Will She Divorce?

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Ok, so he doesn't want to be with her, he's just curious if she'll get a divorce?
A consequence of her eventually getting a divorce is his hope of the pathway opening for him to be with her.
However, he isn't asking at this point, Will we be together? Neither is he asking Is it a good idea to be with her.

One puzzling part of the chart is the placement of the moon.
For this type of question we wouldn't expect to see a 12th house moon.
Well...she said we can be together if that happening...if she got divorce by her will or he's.She actually promised to be more precise.
Thanks for the clarification- I'm going with you guys being together as the real question, the ultimate goal, if you will - cos that's what you want - but it really doesn't look like that's going to happen. I am sorry.
Yes the ultimate goal...but she can split up and remain single...so it's up to her...but first they must get through a divorce.
In horary, it's sometimes important to look for the question behind the question. Now, if you're just curious about the divorce, well, you really couldn't ask and expect a good answer from the chart. E g. If she did divorce and stayed single, or married another man, or perhaps married another woman. But you wouldn't care because you just wanted to know about the divorce.

But if the point is whether you'll be together after the divorce, then your primary concern is the two of you being together - the divorce is something incidental that has to happen first, but it isn't the big question- that's still whether you and she will be together once any obstacles are cleared. I'm assuming, anyway.

If I'm not making sense to you, tell me!
So we've established that the querent is aquarian.sun, and the lady would be his eventual "other", which is the 7th.
But the question is not about whether the querent should or should not go with this lady, but simply whether her marriage will end in divorce.
:innocent: Couldn't help myself. I don't want to see anyone get hurt. :crying:

So, it does look like she is sincere in wanting the divorce, but it may not go ahead.
Not a reassuring answer for aquarian.sun, and understandably there are yes and no replies here.
Note that her POF is in her 11th of friendship, trine her ruler mars.
She may just choose to continue the marriage, as a friendship relationship but not divorce.
This is what I'm seeing too, she will choose to continue the marriage.

Mercury in Taurus and NN in Taurus suggests to me that money and wealth are a big deciding factor in staying or leaving the marriage.
With Mercury combust in Taurus, I'm seeing that she may not have much power in making the decision to divorce, and that what she wants isn't valued enough to hold any weight in the decision (combust + Retrograde). :taurus:

One puzzling part of the chart is the placement of the moon.
For this type of question we wouldn't expect to see a 12th house moon.
Where would we usually expect to see a Moon in this type of question?
In horary, it's sometimes important to look for the question behind the question. Now, if you're just curious about the divorce, well, you really couldn't ask and expect a good answer from the chart. E g. If she did divorce and stayed single, or married another man, or perhaps married another woman. But you wouldn't care because you just wanted to know about the divorce.

But if the point is whether you'll be together after the divorce, then your primary concern is the two of you being together - the divorce is something incidental that has to happen first, but it isn't the big question- that's still whether you and she will be together once any obstacles are cleared. I'm assuming, anyway.

If I'm not making sense to you, tell me!
It makes sense. I see this too – the why behind the question, the intention.
Where would we usually expect to see a Moon in this type of question?
Maybe 5th, or 7th, or even 9th of the courts. Even 11th.
So why is it in 12th here?
Moon is both the co-significator of the querent, and the question. What is being hidden here?
it could possibly show the impossibility of the querent to move freely.
The 12th is also hidden bed pleasures.... Perhaps just a secret love affair?

Not convinced it is a good idea to be second guessing the querent's motivations. Unless it is clearly in the chart.
Or, if the querent actually asks the double question... will she divorce and then will we be together?

The querent is Venus, in 9th of the courts, asking about a divorce.
Jupiter is accidental co-significator of the 7th house, and Jupiter rules her 9th house in the turned chart.
So this could be a divorce coming to her.
Horary is about answering the true underlying question. That is the job of the astrology to determine, clarify that. I agree with Odd's observation, that this is a question about the querent and the woman, not the woman and her husband.
So at the very least it is worthwhile to present a delineation for the underlying question.

Querent can chose among them. And time will tell the outcome.

Just my two cents.
Can we always be sure what the "true" underlying question is, though?
Sometimes it peeks out, and we can see layers and layers, but people are complicated, and at times hidden even to themselves.
All you say is so and no we cannot always be sure.
And with all that, it is our responsibility to do our very best to ascertain the actual underlying question. To me, the bedrock, underlying question in this thread is some variation of "Will there be a way for us to be together as I might hope?
Something like that..?
To me, the bedrock, underlying question in this thread is some variation of "Will there be a way for us to be together as I might hope?
It could very well be.
I'm not getting that impression, not sure why, but it's not to say that I am right and you wrong.
Hopefully we will have some feedback from the querent.
Maybe 5th, or 7th, or even 9th of the courts. Even 11th.
So why is it in 12th here?
I was thinking these houses as well. Querent is in the turned sixth house. Perhaps querent’s position in the company he works for is below the quesited’s position. He did mention she’s a colleague.

Moon is both the co-significator of the querent, and the question. What is being hidden here?
it could possibly show the impossibility of the querent to move freely.
The 12th is also hidden bed pleasures.... Perhaps just a secret love affair?
Definitely some possibilities considering the overall theme of the question. Infidelity is usually hidden.

Not convinced it is a good idea to be second guessing the querent's motivations. Unless it is clearly in the chart.
Or, if the querent actually asks the double question... will she divorce and then will we be together?
It’s wise to question everything.
You play good cop Astrologer, I’ll play bad cop Astrologer, and we’ll get to the bottom of this twelfth house Horary Moon. :rightful:

The querent is Venus, in 9th of the courts, asking about a divorce.
Jupiter is accidental co-significator of the 7th house, and Jupiter rules her 9th house in the turned chart.
So this could be a divorce coming to her.
Could be, or it could be her reflecting on her financial future :northnode::taurus: relative to her marriage :jupiter: with Mercury Rx there. :mercury::retrograde:

When Mercury goes direct, it’ll move away from the NN and Jupiter, while the NN and Jupiter will be moving towards each other, which might show her deciding to stay in the marriage after reflecting on everything.

If Jupiter goes Retrograde anytime soon, this could show the divorce. Jupiter would then be moving into a house of loss (turned twelfth house), away from the NN (future).
We are collegues but i can say that she's rather a bit bellow...She keeps me hidden indeed.No one knows about me and her.Not from the company or from anywhere else.
I was thinking these houses as well. Querent is in the turned sixth house. Perhaps querent’s position in the company he works for is below the quesited’s position. He did mention she’s a colleague.

Definitely some possibilities considering the overall theme of the question. Infidelity is usually hidden.

It’s wise to question everything.
You play good cop Astrologer, I’ll play bad cop Astrologer, and we’ll get to the bottom of this twelfth house Horary Moon. :rightful:

Could be, or it could be her reflecting on her financial future :northnode::taurus: relative to her marriage :jupiter: with Mercury Rx there. :mercury::retrograde:

When Mercury goes direct, it’ll move away from the NN and Jupiter, while the NN and Jupiter will be moving towards each other, which might show her deciding to stay in the marriage after reflecting on everything.

If Jupiter goes Retrograde anytime soon, this could show the divorce. Jupiter would then be moving into a house of loss (turned twelfth house), away from the NN (future).
Moon conjunct Zaniah: Worry, loss through legal and Venusian affairs, trouble through writings, led astray by sympathies. [1]
Perhaps querent’s position in the company he works for is below the quesited’s position. He did mention she’s a colleague.
good observation. They are colleagues.
In fact the querent hasn't stated if they are having an affair, or if it is anything more than his own hidden (12th house) thoughts!

Infidelity is usually hidden.
95% of the time! Until they get caught!

You play good cop Astrologer,
Thank you for not making me the bad cop!

If Jupiter goes Retrograde anytime soon,
Doesn't until September, in taurus. Long time!

She keeps me hidden indeed.No one knows about me and her.Not from the company or from anywhere else.
Just read this, which could explain the 12th house moon. At least partially.

Moon conjunct Zaniah: Worry, loss through legal and Venusian affairs, trouble through writings, led astray by sympathies. [1]
Had never heard of this fixed star. But reading about it, something different comes out....

"The astrological influences of the star Zaniah. According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Mercury and Venus; and, to Alvidas, of Venus and Mercury in sextile. It gives refinement, honor, congeniality, order and a lovable nature."

Could this describe our querent?
Moon will trine Venus in the chart.
All you say is so and no we cannot always be sure.
And with all that, it is our responsibility to do our very best to ascertain the actual underlying question. To me, the bedrock, underlying question in this thread is some variation of "Will there be a way for us to be together as I might hope?
Something like that..?
This is a very interesting consideration, and I've been thinking about it some more.
The querent asks a question, and we should reply as well as possibly to that question.
We may then see, as you and others wrote, some unstated mechanism going on below the surface.
While sometimes we should in some way present it to the querent, there are times when the querent in reality doesn't want to know. Which is why they ask a roundabout question and not a direct one.
Not saying this is the case of Aquarius in this thread, but it is a point to keep in mind.
That 12th house moon might however be related, as an example.
Hi , complex question, I try...

IF she is Mars she is very into you, there may be a relationship ( better than nothing)
but she may ultimately disappoint you as the Moon/consultant is in Mars exile
and after Libra enters Scorpio, fall.