I'm primarily interested in that your Cancer Sun-Uranus opposition, Pisces Moon trine Mercury-Chiron conjunction, and Venus-Mars conjunction in Leo conjunct your Midheaven loosely square Pluto on your Ascendant.
As Junke mentioned, your big three are all located in water signs, and your super-sensitive Cancer Sun is located in a water house to boot.
You seem to have a fair number of planets hovering on the cusps between two houses, which might change houses depending upon which house system you use. I'd personally consider your Pisces Moon to be in the fifth house instead of the fourth although it is technically located in the fourth house, and I'd definitely consider Mars to be in the tenth house because it is tightly conjunct your Midheaven. Neptune is up for grabs, too, although some astrologers do not use the five-degree rule for outer planets and thus would consider Neptune to still be in the second house. The rest of your planets are firmly within their respective houses, though.
As far as what all of this might mean...
There appears to be a lot of power on two of your major angles--your Scorpio Ascendant conjunct Pluto and your Leo Midheaven conjunct your Mars-Venus conjunction. That conjunction--particularly because the traditional ruler of your Midheaven (Mars) is located in it--seems to indicate that you greatly seek recognition from the outside world; you may constantly feel a need to prove yourself or else simply crave the limelight, although the ruler of your Leo Midheaven--the Sun--indicates something quite different.
The Moon conjunct the fifth house cusp and Venus conjunct the Midheaven both seem to indicate creativity; perhaps because the Sun is the ruler of your Midheaven, the Moon disposits the Sun, and Jupiter disposits the Moon, you may eventually make a career of such creative work. An eighth house Sun in Cancer is sensitive and does not have any of the flash or desirability of fame of that Leo Midheaven, yet I think it possible that you may eventually work behind the scenes in a big, flashy industry such as the entertainment industry.
Yet we cannot forget that ninth house stellium, either, which can easily point towards higher education, philosophy, or--especially Jupiter in the ninth house, which as I mentioned earlier, is disposited by the Sun which is disposited by the Moon, which is then disposited by Jupiter to continue the triangle. Your Mercury-Chiron conjunction in Cancer is disposited directly by the Moon.
As you can see, I'm becoming mesmerized and slightly dizzy by that triangle, but a lot of your natal planets seem to filter back to it.
Another strong planet in your chart is Saturn in Aquarius, although the planet's energies may not be obvious since Saturn is retrograde and located in a cadent house.
Arian Maverick