Will he reply back to my last message? (significators in retrograde, detriment, mutual reception, on IC-MC axis)

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Dec 1, 2024
Hello Everyone! I am a new member and this is my first post.

Recently I asked a question about a situation that really bothers me, I feel almost physical pain, because it is tormenting me that much.
Objectively, it is overreaction and I am aware of it, but I feel what I feel, and looking for anything to soothe myself.
I’ve been crying out of the blue recently due to this, I can't properly sleep, I hardly eat. I just didn't understand what happened.

I met a man late August (online only, never have met in person, we live in different countries, but he is about to move in to mine – I think it is important to the matter) and we became very into each other very quickly (my Neptune-Sun conjuncts his Neptune-Moon, both in Capricorn).

The communication (Whatsapp only) was quite intense and regular, we were really comfortable with each other, I felt quite safe and open with him, which is unusual for me. We planned our meeting and were very excited about it. He is Saturn-Uranus (Sag) on ascendant, so he seemed mature and authentic, yet very empathetic due to his natal Neptune-Moon. I am also Saturn (Scorpio) on ascendant and also Cap Moon (23 degrees).

In November, communication became a bit less intense and less often, yet still kind and passionate, but recently he just stopped even reading my messages. We wrote with each other on 22/11 for the last time, it was very normal conversation.
After it, I wrote two messages, incl. one asking him to just let me know if he changed his mind and did not want to continue this - I would understand, but a clear message is always better than silence, because it makes me super anxious. I also wrote a text message to his phone and he also didn’t react. My message on Whatsapp has not been read so far. I told him before, a few times, that ghosting is awful and I really like honesty, that I am a very anxious person, with fragile inside and hurt before.

Background of his current situation:
He is waiting since late August for some authorities decisions and stamps to be allowed to work here (my country), he said he would be here late Sept, than mid-October, than late November, I know he is not lying, because he is preparing himself to move in, but those paperwork and decisions are being postponed over and over, keeping him a bit hanging on and frustrated.

He told me he did not know what exact day he would be here, he is still waiting. Currently, he is staying with his parents and I know it bothers him, he said he is happy to move out, because they are a bit annoying and also, all his friends, life, future work, even an older sibling, are here. He is eager to move out, but apparently, this finalising decision from authorities is not coming since 3 months, it doesn’t’ seem he would be here in December, too. I do not know this for sure, but I assume he is living on his savings and I guess it might be an issue, too (this is only my common sense deduction, though).

I asked: will he reply back to my last message?
My last message was: Are you okay?

Unfortunately, I did not specify the time frame.
I will write my interpretation of the chart in a separate post, please be kind as I am quite new to this ;)


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My understanding:

I am a Mercury, on IC, in weak condition: retrograde, in detriment (Sag). He is Jupiter - also in retrograde, also in detriment (Gem), and close to MC.

We receive mutual reception, so we are very into each other, in theory, Both significators are on axis, so stronger (am I right here?).
Considering retrograde and detriment, neither of us is comfortable to directly act and push forward, because something is holding us back. He is in my 9th house (but almost MC), I am also on his MC axis (0 degrees conj.), soon I will be in his 9th.

We are applying to each other, but the aspect will be opposition - not cool.

I am chasing him, since I am/Merc the faster moving planet in this duo.

I will "catch him" within next few days, but keep going retro until 15 December (this is when Merc retrograde move will end). He/Jupi keeps going retro until 4 Feb (I checked), so another 2 months he is rather weak and impossible to make a move forward. I think this work situation might `be solved around February-March.

Once I/Merc go direct, I will oppose him once more (late December i think?) and then go forward, while him being in retro. We will be still in detriment and mutual reception.

It's difficult to imagine, but it looks like I will be worrying about it for a month, and then change my mind on this matter and move on. This is what I would say to another person in this situation, but to me it is hard to believe I will be over him in a month, it's silly, but I fell hard for him, and I do not date often (veeery rarely in the last 2 years).

Mercury is communication planet, Jupiter means foreigners and abroad, IC is home, MC is career, which I think reflects issues we are facing (distance, inability to meet due to location vs career delays).

Me/Moon is in 2nd (his 8th) and in Libra, it just met with Jupiter (him) in trine, but this perfect 0 degrees aspect is separating.
Next aspect the Moon is going to have is square with Venus (my 4th, his 10th, his 3rd house of communication ruler - ouch!), then my poor Mercury, but only by a sextile (a mild aspect).
This will be the last aspect if we exclude outer planets. Yet, there is this Neptune (Pisces) on DESC axis. Does it mean I do not see him as he really is? Am I dellusional about him? Is he lying or is in a muddy position (due to waiting, delays, inability to do anything about it)?

Both significatiors are retro, wich means going back to something and we have this reception, but it seems that negative factors outrule anything that is supporting.

I see Saturn in his 12th, a hidden things and secrets house - is he carrying some burden he doen't want to share with me?
Also, this Saturn is in 6th house of this chart, so again - work conditions, work-related isssues OR diseases, health-related issues. Is this what is holding him back?

Mars (Leo) in his 5th house is significant. Sun (Sag, his 2nd siginificator) is in my 3rd house of communication. Me as Moon (Libra) is in his 8th house (loss? emotional issues?), but this Moon soon will move to his 7th and my 1st.
Moon is a ruler of his 5th house and my 11th house. I do not know how to interpret these positions.

I will be very very thankful for any insight, it is killing me.

Of course, I hope for any positive feedback and consollation - that it is not "game over", but mainly I want the truth.
What is tormenting me mostly is - what happened with him?
I also feel that the longer this silence lasts, the smaller chances that it will revive somehow. We've never met, there was no real physical connection.

Yet, since he/Jupi is retro and detriment for so long (until early Feb), maybe I should move away, do not push and wait.
I feel that his attitude might change once his work/career things are back on track. He even joked once that now "it is a prison" (12th house theme again!) - but it's just my so-called intuition.
For now, I am able to track his location, so I will know once he is here. I will check how it aligns with this chart and Jupiter position, out of curiosity ;)

Also, is it possible to see what is behind his sudden silence?
A disease, frustration that he might not be able to come here even within next moths? Is it someone else or he just got bored with me?

We have been reaaally into each other in all aspects (intellect, emotions, values, sense of humour, appearance), so I am totally confused. He complimented me and was really cute during our last conversation, as usual.
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I can't answer what is behind the silence, but here how I see the chart describe the larger overarching matter. You/Merc and he/Jup do a series of oppositions until near the end of the year. Then Merc immediately meets Saturn by square.
This looks like it may be series intending and trying to meet with obstacles as reflected by the repeated oppositional energy. Then the square between Mercury and Saturn suggests being blindsided in the situation.
Thank you IleneK!
I don't know how these oppositions could manifest in reality, since this silence will probably last for longer (or it will be ended in silence) and it means no contact, no action.
Would you say there will be any communication in the future (even if disappointing or a closure) or it is the end of any verbal contact?
@IleneK considering this chart, would it be better to sit still, wait, give him space to sort his things out, or reach out in, let's say, a month or two?
I can definitely wait, even a few months, but I am not sure if he even wants it, and I hate being pushy.

I checked the aspects for the next 4 months and it will be rather frustrating time - Mercury will go direct, but at the same Mars will be retrograding for quite long. Also, Venus in Pisces will be Rx. Seems like the next few months are not good for any action that might end up successful, at least in personal area.
@IleneK considering this chart, would it be better to sit still, wait, give him space to sort his things out, or reach out in, let's say, a month or two?
I can definitely wait, even a few months, but I am not sure if he even wants it, and I hate being pushy.

<...>. Seems like the next few months are not good for any action that might end up successful, at least in personal area.
You are welcome, Salem.
I agree. I do not see the period that you had in mind when you cast the chart as being a favorable time to proceed between the two of you.
Hi @IleneK sorry to bother you again, but I just realised this Moon is in Via Combusta (17deg Libra) and it conjuncts Black Moon Lilith.
I read various intepretations on Moon Via Combusta, could you share what is your understanding of it?
Not necesessarily in this particular case, I meant in general in horary charts :)