Will work permanently increase my hours?

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Jan 24, 2017
Will work increase my hours permanently?

A week or so ago my manager said if I wanted more hours she would give me them because there is someone from another department helping out at the moment who can return to her department. But since then my manager said in passing that I could get her hours while she is on holiday, which changed to sounding like a temporary increase in hours, and since then my hours haven’t even been meeting my contracted hours and I have basically been sharing shifts with this other girl.

I have an interview tomorrow for another job which can top up my hours but I know my manager would prefer me to just have one job, which is why she offered me more hours in the first place, but it looks like the business has employed too many people and she can’t give me the hours she said she could!

So I’ve proceeded ahead with the interview for the 2nd job in case but I basically want to know if work will be able to increase my hours? Also, is it because they’ve over employed and not any other reason??

I am saturn strong in its own sign but retrograde and ruling the 12th house where it’s most comfortable but not all together a very positive significator to have!

Then there are all the oppositions in the 7th house, applying to Saturn but moon is in the 1st house too.

I don’t really know how to read this chart.

If I take 10th house to signify the job then Jupiter is also strong in its own sign and retrograde but isn’t aspecting me? Or would it be the 6th house which makes more sense in the chart?

I have been a little introverted at work while finding my feet and only really coming out of my shell now, so I’m not sure if the manager has seen my full potential yet, but I’m aware of it and know I can now show what I am really capable of. She does like me though and said that she wants me to stay and was very willing to give me more hours.

Looking at the full 7th house with Sun Mercury and Mars, there are three other receptionists, including one who was meant to be going to the restaurant so I can get her hours, I’m wondering if she is Mercury because that signifies two departments and in a couple of weeks when Mercury goes direct is when she will return to the restaurant? Or Mercury moves into Cancer meaning she will move then, or maybe that’s her going on holiday.

Jupiter being the supervisor makes sense, and I’m glad she is not overly connected to any of us, although she does trine Mars but he is a really good friend of hers, so I can take that for his sig. Which leaves Sun, and the other girl is pretty dominant so that fits her.

But yeah, now I have found my feet I really want to show what I am capable off and play it that way, as well as voicing again that I would like more hours. I did voice to her before and she was keen to give me them but something changed and I think they’re struggling to give enough hours out now. Either way, it’s extremely frustrating. My hours have gone down instead of up which is the opposite of what I was initially told would happen.
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You're a receptionist (aren't you?) so use mercury for your job significator. Then we just look at what states mercury in.

Mercury is peregrine in Leo, slow, retrograde, and in the detriment and face of you saturn. This planet does not have the ability to do what is expected of it. Then to top it off we have it under the beams of the sun, and heading towards combustion.

Moon does manage to aspect mercury after the change of signs, which would be @1 degrees Aquarius, this could be the extra hrs, but i wouldn't have thought the hrs would be anything great. And with merc being retrograde, they would most likely be only temporary.
You are Saturn, the job is Venus (10th sign). There is an opposition here. Venus in detriment of Saturn, I don't think they want you there as much as you think.

Moon is also opposing Sun, in the 7th. I think soon enough you will find yourself moving on. Yes find another job.

good luck!
Thanks Rafaela can I ask what you mean by the 10th sign because 10th is ruled by Saturn and 10th from 10th is Moon.
You're a receptionist (aren't you?) so use mercury for your job significator. Then we just look at what states mercury in.

Mercury is peregrine in Leo, slow, retrograde, and in the detriment and face of you saturn. This planet does not have the ability to do what is expected of it. Then to top it off we have it under the beams of the sun, and heading towards combustion.

Moon does manage to aspect mercury after the change of signs, which would be @1 degrees Aquarius, this could be the extra hrs, but i wouldn't have thought the hrs would be anything great. And with merc being retrograde, they would most likely be only temporary.

Yes she did say my hours would increase when two of the girls go on their holidays but before that she said I could have one of the girls hours and the other girl would move back to the restaurant cos she’s not a receptionist, so she completely did a 180 on me and kept the girl working there this week.

I’m not going to stay long if that other girl stays in reception because she isn’t supposed to be there and so is effectively taking my hours away from me, although it’s not her fault or anything against her.

The manager has been on holiday this week so I’m dying to speak to her but if it doesn’t improve then I’m going to look for another job and just leave them because it’s really peed me off and I’ve no idea why the 180 change.

Why did you choose mercury for receptionist? Is it a general significator for that kind do work?
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Wednesday and Thursday I only worked 3 hours and the other girl came in and did the other 5 hours of that shift. And my hours for this week didn’t even make my contracted hours of 24, so as you can imagine, I’m extremely upset by that because she’s messing with my livelihood.
Yes she did say my hours would increase when two of the girls go on their holidays but before that she said I could have one of the girls hours and she would move back to the restaurant, so she completely did a 180.

I’m not going to stay long if that other girl stays in reception because she isn’t supposed to be there and so is effectively taking my hours away from me, although it’s not her fault or anything against her.

The manager has been on holiday this week so I’m dying to speak to her but if it doesn’t improve then I’m going to look for another job and just leave them because it’s really peed me off and I’ve no idea why the 180 change.

Why did you choose mercury for receptionist? Is it a general significator for that kind do work?

She did a 180 as thats what a retrograde planet does.

Im sure you know what mercury rules, Speaking, writing, books, communications and learning are all attributes for mercury, which is what receptionists are known for doing. So it makes perfect sense to use mercury for the job. Also using whole signs mercury rules the 6th, i wouldn't really see it as a 10th house job.
Well I am Saturn in this horary, I don’t know why I would be Mercury even if it rules communication because we are meant to take significators from the correct houses.

To me, Mercury sun and mars represents the 3 receptionists and their qualities, I guessed Mercury would be the receptionist who was meant to return to the restaurant.

At first I thought 6th house would be the job but traditionally the 6th house is slavery and 10th is all careers, no matter if it’s at a professional level or not and 10th from 10th would be the manager.

I could be wrong though, it’s a difficult chart to call and we each have different answers but it’s not altogether a positive chart.
Moon being in my house is favourable though, in reception with Saturn me even if not a happy moon. Opposing Sun isn’t good, it seems like a stand off, which I’ve had with the male receptionist who I took to be the Sun. But also Jupiter is angular and rising, which is good although that may just be giving power to the manager, I dunno.