Meeting during a void of course moon

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Oct 4, 2014
I recently heard about an interesting meetup group in my area. Decided to check it out next time they meet, which will be later this month. When I went to put it on my calendar, I realized the Moon will be void of course during that meeting.

That made me wonder what, if anything, really happens if you meet new people during a void of course moon. Do you fail to connect with each other? Connect even better? Is there no effect?

There's no agenda here besides get together and do Interesting Thing, and meet people who are also interested in Interesting Thing. Nothing's really at stake, it's not like a job interview or first date. It's not the first time this group has met, either, just the first time for me.

I'm sure I've met new people during void of course Moons before, but I never paid attention to that detail. No idea what effect, if any, it really has.

Thoughts? Experiences?
Looking at it from the standpoint of pretending that you asked a horary question, literally any question, the first thing we note is that nothing will happen, while Moon is VOC.

Good point.

But horary questions are always asked when there's something at stake. Otherwise the querent wouldn't think to ask. In this case, there's nothing really at stake. The worst that could happen is I decide this group isn't really for me, after I've checked it out.

What will probably happen is I'll have a nice time, talk to some people, and maybe go back for another meeting. Does Moon VOC really have any effect on that?

I suppose I could meet my new best friend or soulmate, but that's not what I'm going there for.

I guess what I'm really wondering is if having Moon VOC somehow sabotages things. Like, maybe I'll go and feel like I'm not connecting with anyone, but if Moon weren't VOC I would connect with people.

It's like they say not to make major purchases during a VOC Moon, but routine grocery shopping is fine.

None of this is enough to make me change my plans. I'm just curious if it has any effect.
Where is Dark Moon Lilith at the meeting? DML sabotages things--always.

No idea. I haven't even cast a chart for it. I just saw on my calendar, which is an astrological one, that the moon will be void of course at that time.

DML is always somewhere. But things aren't always getting sabotaged. There must be more to it than that.