Hellenistic Ancient Astrology A Manual of Traditional Techniques Volume 1 & 2 books.

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Jun 12, 2022
Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice--A Manual of Traditional Techniques
Volume One: Assessing Planetary Condition

Demetra George

Developed Under The Shadows of the Egyptian temples, Hellenistic astrology is an ancient form of divination inherited from Mesopotamian wisdom traditions. Distilled in Græco-Roman antiquity, and refined in the fires of philosophy and astronomy, it forms the bedrock of traditional western astrology (while also bearing profound similarities to Jyotish or Vedic astrology). Drawing on a body of Greek texts that have remained largely untranslated for almost two-thousand years, Demetra George brings the contemporary practice of astrology back to its ancient roots. Scholar, translator, and practitioner, her work reveals the potent cosmological veins that bear the lifeblood of traditional astrology.

Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice is, in essence, a training manual for the study and practice of Hellenistic astrology. In two volumes, it provides the complete foundations and detailed dynamics of ancient chart-reading techniques. Each volume and each technique is richly illustrated with diagrams, example charts, and practical exercises.

Volume 1: Assessing Planetary Condition
In ancient cosmology, the planetary divinities symbolised the hierarchy of forces that shape our lives in the sublunary world. Not all planets are created equal in a given nativity, however, and so the first step of the practicing astrologer is to assess the condition of each planet in a chart in order to determine its effectiveness (or lack thereof) in the native’s life. To this end, this volume provides a series of rigorous methods for evaluating the condition of each planet in a birth chart through the lenses of classification (sect, gender, benefic/malefic), signs and rulerships (residences, reception, exaltation, trigons, bounds), the solar phase cycle (speed, direction, visibility, phase, phasis), lunar considerations (course, phases, bonding, nodes, bending, eclipses, prenatal lunation), and aspects (configurations, witnessing, testimony, bonification, maltreatment, adherence, overcoming, rays). Finally, it brings all of these factors together in a powerful synthesis that unlocks the layers of a chart with unrivaled precision.

Volume One - Assessing Planetary Condition

Dedication. Acknowledgements. Foreword

Preface: My Long and Winding Road to Hellenistic Astrology

Introduction and Overview

Introduction: A Brief Historical Overview
1. The Hierarchy of the Cosmos
2. The First Five Steps in Learning Traditional Astrology

Part One: Planets and Sect

3. The Planets: Their Names, Significations, and Classifications
4. Classification: Benefic and Malefic
5. Gender of the Planets
6. Sect of the Planets
7. Planetary Joys and Sect Rejoicing
8. Summary and Source Readings

Part Two: Signs and Rulerships

9. Zodiacal Signs
10. Functions and Classifications of the Zodiacal Signs
11. Zodiacal Signs as Configurations
12. Signs and Residences of the Planets
13. Planetary Reception
14. The Exaltation Lords
15. Trigon Rulerships
16. Bound Rulerships
17. Decans
18. The Judgement
19. Summary and Source Readings

Part Three: The Solar Phase Cycle

20. Special Solar Considerations: An Overview
21. The Synodic Solar Phase Cycle
22. Planetary Speed, Direction, & Visibility
23. Visibility at the Horizon
24. Planetary Phases
25. Final Overview of the Solar Phase Cycle
26. The Synodic Cycle & the Minor Years of the Planets
27. Summary and Source Readings

Part Four: The Lunar Phase Cycle

28. Special Lunar Considerations
29. The Lunar Phases
30. Bonding and the Moon under the Bonds
31. Phases and Illnesses of the Moon
32. Nodes, Bendings, Eclipses
33. The Lot of Fortune: The Special Lot of the Moon
34. Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Fortune
35. The Prenatal Lunation
36. Final Judgement on the Influence of Lunar Concepts
37. Summary and Source Readings

Part Five: Aspects

38. Aspects: The Cosmic Dance of the Planets
39. Whole Sign Aspects: Witness and Testimony
40. Interpretation of Whole Sign Configurations
41. Aspect Relations
42. Bonification and Maltreatment
43. Coming Together, Connecting, Adhering, Flowing Apart
44. Superior Aspects: Left- and Right-sided Figurations
45. Overcoming and Hurling Rays
46. Maltreatment and Overcoming
47. Maltreatment by Striking with a Ray
48. The Opposition
49. Enclosure, Containment, Intervention
50. Maltreatment by Domicile Lords and House Locations
51. Final Judgment of a Planet based upon Aspect Conditions
52. Doruphoria: Spear-bearing Bodyguards
53. Sign-based Sympathies and Planetary Connections
54. Summary and Source Readings

Part Six: The Art of Judgement

55. The Celestial Condition of the Planetary Gods
56. Summary for Final Synthesis
57. Chart One: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
58. Chart Two: Pablo Picasso
59. Final Evaluation of Planetary Condition

60. Afterword

Volume One Assessing Planetary Condition, book cover:

Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice--A Manual of Traditional Techniques
Volume Two: Delineating Planetary Meaning

Demetra George

Volume 2: Delineating Planetary Meaning
If the planets are the essential forces ruling life in the sublunary world, the houses are the principles that bring them down to earth and ground them in our everyday reality. Building on the foundations of volume one (Assessing Planetary Condition), volume two begins by exploring the ancient house system in rich detail, before providing a synthesis of planet-based and house-based approaches to delineating a chart. Having articulated the principles of delineation, the book then explores the different systems for ascertaining the rulers of the entire nativity. Like the helmsman’s rudder that steers the vessel through the waters of existence, the masters and lords of the nativity provide the overarching principles that support and guide the native’s path through life as a whole.

Volume Two: Delineating Planetary Meaning

(Section and chapter numbering continued from volume one)

Historical Note. Acknowledgements

Part Seven: Down to Earth

61. Down to Earth
62. Classifications of the Houses
63. Topics of the Houses
64. The First House: The Hour-Marker (Horoskopos)
65. The Second House: Gate of Hades (Haidou Pule)
66. The Third House: Goddess (Thea)
67. The Fourth House: The Subterranean Place (Hupogeion)
68. The Fifth House: Good Fortune (Agathe Tuche)
69. The Sixth House: Bad Fortune (Kake Tuche)
70. The Seventh House: Setting (Dusis)
71. The Eighth House: The Idle Place (Argos)
72. The Ninth House: God (Theos)
73. The Tenth House: Midheaven (Mesouranema)
74. The Eleventh House: Good Spirit (Agathos Daimon)
75. The Twelfth House: Bad Spirit (Kakos Daimon)
76. Summary and Source Readings

Part Eight: Interpreting the Twelve Topics of Life

77. Placing the Planets in the Houses: Guidelines
78. The Nature and Condition of the House: Angularity, Favorability, Witnessing
79. Delineating a Planet in a House
80. Planets and House Rulerships
81. The Planet’s Domicile Lord
82. The Outcome of House Topics
83. The Delineation of House Topics
84. The Lord of a House
85. Integration: Bringing the Planet and House Approaches Together

Part Nine: Rulers of the Nativity

86. Rulers of the Nativity.

87. Steering the Ship of Life.
88. Introducing Lots.
89. The Triplicity Lords of the Sect Light.
90. The Ultimate Rulers of the Chart: The Predominator, the Master of the Nativity, and the Lord of the Nativity.
91. The Predominator (Epikratetor)
92. Variations in the Search for the Predominator
93. The Master of the Nativity (Oikodespotes)
94. The Lord of the Nativity (Kurios)
95. The Five Rulers of the Nativity: Final Summary
96. Length of Life: An Overview of Timing Methods

97. Length of Life: An Overview of Procedures
98. Source Readings for the Rulers of the Nativity
99. Afterword

Part Ten: Glossary, Sources, Bibliography

I. Glossary
II. Annotated Bibliography of Hellenistic Astrologers
III. Annotated Bibliography of Medieval Astrologers
IV. Bibliography
V. Index
VI. Errata to Volume One

Volume 2: Delineating Planetary Meaning, book cover:

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I live in the U.S., so I bought these 2 books Volume I & II along with Valens Anthology on Amazon Prime, due to my insane obsession with Vettius Valens Hellenistic.

But if you live outside of U.S and in countries not have access to Amazon or able to buy these two books (as it only available in U.S.), if you live in Russia, China, Turkey, Bulgaria, etc..
and you want to seriously study Astrology, please download these two books, 100% recommend, these are the two MUST have books for all Traditional astrology students.

I will leave the links below, links directly straight from ZLibrary.

Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques,
Volume I: Assessing Planetary Condition. DOWNLOAD link:

Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques,
Volume II: Delineating Planetary Meaning. DOWNLOAD link:

Has anyone else here reading the books? the two volumes, beside me? Very few people here follow Hellenistic Astrology. Regardless, I still want to share the links, if you come across this thread and interest, download it, it really worth the time to read, you will learn ALOT from these two books. There ALOT ALOT more to Astrology than just the Pop TikTok astrology that has been going around.

the two links above is for you too, download it, it in .PDF you can read it, you will like it I promise, it all Hellenistic Astrology in there, extensive research and collecting information on Hellenistic to put together these two books.
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Here is another book I think it worth a read, especially if you study Traditional: On the Heavenly Spheres - A Treatise on Traditional Astrology.
(to down: click on where it say Free Download Slow speed is fine, the speed is fast based on your internet, don't worry, I test download the .PDF file already)

It is a great book? No (as I always prefer read direct Ancient text translation). But it a very good book. This book basically has everything on Traditional Astrology. Table of Content is too long, but below is some content of the book that I enjoy reading (there alot more to the book than just these stuff).

Brief History of Astrology:
Origins of Astrology
Mesopotamic Period
Greek or Hellenistic Period
Medieval Period
The Renaissance
Decline of Astrology
Modern Approach

The Celestial Spheres Model:
The World of the Elements
Primary Qualities
Formation of the Elements
The Temperaments: Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic.

Planetary Hierarchy:
The Luminaries and the Planets
Superior and Inferior Planets
Nature of the Planets:
The Temperaments
Malefic and Benefic Planets
Gender: Masculine and Feminine
Sect: Diurnal and Nocturnal
Sect Implications in Planetary Expression

The Nature of the Signs:
The Modes
The Temperament of the Sign
The Planetary Rulers
The Nature of the Sign the Signs
Additional Characteristics

The Essential Dignities
The System of Essential Dignities and Debilities
The Major Dignities:
Domicile or Rulership
How Rulership is Assigned
Joy By Sign
Exile or Detriment
Fall How Exaltations and Falls Are Assigned
The Degrees of Exaltation
Second Dignities:
Dispositors and Rulers :
The Dispositor
Interpretation of Dignities and Debilities of the Planets in Nativities.
Scoring of Dignities and Debilities
The Scoring System
Example Scoring of the Essential Dignities
The Almuten

The Condition of the Planets:
Sun and Planet Relationships. Increase and Decrease in Light.
Under the Beams, Combustion, and Cazimi
Orientality and Occidentality. How to determine Orientality and Occidentality.
The Conditions of the Moon:
The Lunation Cycle
Orientality and Occidentality of the Moon
How to Determine the Moon’s Phase
The Syzygies or Lunations
Occidentality and Orientality of the Planets to the Moon
Conditions Specific to the Moon:
The Via Combusta
Gemini Moon
Late Degrees of a Sign
The Lunar Mansions
Other Planetary Conditions:
Hayz . Example for Planets in Hayz.
Dustoria or Security
Almugea (or Proper Face)
Reconciling Apparently Contradictory Conditions

The Power of the Planets:
Strength Strength of the Planets: Accidental Dignities
Accidental Dignities and Their Scoring. Position by House. Relationship to the Sun.
Conjunction to the Lunar Nodes
Lunar Condition
Conjunction to Fixed Stars
Other Accidental Dignities and Debilities
Final Scoring: Table of Strengths and Debilities of the Planets
Important Considerations Regarding the Practical Use of the Table
Six Examples of the Scoring Table

Minor Dignities, Zodiacal Degrees
Minor Dignities. Novenari. Duodenaria or Duodecimae (Twelfth Parts).
The Degrees of the Zodiac and their Properties:
Masculine and Feminine Degrees
Light, Dark, Smoky and Void Degrees
Pitted Degrees
Azemene or Unlucky Degrees
Fortunate Degrees

Book cover:

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I like this book, and want to share it. It called: The Real Astrology Applied Teachings from the Astrologers Apprentice by John Frawley.
(to down: click on where it say Free Download Slow speed is fine, the speed is fast based on your internet, don't worry, I test download the .PDF file already)

[[ The Real Astrology Applied explores in greater depth topics raised in The Real Astrology - topics practical, theoretical, historical and philosophical. These are articles from The Astrologer’s Apprentice, with others from The Astrological Association Journal and a detailed series on the houses from Horoscope (UK edition.).

Subjects covered include: the nature of light; antiscia; Arabian Parts; using mutual reception to make changes in the life; William Lilly; the perception of time; the role of the Lord of the Geniture in spiritual aspiration; receptions; why it goes wrong; the seasons; medical charts; the assessment of temperament; solar and lunar calendars; the true nature of the malefics; and more. ]]

Book cover:

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I am strictly a Hellenistic astrology student, so it only Traditional astrology for me. I want to use this thread to share books of Traditional astrology that I have, it in .PDF format, please download it if you interest.
I don't have much books, about 10-15, will post them all, most are Ancient text translation of Hellenistic though.

I really really this book, easy to read and understand, it called: Astrological Roots The Hellenistic Legacy by Joseph Crane
Download link:
(to down: click on where it say Free Download Slow speed is fine, the speed is fast based on your internet, don't worry, I test download the .PDF file already)


Preface & Introduction

1 Astrology’s Bricks and Mortar

2 Astrology’s Planets

3 Kinship of Planets and the Zodiac

4 Triplicities

5 Planetary Lords and Determination of Soul

6 The Hellenistic Lots

7 The Twelve Places

8 Aspects and other Connections

9 The Planets and When You See Them

10 Representing Love and Parents

11 The Non-Wandering Stars

12 Transits and Profections

13 Planetary Time Lord Systems

14 Ascensions and Directions

Bibliography & Index

Book cover:

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oh this is one of my favorite book, I love reading it. I recommend download this book if you into Ancient text translation. Haha, I love reading these stuff. I actually finished this book in 2 days, lol.

Rhetorius the Egyptian Astrological Compendium Containing His Explanation and Narration of the Whole Art of Astrology. Translate by by James Herschel Holden (Translator)
Download link:
(to down: click on where it say Free Download Slow speed is fine, the speed is fast based on your internet, don't worry, I test download the .PDF file already)

[[ This book contains the Astrological Compendium of the late Classical astrologer Rhetorius the Egyptian. It contains his Explanation and Narration of The Whole Art of Astrology, and was translated from the Greek by James Herschel Holden, M.A., Research Director of the American Federation of Astrologers. Also included are the treatises by Teucer of Babylon on the Nature of the Signs of the Zodiac and the Nature of the Seven planets. Rhetorius was the last major astrological writer of the Classical period of Greek Astrology. ]]

This book is for you too @JUPITERASC since both me and you love Ancient text translation.

Book cover:

I like this book, and want to share it. It called: The Real Astrology Applied Teachings from the Astrologers Apprentice by John Frawley.

[[ The Real Astrology Applied explores in greater depth topics raised in The Real Astrology - topics practical, theoretical, historical and philosophical. These are articles from The Astrologer’s Apprentice, with others from The Astrological Association Journal and a detailed series on the houses from Horoscope (UK edition.).

Subjects covered include: the nature of light; antiscia; Arabian Parts; using mutual reception to make changes in the life; William Lilly; the perception of time; the role of the Lord of the Geniture in spiritual aspiration; receptions; why it goes wrong; the seasons; medical charts; the assessment of temperament; solar and lunar calendars; the true nature of the malefics; and more. ]]

Book cover:
