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Apr 26, 2011
In The Litter Tray
Hoping for a more general discussion on lots and lot usage.

Do you find them useful? Which ones do you find most useful? Do you look at them in general delineations or mainly for more specific astrological inquiries?

Feel free to add anything else you might want to say about lots. Cheers!
I consider Lots one of the most important factors in astrological delineation, regardless of the type of astrological investigation being made. In this I am close to the Hellenists and the early-to-mid Islamic transitional era authors. The condition of the Lot (sign placement, house placement), the condition/relationships of its planetary significator (dispositor of the sign the Lot is in), aspects to the Lot (note: Lots do NOT make aspects-aspects are made TO Lots), connection of Lot (and/or its significator planet) with fixed stars, aspect (if any) of the ascending degree (or sign if using aspect-by-sign) to the Lot, the dodekatemorion ramification of the Lot (and any connection the dodek of the Lot has with stars, planets), midpoint of the Lot and its significator planet and/or the ascending degree, and so on, allow a great deal of investigation to be made regarding the subject matter of the Lot.

Most important single Lot (in my opinion) is the Part of Fortune; close to it is the Lot of Spirit (shows the inner nature of whatever it is you are investigating) But Lots can be used for many specific matters/subjects of astrological investigation.

To better understand the "philosophy" behind Lots (which go back to the early days of Hellenistic astrology in point of origin), the Zoller "Arabic Parts" books will provide a good foundation.
I'm sort of the opposite from Dr. Farr on this subject. I tend to not really bother with the Lots, even though Fortuna is a permanent placement in the charts that I cast. However, the Lots tend to not be all that interesting, and there are just so many of them that I feel they fall into the same realm as asteroids (though, the lots do have their own built in system of what is and isn't activated).

When doing natals, I tend to just stick with the Hermetics and do what I can with them.
Yes indeed, the Hermetic Lots (which are the Lots of the planets) can be highly illuminating in natal, and also in mundane, delineations.

Note that Lots are a distinguishing feature of (older) Western astrology: Lots are not used in either Vedic jyotish nor in the various Chinese astrological approaches.

But, can't help it, I just love em:love:....
Programming the hermetic lots I don't already have into my copy of Morinus... this thing is pretty handy

dr. farr said:
To better understand the "philosophy" behind Lots (which go back to the early days of Hellenistic astrology in point of origin), the Zoller "Arabic Parts" books will provide a good foundation.

Thanks, I'll add it to my mega list of books to read :biggrin:

Kaiousei no Senshi said:
(though, the lots do have their own built in system of what is and isn't activated)

Would you mind expanding on that, even if very briefly... something other than transits?
Dreaming the Seas said:
The calculations of the Hermetic Lots are the same as the Arabic Lots?

Yes, the Lot of Fortune and the Lot of Spirt themselves are Hermetic Lots. There's not a non-Hermetic Lot of Fortune. There are over 100 Lots, but only seven of those are Hermetic.

Moog said:
Would you mind expanding on that, even if very briefly... something other than transits?

Certainly. Zoller shares with us in his Medival Astrology course that Lots are only "activated" if they aspect their dispostior, their exaltation lord, or thier triplicity lord. Otherwise they're just dead space.

Now, I'm not sure if this counts for the Hermetic lots, but Zoller does use the Lot of Fortune in his example regarding this. I suppose you could say it's evidence that they do, but it seems to me more like it's just a Lot he used that he expected people to be familiar with. Though, typically, the Hermetic Lots aren't utilized in such a fashion except for Fortune...
Certainly. Zoller shares with us in his Medival Astrology course that Lots are only "activated" if they aspect their dispostior, their exaltation lord, or thier triplicity lord. Otherwise they're just dead space.

Now, I'm not sure if this counts for the Hermetic lots, but Zoller does use the Lot of Fortune in his example regarding this. I suppose you could say it's evidence that they do, but it seems to me more like it's just a Lot he used that he expected people to be familiar with. Though, typically, the Hermetic Lots aren't utilized in such a fashion except for Fortune...

Thanks, I'll bear that in mind while I'm looking at aspects to.

Just to be clear, the exaltation lord is the planet that is exalted in the sign the lot falls into? And the triplicity lord likewise?
what are the hermetic lots and the formulas?
That's based on chart sect. :)

In a diurnal chart Sun = Father and Venus = Mother
In a nocturnal chart Saturn = Father and Moon = Mother

For those reasons, the Lot of the Father is:
Diurnal: ASC + Sun - Saturn
Nocturnal ASC + Saturn - Sun

Lot of the Mother:
Diurnal: ASC + Venus - Moon
Nocturnal: ASC + Moon - Venus

The reason we reverse the formula based on sect
is because
the significators change
When Saturn is under Sun's beams you cannot use Saturn.
You substitute Jupiter for Saturn
