The birth of George Washington and the first recorded solar cycle, we're now in the 25th solar cycle and they last on average 11 years (the last ended around 2010 and the current one lasts until 2032), almost 300 years of a period of the US (independence declared in 1776, the 44th year) in the so-called Aquarian age, unless the cycle starts usually around Mar. (21) when the vernal or spring equinox in the northern (fall or autumn in the southern) hemisphere happened.
1989 is thought to been the Aquarian age debut, started on Jan 21 when the full moon was in cusp Cancer/Leo when the sun is in cusp Capricorn/Aquarius. There's a Capricornian and Saturnian composition to the Aquarian age when science and technology, progressive thought and globalization are traits we associate with the new age. Between the dates Jan. 21 and Mar. 21, you have Feb. 22 - the date George Washington was born, and July 4, 1776 - the US' founding date is when the sun is in Cancer opposite (a past full) an Aquarius moon.
J.E. Bush is Aquarius (2/11/1953), and he seeks to become the 3rd Bush family member who was president: His father George HW (term 1989-93) and George Jr (term 2001-09). In 2024, expect someone like JEB to campaign for president or as a VP mate with former VP Mike Pence. They'll run vs. either current pres. Biden and/or VP Kamala Harris (depending on circumstances regarding Biden's health).