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  1. IleneK


    We do not trigger transits for best results. Transiting planets do the triggering of natal planets. So you can check an ephemeris and you will know to be watching for when that happens. Transiting Moon can also sometimes highlight or amplify an current transit, like when tr Jup becomes very...
  2. IleneK

    A relationship ..?

    Expanding on what Sunrise has said here, I actually think that Saturn may have a relationship with Venus, this with Venus being in Saturn's house, and with Venus and Saturn in mutual mixed reception. Moon meeting Venus first, as Sunrise observes, may be something like Moon finds out about...
  3. IleneK

    Will Eric and I date? (Method question on significators having the same dispositor)

    I don't believe it means anything in particular in horary delineation. The main consideration of signs on significators is the planet's essential dignity and reception, not its common rulership by a planet. They are weakened, so not easily able to act in the matter. With the square, there may...
  4. IleneK

    Will we get together?

    A planet in her 1st house suggests to me that there is someone in her life who is very interested in her. How she feels about them is indicated more by her significator/Saturn's reception to Venus. Reception is determined by looking at the sign on Saturn in relation to Venus. In this case...
  5. IleneK

    Will he reply back to my last message? (significators in retrograde, detriment, mutual reception, on IC-MC axis)

    Via combusta is the area between 15 Libra and 15 Scorpio and is considered to be a debilitating area, particularly detrimental to the Moon. So not a favorable placement for the Moon either as the question or as the querent.
  6. IleneK

    Dream character analysis and connections to my natal chart.

    All I can say, besides also wanting to offer a deep genuine hug, is a heartfelt thank you. Please forgive no astrology. None comes to mind right now. Warmly, Ilene
  7. IleneK

    Will Eric and I be together? (My previous post does not open due to a technical error)

    With the mutual reception, not by aversion but by dignity, [mutual reception by definition is by dignity], the two of you really like each other a lot. Regarding the nature of the applying opposition between them, this is what I wrote elsewhere on the forum in another relationship question...
  8. IleneK

    Will we get together?

    Hello James and welcome. Horary typically does not answer "forever" or "ever" questions, like "will we ever get together?" Rather one needs to have some time frame in mind, like "will she take an interest in me in the next six months?" Something like that. So you may want to consider framing...
  9. IleneK

    Will he reply back to my last message? (significators in retrograde, detriment, mutual reception, on IC-MC axis)

    You are welcome, Salem. I agree. I do not see the period that you had in mind when you cast the chart as being a favorable time to proceed between the two of you.
  10. IleneK

    Will he reply back to my last message? (significators in retrograde, detriment, mutual reception, on IC-MC axis)

    I can't answer what is behind the silence, but here how I see the chart describe the larger overarching matter. You/Merc and he/Jup do a series of oppositions until near the end of the year. Then Merc immediately meets Saturn by square. This looks like it may be series intending and trying...
  11. IleneK

    Synastry chart with a former friend of mine. I noticed a couple of things and I wanted to see if they were true.

    Could you please post a chart with a table of the degree positions of both people? Synastry charts created at have that info on the same page as the synastry chart, making it really easy to read.
  12. IleneK

    will he reach out within a week?

    There are many things that you may not wish. I suppose it could be a fight, but maybe not. I don't think a chart can tell the details. Maybe others may be able to see...?
  13. IleneK

    What I am doing wrong?

    Do it a third time and see which one of the two original charts it matches up with.
  14. IleneK

    will he reach out within a week?

    Sun applies to square Saturn. There no reception between them. Moon has little light but does translate light from Sun to Saturn. I think they may reach out. With the combination of squaring aspect, no reception and Moon with very low light, the encounter may not be as you might wish.
  15. IleneK

    Will we go on this date?

    Interesting modern take, Elena. I do tend to stick with the traditional seven planets. Expanding to look at Neptune's trine, it might point to illusions around the matter. It will be interesting to see how the matter unfolds.
  16. IleneK

    What I am doing wrong?

    What composite method did you use? Did you just put exactly the same info in twice for both charts? We would need to know what you did in order to help you know what you did wrong.
  17. IleneK

    Will we go on this date?

    Great. Let us know when you actually go on date!
  18. IleneK

    Will we go on this date?

    You are welcome. Do let us know how it goes.
  19. IleneK

    Peregrine planets

    Love the entire post.... Thank you.