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  1. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    And after that brief interlude, back to meaningless YouTube links.
  2. FraterAC

    Should the Current Practice of Killing Animals For Food be Legally Considered as "Murder"?

    As has been said, tens of thousands of human beings are being killed even as we speak -- by real murderers. We all have to choose which hill(s) we die on.
  3. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    Regardless of the scale of a person's life, the areas of their experience remain governed by the same houses as anyone else. Biden's 5th house may affect issues concerning children or education, or the entertainment industry, or tourism, on a national scale, but they remain 5th house issues...
  4. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    Well, I plainly disagree. If we make the houses mean whatever we want them to mean, then, yeah, anything works. No. I disagree.
  5. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    If the Moon's transit does not act in connection with appropriate progressions, then we have a fail in this case of the transiting Moon correlating with this significant incident. There is no connection between the transiting Moon and anything having to do with Biden's announcement of his...
  6. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    Transiting Mars is actually 17:57 out of orb of opposition of radical Mars. Saturn is however 52' from opposition to the radical MC, if separating. More significant as a day marker is the Quotidian MC (by Solar phase angle) in opposition to radical Mercury (within 10'). Mercury rules the 10th...
  7. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    So does that mean some things DO happen outside of the influence of the Moon? So has this individual changed sides on the argument?
  8. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    OK, fair enough. Let's look at this example, and see if we can figure out what planetary influences may have been in effect. Shall we do it here, or do you (as moderator) want to move it elsewhere? Note: wherever it is, the topic remains the efficacy of Lunar transits, NOT POLITICS. Let's keep...
  9. FraterAC

    Should the Current Practice of Killing Animals For Food be Legally Considered as "Murder"?

    I am not, and I have given my reasons. Yes, this is in a loop. You say it's murder, and others disagree. That's as far as we get.
  10. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    Gurdjieff said nothing happens in this "sublunary" world separate from the influence of the Moon. Transits are the last link in the chain of -- causality, influence, synchronicity? Because there are no calculations involved, and no reasonable argument about where transiting planets are at any...
  11. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    You relate the effect of transits, but have you considered the progressions in effect at the time? For such a significant experience, one would expect the transiting Moon would only time the effect of more powerful progressed aspects. And yes, in the absence of any specific astrological...
  12. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    Note to clarify: Demonstration (an example or two) does not constitute proof.
  13. FraterAC

    Should the Current Practice of Killing Animals For Food be Legally Considered as "Murder"?

    It's a mistake to judge the experiences of 100 years ago by the sensibilities and standards of today. My grandfather had a trade, made a living, and supported a family. Note two world wars and the Great Depression occurred during his working years. BTW, although they could have, none of his...
  14. FraterAC

    Should the Current Practice of Killing Animals For Food be Legally Considered as "Murder"?

    I eat very little flesh (and that mostly fish). The total amount of flesh of all kinds I eat in a week would not equal the amount in one steak. Occasionally I have a craving for flesh of some kind. When I do I eat it. Mostly I eat meat substitutes of one kind or another, but I am aware...
  15. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    There is nothing in the video Maria Mateus | Mundane Forecasting with Eclipses as referenced in #781 and #785 (link duplicated) that has to do with Lunar transits, or lunations other than (mostly Solar) eclipses, for that matter. This absolutely does NOT demonstrate the thesis. There is nothing...
  16. FraterAC

    Should the Current Practice of Killing Animals For Food be Legally Considered as "Murder"?

    I'm telling you my experience. My opinion as I've clearly stated is that dietary requirements differ between individuals and over time, and that diet has to be determined by the individual. I've also stated for various reasons, I favor a mostly vegetarian diet and in general recommend it, but am...
  17. FraterAC

    Should the Current Practice of Killing Animals For Food be Legally Considered as "Murder"?

    My grandfather worked decades in slaughterhouses without any such effects. He was intelligent and surprisingly well read. He was not a monster. I believe this grossly overstates the case.
  18. FraterAC

    MOON TRANSITS Are Not "Weak" They Depend On TOTALITY Chart TESTIMONIES - also Transiting LUNAR ECLIPSES

    I described how one might attempt to demonstrate the hypothesis being asserted, here #771 It's reasonable to say #776