A typical day for democrats, using the recent Full Moon as an example
Moon Enters Libra: An invitation to wear hoochie earrings and pr0stitUte makeup.
Moon oppose Sun: Rebel against their hard working father who support and nurture them only to go outside and break all the rules for NO reason at all
Moon oppose Venus: Have an argument with their moms (WHO BY THE WAY IS A HARD WORKING LAWYER AND SUPPORTS THE FAMILY) and steals all of her makeup and clothes to go outside night clubbing with a fake I.D.
Moon Square Saturn: Go outside and meet with an older man they found on Omegle and brag about how they have a sugar daddy even though they are well aware of how inappropriate this relationship is.
Moon square Mars: Cheat on their 3 high school boyfriends. Boyfriend 1 is a football player who she gave gonorrhea and he doesn't know it yet because men typically dont show symptoms. Boyfriend 2 is their gr0ss old history teacher that she fools around with to get a passing grade. Boyfriend 3 is a computer science major she keeps around to help her set up her streaming set up for her Twitch streams.
Moon Trine Mercury: SHe'll probably go on tinder and talk with 50 guys and get them all to send her donations and use them for dinner.
Moon Trine Jupiter: SHe'll make up some lie on instagram about how destitute she is (she steals $100 bills from the Mom all the time!!), to get more donations she uses to fund her Wish shopping app, Sephora, Anthropologie,, Zaful & SHEIN addiction.
Any questions???