Ideas on starseeds and Wanderers...

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Oct 15, 2010
Hey guys,

I know I haven't posted in a while, nor have I been learning any more astrology. I have been too busy with school and other spiritual topics.

I recently went through what I would call a "psychic awakening." I was meditating and I felt a large beam hit me in the head, and I was awakened to my true origins and my mission here on Earth. I am really from the Pleiades. I recently incarnated here for my fourth incarnation here on Earth (the other three times during Egyptian and Atlantean times, where things were a lot different then they are today)

It deeply resonates within my soul that I am a starseed; I have not been incarnating on Earth very much. I am on a site called that connects starseeds together to receive help and guide each other and humanity on their mission; to help humanity through the shift to 5D reality.

What do you guys think about the idea of starseeds and wanderers? There are a lot incarnating on this planet at this pivotal and important time for the global consciousness and the planet's vibration.

Love and light,
Now we're starting to agree. Though, in the future, myst1calz, perhaps you could think about ending your posts one paragraph sooner? I'm not saying that you're wrong nor that there isn't a time and place for talking about the interconnectedness of those things, but introducing the whole package all at once can confuse others, especially when you've only posted 10 times. Communications are more potent when they are shorter anyway.

I've tried to read up a little on the stories of humans coming from stars as an astrological interest. In fact, there are a good deal of such stories from cultures around the world and there are very few stars mentioned commonly (and the few that were mentioned repeatedly were probably repeated because they were closer to the equator and brighter). In addition, everything else I know about the way the Universe works seems to indicate that diversity is the rule, not the exception. It seems more likely to me that the many souls here came from many various "places."

As I've mentioned in one of the U.F.O. threads, I don't yet accept the idea of U.F.O.'s as ships only. We see ships probably because we build ships and that's what we would expect to see in the sky. Is it a coincidence that previous cultures saw in the sky things like chariots and horses? There are many descriptions of technology in ancient literature, such as in the Mahabharata, but other cultures had even less adequate imagery to describe their observations. It seems to me that we're all seeing whatever to us represents powerful, moving mechanisms. If you expect to find greys, you'll find greys. If you expect to find angels, you'll find angels. If you expect to find empty mechanics, you'll find empty mechanics.

Given that we've already introduced in this thread the concept of interaction with realms of greater dimension than we can directly perceive, it's not a huge stretch to imagine that these "ships" are not actually ships, but beings. Consciousness is everywhere. These "ships" may simply be our perception of things we can't reconcile.

At any rate, I think the important realisation is that we already exist in those dimensions. We don't need to "gain dimensions." We need to realise that within us is already a full existence. We are children of the Creator. We reflect Him in every way. On this Earth, it is our task to come to terms with this realisation and help others to do the same. Thus, I think it would be better to adopt a softer approach that does not narrow your statements into only one category. Let people hear what they need.
Hey guys,

I know I haven't posted in a while, nor have I been learning any more astrology. I have been too busy with school and other spiritual topics.

I recently went through what I would call a "psychic awakening." I was meditating and I felt a large beam hit me in the head, and I was awakened to my true origins and my mission here on Earth. I am really from the Pleiades. I recently incarnated here for my fourth incarnation here on Earth (the other three times during Egyptian and Atlantean times, where things were a lot different then they are today)

It deeply resonates within my soul that I am a starseed; I have not been incarnating on Earth very much. I am on a site called that connects starseeds together to receive help and guide each other and humanity on their mission; to help humanity through the shift to 5D reality.

What do you guys think about the idea of starseeds and wanderers? There are a lot incarnating on this planet at this pivotal and important time for the global consciousness and the planet's vibration.

Love and light,

As far as how it relates to astrology specifically, I've read things here and there, yeah. Not much, just that you should look to see if any planets fall on or near fixed stars, and if they do, then that's supposedly where you're "from".

I have Moon-Pluto right on/by Spica and Arcturus, and Mars close to Sirius. so apparently I'm Arcturian and Sirian? :lol:

I've tried but I can't really buy the starseed thing anyway but it is fascinating subject matter and worth looking into and thinking about.