Will Eric and I date? (Method question on significators having the same dispositor)

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Sep 20, 2012
What does it mean when both significators are ruled/disposited by the same planet in detriment and RX? So the question was "Will Eric and I date?" Eric is a guy I am going on a date with on Friday but haven't met yet, we are still talking on the app and he seems very excited to meet me. I am Saturn and he is Sun, we are both angular, both ruled by Jupiter in detriment and RX in H4 of endings. Sun and Saturn apply by square but don't have any receptions to each other. I am guessing we won't date and it will be a bad date? Moon is additionally in via combusta. Does this look like we just won't like each other or date?

Hi jc4844!
My first thought is about this via Combusta Moon and also VOC (Libra, 26 degrees) - which basically means no further development to the current situation, nothing will change.

Maybe this Via Combusta Moon will change the situation in an unpredictable, maybe violent way until Friday and this date will be canceled?

If your ruler Jupiter is retro and in detriment, maybe there is something in both of you that is keeping you away from moving forward? Some past issues?

I am still learning, so I am open to any feedback ;)
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What does it mean when both significators are ruled/disposited by the same planet
I don't believe it means anything in particular in horary delineation. The main consideration of signs on significators is the planet's essential dignity and reception, not its common rulership by a planet.
in detriment and RX?
They are weakened, so not easily able to act in the matter.
So the question was "Will Eric and I date?" Eric is a guy I am going on a date with on Friday but haven't met yet, we are still talking on the app and he seems very excited to meet me. I am Saturn and he is Sun, we are both angular, both ruled by Jupiter in detriment and RX in H4 of endings. Sun and Saturn apply by square but don't have any receptions to each other. I am guessing we won't date and it will be a bad date? Moon is additionally in via combusta. Does this look like we just won't like each other or date?
With the square, there may be a coming together. But the square is a hard hit, sometimes characterized as blindsiding, The lack of reception between you suggests that even if there is a meeting, it likely will not be the outcome that you had in mind.
Moon void of course suggests that not much will come of the matter.