (150 degree aspect) to URANUS in Aries. That is NOT always a happy ending, by the way ! As Uranus rules the 10th house of work and career, I would interpret that as something getting into the way of the main question, or interfering, such as getting a job and being unable to go back to school, or some major career change of mind, or something pretty dramatic and/or unexpected , such as: taking a training course or degree via the internet (Uranus), if available ?

good luck to you !

Thanks! :3
I asked this question so many times, so I don't know if this horary will be legit.

If the chart you posted wasn't the original chart, then the entire thread and discussion may very likely be pointless regarding your answer. :happy::sideways:
I was curious about what was being said earlier. I wanted to look further w/ Tikana's, CS’, and Obsidian's interpretation of the negative effects of a malefic situated in the quesited’s house, so I went to what my books had to say about it. The books laid out clearly and plainly that if there is a square between rulers 1st and 9th, the 9th ruler is ruled by Saturn, and is in bad aspect to the Moon portends a bad omen. Mars in that house also is malefic, and Saturn seems to favor Mars. A malefic in that house signals difficulty in the question.
Also, just to add, Moon in common signs imply a matter that fluctuates, which adds to Tik’s prediction.

Testimonies against a favourable outcome will happen in 9 out of 10 charts, however they don't always negate the chart, unless they are a majority compared to positive ones.

One malefic placed in the quesited house, is a problem, but may not be a reason strong enough to deny a positive outcome. But when combined with other negative testimonies (or lack of positive ones), it does strongly suggest the outcome is a negative one.
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Or in your case, with Sat, in the ninth, you should have opted to study law and put that saturn to proper use :D
Was this thread accurate now that you're in college?

Yes, I definitely got into the college that I was hoping to get into. Looking back on it, it was kind of a silly question. I don't know why I was worried in the first place.

As far as college fulfilling me it's alright. I'm studying computer science to make money, but my heart isn't in it. I feel a constant sense of dull irritation not being able to put all my energy and resources into a subject I really care about.

Or in your case, with Sat, in the ninth, you should have opted to study law and put that saturn to proper use :D

naw that saturn basically described the state of mine i was going to be in..
still waste of time..the most productive time I spend on udemy..
Yes, I definitely got into the college that I was hoping to get into. Looking back on it, it was kind of a silly question. I don't know why I was worried in the first place.

As far as college fulfilling me it's alright. I'm studying computer science to make money, but my heart isn't in it. I feel a constant sense of dull irritation not being able to put all my energy and resources into a subject I really care about.
You should do what you really care about and just learn languages on the side. But I think you do like it - you are in the positive side of that spectrum I think - then you can keep your major and do something g creative on the side, even if this is just programming in a non assignment setting - set time aside for it
You should do what you really care about and just learn languages on the side. But I think you do like it - you are in the positive side of that spectrum I think - then you can keep your major and do something g creative on the side, even if this is just programming in a non assignment setting - set time aside for it

I am doing creative things on the side; do not worry.