Particularly difficult childhoods in charts

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Dec 15, 2010
Wondering what placements/aspects you know generally signify a real lack of something as you were growing up, or big limitations or difficulties within families/with parents.
In general the 1st house can be afflicted along with 4th house and Moon.
Saturn, Pluto can be involved. Depending on the issues. 3rd house for school days, issues with siblings and neighbours.
In a day chart:
Mother = Venus
Father = Sun

In a night chart:
Mother = Moon
Father = Saturn

These planets represent your parents, maybe how they treated you, what role they played.
In general the 1st house can be afflicted along with 4th house and Moon.
Saturn, Pluto can be involved. Depending on the issues. 3rd house for school days, issues with siblings and neighbours.

I have Saturn in the 1st house (I think it's a very strong placement as I'm Capricorn rising) square Moon in the 4th house. My whole childhood was very difficult. My father was very ill and my mother completely overstrained, resulting in her being emotionally cold and hard or angry. It was hard for me and I've felt most of the time alone and abandoned. I have a younger brother, but most of her frustrations were directed at me.

It has taken me many years and finally the love of a wonderful man to heal.
Wondering what placements/aspects you know generally signify a real lack of something as you were growing up, or big limitations or difficulties within families/with parents.

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there can be lots of indicators and theories, Pisces and Gemini Asc are ones I would look for as well as malefic planets in 1st house or malefics in 4th house - home roots. Pluto conj IC can suggest abuse if badly aspected...

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