Will work permanently increase my hours?

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Asking if I like my job is not really relevant because I’m asking if my boss will serve my interest. 10th from 10th is Moon in my house and in domicile of Saturn, so it looks like a yes, although there is tension, which there has been.
Why are you using 10th from 10th ? Oh! is it the boss's boss.

Maybe you could even take this chart to parliament, and go around another few 10th's :lol:
10th career, 10th from career is boss of the career.

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10th career, 10th from career is boss of the career.

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10th house = career
6th house = profession

Is this receptionist job a career....No.
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No! Whats wrong with you.

10th house = career
6th house = profession

Is this receptionist job a career....No.

Chrysalis, I haven’t studied horary as much as you and even I know 6th house is sickness not career. Plus you’re using random significators [deleted attacking comment - Moderator]
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Sickness and slavery.

But why not just use 10th instead of trying to guess what is a career and what is not? Why is receptionist not a career fit some people? It turns into a debate.
If it’s for a long period of time in your life and there is progress or room for progression then it’s a career
Chrysalis, I haven’t studied horary as much as you and even I know 6th house is sickness not career. Plus you’re using random significators and being cheeky, go back to school.

No im not using random significators at all. Ive already explained why ive used mercury for your job. Just like if someone does a chart for a car crash (just like this threads turned into), you could take both mercury/mars as significators.

I think you need to do some more studying, before you get into debates about 6th being for sickness for horary. And i never said 6th was career, [deleted response to attacking comment - Moderator]
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In horary, we pick significators by houses not which symbol best fits the description, that alone is a car crash to suggest otherwise.

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Sickness and slavery.

But why not just use 10th instead of trying to guess what is a career and what is not? Why is receptionist not a career fit some people? It turns into a debate.

There is a difference between the 'work' of the 10th house and the 'work' of the 6th.

The 10th is Career Aspirations, one's calling, work goals and ambitions.

The 6th is daily work, service jobs, and things one does to earn a pay check to support oneself, but not necessarily one's major career aspirations.
No I think that makes it too confusing to decide which is the calling. You can get a qualification for being a receptionist, which work is doing for one of the receptionist who’s been there 2 years. I studied an admin diploma (actually medical admin but it’s transferable) which has definitely given me an edge in how much managers like me.

I’m studying English and aspire to be a teacher, but I think this is just as good it shouldn’t be labelled into a hierarchy.

So those were philosophical reasons for using 10th. Astrologically, in traditional astrology, 6th house was slaves.
Also, what is your interpretation of the chart Katydid? I also notice Saturn (me) and the Moon exalts Mars, it might be one of the girls I get on with.
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This is actually a serious horary question for me and it’s been turned into a joke, with other people saying I’m Mercury and not answering the original question and now that.

Plus, my friend said this

“I'd always start by looking at the MC, which of course is the 10th hs cusp and move to the 6th when there's nothing left in the 10th to analyze.”

A member of a group I’m in said this

“10 is your job, your social role, your status. 6 is your incompetence, your illness, your servants, work that others do for you. Tell your friends to read Abramelin!”
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Abramelin wrote about the meaning of the 6th house in the 15th century. I think things are different here and now, in 2019. We don't have slaves or indentured servants.

I think a more contemporary definition holds true in this situation:

The Work House
While the Sixth House defines how you make a living, with jobs and income streams, the Tenth House is about your life's work. ... The tenth house is also associated with the Midheaven (on the tenth house cusp). It's an expression of your public persona, how you're seen as a figure on the world stage.May 23, 2019
The Tenth House in Astrology - LiveAbout

6th house:
The state of the sixth house indicates your daily routine and the methods you use to get your work done. The cusp of this house describes the nature of your work and the general environment of your workplace. This house also rules people you employ, whether at home or at work.

This house rules the conscious mind and the proactive measures we take to keep our bodies healthy. (Remember, the first house of the horoscope rules health in terms of overall energy level and vitality, so both have to be considered.) Diet, fitness, and exercise are covered in this sixth house, as are checkups and visits to the dentist.

Finally, all domestic pets and small animals come under this house, too.

The sixth house is ruled by intellectual, news gathering Mercury and by the meticulous and service-oriented sign, Virgo.

Thanks Rafaela can I ask what you mean by the 10th sign because 10th is ruled by Saturn and 10th from 10th is Moon.

Libra is the 10th sign, count the signs from Asc not the houses. 10th is for any job, 6 th is for people working for you. Always use 10 th for jobs no matter how menial.
I absolutely agree with what Katydid has said.

OP has not got people working for her, she works for other people, her superiors who are the 10th. Her job is the 6th she is of service to others, not the other way around.

Jupiter's in the 10th which is her superiors, which mercury is in the detriment of.

If someone's paying you your wages and choosing you your hours, how is that 10th.
Abramelin wrote about the meaning of the 6th house in the 15th century. I think things are different here and now, in 2019. We don't have slaves or indentured servants.

I think a more contemporary definition holds true in this situation:

The Work House
While the Sixth House defines how you make a living, with jobs and income streams, the Tenth House is about your life's work. ... The tenth house is also associated with the Midheaven (on the tenth house cusp). It's an expression of your public persona, how you're seen as a figure on the world stage.May 23, 2019
The Tenth House in Astrology - LiveAbout

6th house:
The state of the sixth house indicates your daily routine and the methods you use to get your work done. The cusp of this house describes the nature of your work and the general environment of your workplace. This house also rules people you employ, whether at home or at work.

This house rules the conscious mind and the proactive measures we take to keep our bodies healthy. (Remember, the first house of the horoscope rules health in terms of overall energy level and vitality, so both have to be considered.) Diet, fitness, and exercise are covered in this sixth house, as are checkups and visits to the dentist.

Finally, all domestic pets and small animals come under this house, too.

The sixth house is ruled by intellectual, news gathering Mercury and by the meticulous and service-oriented sign, Virgo.


Maybe it’s the age-old debate between traditional v’s modern that’s been missed and spiralled into an argument because of the current mercury retrograde...From what I’ve learnt, I’ve been learning strictly traditional.
Libra is the 10th sign, count the signs from Asc not the houses. 10th is for any job, 6 th is for people working for you. Always use 10 th for jobs no matter how menial.

Ok so that’s what Venus meant. I think I am going to look for a new job but stay working at this one and think of it as ‘being paid to look for a job’ type situation.

Any idea on timing of new job?
Stop making personal attacks, to All


Please stop making personal attacks. Debate astrological theory but do NOT directly attack the person who gave the horary comment. I have edited this thread and will continue to watch it for further attacks and counterattacks.

Back to horary,
