Well-known member
Greetings all, especially to my fellow Yank's.
Let me begin by saying that I don't know when it did become available but apparently Bernie Sanders' birth data, in particular, the time of day, is now available...at least according to astrotheme it is. They have changed the format at that website, though, since astrodienst has acquired it and there is no longer a system of rating the accuracy of the given information or any reference as to where, or from whom, the information is accredited to, however.
I'll take a chance that it is genuine and I have cast a chart for Bernie as well as one for, both, Pete Buttigieg and Mike Bloomberg. Since the nomination presently is pointing to the three of them as ending up the most likely candidates to succeed I'm going to analyze those three natal charts and see what I'm able to produce as their also becoming likely to win the presidential election in November.
Please note, for those of yo unfamiliar with me and or my methods, let it be known that I make much use of the Sabian Symbols, as ascertained by Elsie Wheeler and Marc Jones, yet, presented and interpreted by Dane Rudhyar.
I also greatly utilize Astrological Parts/Lots and interpret their indvidual influences to the particular person that is to whom the chart represents through the Sabian Symbols found for the particular Sign and degree an Astrological Part happens to be found in.
Astrological Parts are symbolically active and I have provided numerous examples over the last, nearly, fifteen years, giving many demonstrations to the fact here at this forum and in the book I have published.
I haven't gotten too far with any of the three, as of yet, but what I do have, so far, I find interesting, and intriguing, enough to compel me to get started on this presently... as the primaries have already begun and time is of the essence from here on. A hopeful's chances can be dashed in but a day and just as swiftly be enhanced, or at least salvaged, just as swiftly, in my observational experience of many years of political awareness as to elections for political office.
I'll begin with Bernie Sanders.
The natal chart axis, interpreted through the Sabian Symbols, found for the four positions, i.e. the Asc., Desc., M.C, and I.C. are interpreted as, in the same order, as the "WHO". the "WHERE-TO" [or "WHOM-TO", as I sometimes find it to be more easily understood by others], the "HOW" [in interpretation as to the spiritual evolution of the person in question and the "WHY" as to the mundane affairs of the same person], and the "WHY" [as to one's spiritual evolution and the "HOW" as to their mundane affairs]
Bernie's Asc. is given as 25* Scorpio 09' 07", that is the 26th degree of Scorpio, and that just so happens to also be the exact same Sign and degree as the Part of Fortune derived from the natal chart of the USA [the "Zero Hour" chart, i.e. 12:00:01 A.M., July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.]. Though I am presently inclined to believe that all natal charts must be adjusted for the Sidereal precession, the Sabian Symbols found for the original natal chart remains in effect throughout the entire lifetime of an individual, or nation. I believe, at present, that the Sidereal adjustment only be made as so to ascertain the point of conjunction.
The Part of Fortune reveals... symbolically, through the relevant Sabian Symbol, the "Actional", or "Emotional/Cultural", or "Individual/Mental", according to Rudhyar's interpretations of how the Sabian Symbols exert their particular influences changing ever five degrees, repeatedly, in succession... just how one, or the society of a nation, must apply itself in order to produce the most fortuitous circumstances in which to assist oneself in achieving their destiny, in accomplishing their "dharma". It has little, if anything at all, to do with a "fortune" in terms of wealth in a monetary sense.
The Sabian Symbol for the 26th degree of Scorpio is [according to Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala"]
KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements.
He who lives in harmony with nature, moving on as new needs arise, finds himself intuitively at home everywhere. He does not make demands upon life, for he has identified himself with the great rhythms of the biosphere and he functions at peace with what they produce. This is the message of the American Indian culture which European invaders so wantonly and meaninglessly destroyed nearly everywhere. Western man has lost faith in life because he wants to dominate and enslave manifestations.
This represents the first stage of the forty-eighth five-fold sequence in the cycle of experience. It brings to us a message we greatly need today — the message of peaceful adaptation to nature, and through adaptation, of EFFICIENT FUNCTIONING in all life situations."
I, myself, can easily see how and why it is relevant to the U.S.A. as being symbolic of it's Part of Fortune... regrettable, perhaps, but apparently necessary as according to Divine decree but as to being the "WHO" of Bernie Sanders'one has to first consider that it is of the "Individual/Mental" type of Sabian Symbol I think that it gives wonderful insight into the kind of person Mr. Sanders is and that is given most particularly with the words within Dane's "Keynote", r.e."The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements." and His summation, r.e. "... peaceful adaptation to nature, and through adaptation, of EFFICIENT FUNCTIONING in all life situations."
Bernie's Desc., His "WHERE-TO", is shown us through the Sabian Symbol found for the 26th degree of Taurus [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The ritualization of individual desires.
At this level we see the play of collective values as they affect the individual person and indeed confirm his individuality by giving it a solid basis in a tradition. The individual is still attached to these group-values; he "belongs." Nevertheless, this state is necessary for a safe and secure sense of differentiation within an enfolding whole. Music and the culturally acceptable rituals of love are cultural products, yet each person can use them for the spontaneous fulfillment of his very own desires.
This is the first symbol in the twelfth five-fold series. It reveals the individual human being making use of his personal status to find fulfillment and a sense of social identity. This is ROLE-PLAYING in its most enjoyable form."
As this applies to Mr. Sanders the role He plays is that of a politician and not so much as being for a reason born out of personal desire...not in a selfish sense, anyways, but rather in an impersonal sense of concern and duty to his fellow Americans.... imho, of course... as I just don't "see" Bernie as being one of selfish personal motivation as to why He got into politics and continues on relentlessly.
Bernie Sanders' M.C. The "HOW" of his natal chart, as to his his evolving spiritually and the "WHY" of his mundane, earthly affairs, is at 08* Virgo 27" 24", that is the 9th degree of Virgo. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The urge to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition.
At this stage the individual is seen reacting against cultural standards and stereotyped ways of interpreting his perceptions. This is a statement of uncompromising self-reliance, which may even imply a kind of defiance and a challenge to society. The mind is seeking to discover the character of the basic and true foundation of individual selfhood, the AUM tone (or logos) of individual being. In the process, however, what is expressed is usually the reflection of a deep catharsis with emotionally charged and often tragic overtones.
This fourth stage symbol brings to us the hint of a technique of transformation of the personality. What predominates is a sense of inner conflict and an over-selfconscious attempt at "being oneself." But there is a great difference between being an origin of development pregnant with futurity, and deliberately sought for ORIGINALITY."
This so describes the type of person that Bernie is. In Rudhyar's own words, "...reacting against cultural standards and stereotyped ways of interpreting his perceptions. This is a statement of uncompromising self-reliance, which may even imply a kind of defiance and a challenge to society", and Dane's "Keynote" synopsis "...to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition." Truly because American society is, and has been for sometime, headed on a path of self destruction or, at the least, on one of ruination. Maybe not by the intention of the masses but surely because we are being led, pushed, shoved, and sometimes threatened to get us to comply. We have been lied to in our history books at school, brainwashed by a controlled media, intimidated by the minions of those that are in power and of great wealth that they use to further their own selfish agenda.
Bernie Sanders is a "painter" whom has been painting us his vision of what a grander landscape the United States could be... what it should be, as the founders of our nation envisioned it themselves.
Bernie Sanders' I.C., the "WHY" of the chart axis as to the transition desired by the creator from "WHO" He was cast to be as to the "WHERE-TO" given Him as his desired destiny and by the manner of "HOW" the creator wishes it to be accomplished, as I already wrote about above that the "HOW" is given in symbolic form through the Sabian Symbol found for his M.C.... . and the I.C.also gives the manner of "HOW", through its Sabian Symbol, He should conduct his mundane affairs.
The I.C. is in the 9th degree of Pisces. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: Intense mobilization of energy and skill in the drive for success in any social performance affected by the competitive spirit.
Since the end of the archaic ages and the stressing of individualism, especially in our American society which worships the material images of "success," the desire to win any kind of "race" engenders an often-feverish release of energy controlled by technical skill and long practice. Wherever this symbol is found, it indicates the need to spur one's total being toward speedy attainment of whatever goal it may be.
This is the fourth symbol in the sixty-eighth series; its technical significance is quite evident. Every superfluous "weight," every unnecessary consideration is to be dismissed in the one-pointed attempt to reach one's social goal. SELF-QUICKENING may be the Keyword."
How so very much this symbol describes the man. If He could live to be 200 years old I would wager that He would be in the running of the race for president every four years, relentlessly,
Personally speaking, I pray that He is presently running for the last time, unless He achieves it and then runs for re-election.
The 12th House cusp reveals symbolically, through the Sabian Symbol found for the Sing and degree it is within, one's answer to what they perceive as the greatest problem the world about them is contending with. In Bernie Sanders' natal chart the 12th House cusp is at 04* Scorpio 41' [as His 12th and 6th Houses are "intercepted Houses" giving Him a Sagittarian cast of personality to the affairs of those two House in an, otherwise, chart of predominantly Scorpionic cast by ascendant.] That is in the 5th degree of Scorpio and thus what Bernie sees as the answer as to what he perceives being the most challenging problem the world at large faces, is... [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The inertia of all institutionalized procedures.
Slow is the rise of the land from the vast ocean, but once it is formed it develops a formidable resistance to change in spite of storms. Likewise, once a culture has expressed its basic symbols and its particular way of thinking, feeling and acting in concrete institutions, these change very slowly indeed. The individual who came to the great city (Scorpio i° symbol) soon finds his life set by the rhythms of city living, which obliterate vaster life processes and the moving tides of evolution.
This is the last of the five symbols of the forty-third sequence. We see in it how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, and these are necessary factors in the social life of man — until new horizons beckon. The Keyword is STABILITY."
For the purpose of understanding what I see as being of primary significance here are Dane's words in the summation, "...how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, and these are necessary factors in the social life of man — until new horizons beckon. The Keyword is STABILITY."
Bernie has been inaccurately labeled a "Socialist". Yes, while some of his ideas, and means, that He has managed to get implemented, are socialistic in nature, Bernie is a man that believes in the community, in the communal way of living as a society.[not "Socialism", not "Communism", but "Communal-ism"... please understand, and know, that there is a difference between the three.] A society stably built upon a foundation of mutual benefit and cooperation is a society that is healthy, self nurturing, resistant to societal erosion and destruction. A society that does not turn a deaf ear towards cries arising from genuine need.
As for the reason that I was able to predict Donald Trump successfully attaining the office of president of the United States back in January of 2016 [It is posted here in this forum] which, at that time, the political "pundits" were giving Him, at best, a 2% chance of even getting the Republican Party's nomination, by primarily observing the Sabian Symbols found for His Part of Fortune, Part of Hidden Identity aka Part of Oration, and Part of Catastrophe [that's not all that convinced me, but I'm addressing Astrological Parts at this point in this analysis and the knowledge of which did pretty much convince me, at that time, that He was going to eventually win the entire thing] I've derived those three Astrological Parts for each of these three candidates, so far... I'm going to derive all that I possibly can , eventually...but as I wrote, I want to get the ball rolling on this subject...now... and time is a wasting.
Bernie Sander's Part of Fortune is at 28* Gemini 57' 35", that is the 29th degree of Gemini. {Please see what I wrote above about te Part of Fortune, already, so as to be conscious of how the symbolism relates to the man.]
This is of the "Individual/Mental" variety of Sabian Symbol, according to Dane Rudhyar.[ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The creative exuberance of the human soul in response to basic life experiences.
The mockingbird is able to imitate sounds he hears, but actually he does more than imitate, for he weaves all these sounds into melodies which at times can have joyous amplitude and instinctively creative spontaneity. The symbol refers to the capacity which the talented individual has to take collective material and to transform it under the urge of biological productivity and instinctual love. The song rises, powered by these great natural drives, very much as so-called popular songs rise from the youthful soul in response to deep personal or social emotions.
At this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence, what is presented to us symbolically is the reaction of the individual who has become sensitive to many life currents in his environment and who is able to exteriorize this welling-up response as a gift to his society, displaying VIRTUOSITY."
Once again, it is Danes summation [the last paragraph] that bespeaks so much about the man...Bernie has truly incorporated the symbolism of his Part of Fortune into his being...it surely is a guiding precept in his living day to day, year after year... "a gift to his society"... To borrow and paraphrase from the movie Lawrence of Arabia,He is a river of optimism, and inspiration, to his people
Bernie's Part of Hidden Identity, aka Part of Oration [Asc. + Saturn - Moon] is derived to be at 04* Leo 16' 46", that is the 5th degree of Leo.
I'll get to Bernie's Part in a moment, but first I want to share what Donald Trump's Part of Hidden Identity, aka Part of Oration, is as so that you all can understand why I put such an emphasis on this particular Astrological Part for those running for election to a political office...especially that of the president of the United States.
Donald's Part is at 02* Aries 34' 43", that is the 3rd degree of Aries [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The sustaining power of the Whole, as the individual identifies themselves with It’s life.
Having become objectively aware of their nature and basic humanity, the individualizing person finds power and inner security in realizing their essential identity with the section of the universe in which they operate. They and it seem to the consciousness united in a cosmic-planetary process - in a 'participation mystique.' Metaphysically expressed, this is the concept of the identity of Atman and Brahman. In another sense, through the ability to identify themselves with the complex of life activities surrounding them, the individual person can become truly, not only an image and representation of the Whole of their natal environment (local, planetary and perhaps eventually cosmic), but an agent through whom the Whole may express itself in an act of creative resonance and outpouring. This is the avatar ideal — the ideal of a transpersonal' life and consciousness totally consecrated to and directed by a divine Power. This Power can also be conceived as the archetypal Self, the Christ-principle as it operates in and through an individual person and destiny who have become its outward manifestation in order to meet a collective human need.
The concept of the formal-structural identity of the universal macrocosm and the human microcosm is a very important one, as it manifests itself at many levels. It provided an inner sense of security and harmonic strength to archaic man. To the modern individual assailed by surface evidence of meaninglessness and futility it gives a feeling of participation in the vast tide of evolution. It is the answer to the tragic sense of alienation so prevalent today.
This symbol characterizes the third stage of the first five-fold sequence of phases: the stage of PARTICIPATION IN A GREATER LIFE."
So then, perhaps many, if not all, of you can see why Donald became so popular, so quickly, with the American people? When He speaks, people see Him as the embodiment of the United States. Granted He says a lot more...too much in fact, imho...but many people have a tendency to hear only as much as they wish to hear, unfortunately.
So then, let's get back to Bernie Sanders here. Bernie's Part of Hidden Identity, aka Part of Oration, aka Part of Influence is in the 5th degree of Leo. As like the Sabian Symbol for Donald Trumps Astrological Part, it is also of the "Actional" variety. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The structuring power of elemental forces during the long cycle of planetary evolution.
Dwarfing the time allowed to individual human beings, the vast periods of geological evolution not only awe our imagination, but allow the slow yet magnificent work of elemental forces as they mold landscapes and canyons, rocks and mountains. This symbol points to our need to acquire a much vaster perspective on what we are able to do - and on our yearning for prolonged youth and our pride in masculine achievements. The works of nature should make us feel humble and help us to 'planetarize' our consciousness.
This first stage symbol concludes the first level sequence. It stands in broad pictorial contrast to the first, or rather it seeks to impress us with our vanity as creators of forms and mental achievers. To the dramatic and proud Leo type, it presents a picture of IMPERSONALITY."
The manner in which I have to interpret this, as to Bernie's Part of Oration/Influence/Hidden Identity, is that He sees and speaks of a need to reform, reshape, redefine our nation into one that will be as enduring as those most permanent forms that nature produces. Please recall what I wrote pertaining to His 12th House cusp...that "Stability" is what He believes is the answer to societys' greatest problem...and Rudhyar's keyword, "IMPERSONALITY" should not be overlooked her, either. As it can be taken to mean that what He proposes to be created is a system that is impersonal in nature...not a system that favors any one group over another, any one person over another, but rather a system that is the most favorable to all.
Bernie Sanders' Part of Catastrophe [Asc. + Uranus - Sun].
It has been shown to me that the Sabian Symbol found for ones Part of Catastrophe is literally symbolic of what might be assessed to be, or become, the most profoundly life changing incident to occur to that individual.
But, I have also found that it is a necessary catastrophe, one that must occur at sometime in the individuals life. For some, like myself, in order to be a catalyst for change at the right time in order for one to proceed in the correct direction. For a few such as that of Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth, as it is the reason He was crucified in order to become a martyr. some might say...others will say it was in order to fulfill his karma, and yet others will say that it was in order for Him to fulfill his destiny.
Whether or not one agrees that I have produce the true natal chart for Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth, I think most will agree...and certainly almost everyone that considers themselves to be a Christian by religious affiliation, that it certainly "fits the man" as to what His greatest catastrophe was.
So then, please allow me to introduce here what I derived that Part of Catastrophe to be for Yeshu'a/Jesus so as to demonstrate how this particular Astrological Part is effective. That is the 29th degree of Virgo. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision.
Whether at the religious or at the socio-political and cultural level there comes a time when obsolescent patterns of order and cultural refinement have to be radically and relentlessly challenged. Catabolic personages emerge to seize power and dictate decisions that alter the structures of society; or within an individual life, an intense urge for cathartic changes mobilizes the will, and traumatic decisions are made. At such times, the issue has to be met and, ruthless as the power may appear, it must be accepted.
At this third stage of the thirty-sixth sequence we face the un-postponable necessity for decision and transformation. Existence is motion. No static formation, however beautiful and inspiring, can remain long unchallenged. Everything bows to THE POWER OF THE WILL — divine, executively human, or Satanic."
Note: radically and relentlessly challenging obsolescent [or corrupted] religious and socio-political structures of society... those particular power bases... a Catabolic personage urging for cathartic change.
As to my own Part of Catastrophe it is in the 17th degree of Capricorn and it is a symbol about [according to Dane Rudhyar and the keywords He wrote for the interpretation of the Sabian Symbol for that degree, {ibid.}] "RELEASE FROM INHIBITIONS".
In August of 1984, in the region of the country I was living at the time, there was a lot of drug abuse, unprotected, "free" sex, and other potentially dangerous activities occurring and those temptations were being constantly presented to me...even offered to me...and I decided that if I didn't leave that area, and right away, I might do myself great harm...perhaps even end up dead. Considering that some very destructive drugs were just makking a widespread scene, [for one example crack cocaine, and there were a number of others just as potentially dangerous, some even deadly, and some yet became even deadlier. A neighbor of mine lost his 18 year old son, just a month after he graduated high school, only five years ago when the lad took a Xanex at the end of the day and then came home and fell asleep upon his parents living room couch after they had gone to bed themselves that night. He was found dead in the morning...as what He thought to be a legitimate pharmaceutically manufactured Xanex that someone had obtained through a prescription was in fact rather one produced in China and laced with fentanyl. Considering that AIDS was just about to become known of at that time, in the early 1980's, had I continued to reside in the area I was living in I might have ended up dead soon enough, from one thing or another.
So, I left that area and drove for two days to Los Angeles, called upon my brother for a place to relocate for long enough to decide as to where I should try to permanently relocate and what I should pursue both as for a career and manner of lifestyle to commit to...as I had realized it was imperative that I do so.
I arrived just in time to find that my brother had been laid of from work for nearly two years and while awaiting a call to go back to work He had spent that time studying all he could about astrology in the effort to determine what, if anything, was genuine about it...and what was wrong, what had become corrupted, of it, read a ton of Rudhyar and studied Dane's book on the Sabian Symbols... I spent the next nine months living with him...we both got work for the same contractor, we both worked out at the same gym nightly, hung out together on the weekends ...and thus I got a nine month intensive lesson on what He had collected and proven to himself, and in turn proved to me, what he had amassed as to what is genuine of "Traditional astrology" and other forms of astrological practices that also proved to be so...in particular the Sabian Symbols, as interpreted and presented by Dan Rudhyar.
That was beginning in August of 1984 and I have never ceased studying the "science' since that first day He demonstrated to me the veracity of his findings.
That's what I mean by how the Part of Catastrophe is necessary but doesn't necessarily mean that it will be that which leads you to death. In my cae it was a cathartic, that which caused me to change direction and find my true calling.
Let me just say this about this particular Astrological Part as a final word of advice. To be forewarned of what it is symbolically gives one the advantage of mitigating the damage it will cause you.
Bernie's Part of Catastrophe is at 09* Leo 53' 30", that is the 10th degree of Leo. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The exalted feeling that rises within the soul of the individual who has successfully passed through the long night which has tested his strength and his faith.
The cold air of night having precipitated upon the field of man's consciousness the moisture of his deepest feelings, this widely spread dew is blessed with the light of significance by the rising sun of the new day. Even tears can be transformed into jewels in the light of victory over night and sorrow.
At this fifth stage of the present sequence we see the potential culmination of the process which began on a note of social and cultural crisis. The would-be reformer has to meet many emotional problems as he begins his work of creation. Creation means transformation; the reformer is actually a transformer if he is truly a creative and inspired individual open to the spirit that 'makes everything new.' The building of a new society, and of one's renewed personality as well, is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony. The Keyword is TRANSFIGURATION."
Did you "see" it? For those of you that didn't let me take a passage from the above and present it again "...the potential culmination of the process which began on a note of social and cultural crisis. The would-be reformer has to meet many emotional problems as he begins his work of creation. Creation means transformation; the reformer is actually a transformer if he is truly a creative and inspired individual open to the spirit that 'makes everything new.' The building of a new society, and of one's renewed personality as well, is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony."
Please recall what His M.C. Sabian Symbol is and what Rudhyar wrote pertaining to that, "... ..."AN EXPRESSIONIST PAINTER AT WORK." and what Dane wrote in explanation, "The building of a new society, and of one's renewed personality as well, is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony."
It seems to me that this "catastrophe" has already occurred in Bernie's life. He has been slighted for his early in life associations and some of the proposals and efforts He's made towards the building of a new society....and that has cost him dearly in terms of political popularity.
He's about as experienced now as any person could ever be, and, I believe, likely as wizened now from the experiences to date. Besides, I doubt that you can find a single person that is an adherent of the religion of Christianity that believes that what Yeshu'a/Jesus did, r.e. [challenging those religious and political power structures] was wrong People that are the catalyst for great change often suffer greatly for it. Take Abraham Lincoln for another example.
That's all I have at present. There are other factors I found, that I believe, contributed to Donald Trump getting elected in 2016. One, for example, is that transiting Venus was conjunct His natal Part of Kings & Royalty, which is an Astrological Part I've never studied yet and the title probably doesn't necessarily pertain to only that of royal peerage and such...as here in the United States peerage doesn't mean a doggone thing...except to those that are among our citizenry that are considered to have such in other countries, or have some sort of blood, or associative, relationship to same...but it usually means very little, if anything, to the great majority of us Americans.
There's also the fact that Trump's natal North Node is conj. the U.S.A.'s natal Mars, and despite whether or not one should adjust natal charts according to Sidereal precession, the fact remains that they both share the same Sabian Symbol. Then there's the matter of Trump's natal Part of Faith/Hope is the same Sign and degree as the U.S.A.'s part of Intelligence & Skill which are in the 18th degree of Pisces and has for its Sabian Symbol [ibid.] "IN A GIGANTIC TENT, VILLAGERS WITNESS A SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE.
KEYNOTE: The collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory", and Dane's Keyword summation, "PUBLIC SELF-DRAMATIZATION.", but the 18th degree of Pisces also happens to be the USA's natal chart Part of Catastrophe... so as to whether this will amount to his presidency ultimately becoming a disaster or whether it had something to do with His getting elected to begin with, I honestly don't know...but I do certainly find it to be interesting and as much so that I thought that I should mention it.
Then there's the matter that come this November the transiting North Node will be conjunct his own natal North node, which is at 20 Gemini 48' 14". It will be precisely so just four or five days before the election and, in fact, will remain in the 21st degree of Gemini until November 26th.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, however, will both be in opposition to His natal Venus and Saturn, Jupiter will be conjunct, within a one degree orb, with his natal Vertex...what that means as to Jupiter conj. natal vertex I haven't any idea but I thought that I should include it for those that might find significance in it.
Considering that most everyone seems to believe He will be re-elected, at this time, and considering the transiting North Node will be exactly conjunct his own North Node just four days prior to the election [the 29th of October] and within a half of a degree on the day of the election yet still in the same degree, i.e. the 21st of Gemini, I'd say that despite the Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto oppositions in transit to His natal Venus and Saturn at that time seems to me to be a very good indication that He will sway the public towards voting for him.
The capper is that Neptune will be .conjunct the USA's natal Part of Catastrophe, which is at 17* Pisces 44' 11" and its Part of Intelligence & Skill at 17* Pisces 52' 11"...and please recall what the Sabian Symbol is for that degree and that it includes displays of public oratory, e.g. campaign speeches, and considering that it is Neptune that is the planet in play here and that Neptune is that planet which stimulates the imaginative faculties, and when in adverse aspect can result in delusional fantasies and the like, that is not going to beneficent to the American voters trying to decide whom is the best candidate.
Besides, those adverse oppositions from Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto to Trump's natal Venus and Saturn are indicative, for the most part, of troubles caused by other than his own actions.. and as for Pluto opposite Saturn that can get real nasty as to a point that absolute evil of the most malefic and powerful in nature can become actively adversarial.
When the polls, those last polls in Hawaii, close on November 3rd at 11:00 P.M. EST the transiting Moon will be at 21* Gemini 00' 06", having begun at 8:00A.M EST that day at 13* Gemini 27' 50" and as Trump's natal N. Node is at 20* Gemini 48' 14", and at apprx. 21* Gemini 51' 31" adjusted for the Sidereal precession that will have occurred since the day He was born [an adjustment of + 1* 03' 17.2"] so, regardless of whether one should adjust for the Sidereal precession or not the Moon will be in a conjunction aspect the entire day of the election to His natal N. Node...and that is going to greatly assist his popularity at exactly the right time that He might need that little extra edge...that is if a "little" is all that it does truly add as that aspect greatly enhances his ability and likelihood of saying just what the public likes to hear ...or messaging by Twitter...and you all know, and know that you can bet on it and take it to the bank...that Trump will be saying and tweeting that entire day.
I wanted to include what findings I have so far for Pete Buttigieg and Mike Bloomberg in this first post but seeing as it has taken me a lot more time to write as much as I have...about a little more than seven hours... there's just no way I'm going to be able to and since I have covered Bernie, at least...whom to me is the most important because I'm hugely in favor of him getting the Oval Office...contributed nearly $700.00 to his campaign in 2016, then that's what I will go ahead and post for right now and hopefully have the other two candidates covered before the end of the day tomorrow.
I do feel compelled to inform you all of a couple of very interesting finds right now though, for as much for the reason I might not get that posted by tomorrow night as for the reason that some of you reading this before I do get that posted might not check back to read any further until much later, and if at all as for some of you.
[As astrologyweekly has informed me that my initial post is too lengthy I will cut the remaining at this point and continue the last few paragraphs remaining in the following post, thank you for your patience and interest, ptv]
Here's a copy of Bernie Sanders' natal chart
Let me begin by saying that I don't know when it did become available but apparently Bernie Sanders' birth data, in particular, the time of day, is now available...at least according to astrotheme it is. They have changed the format at that website, though, since astrodienst has acquired it and there is no longer a system of rating the accuracy of the given information or any reference as to where, or from whom, the information is accredited to, however.
I'll take a chance that it is genuine and I have cast a chart for Bernie as well as one for, both, Pete Buttigieg and Mike Bloomberg. Since the nomination presently is pointing to the three of them as ending up the most likely candidates to succeed I'm going to analyze those three natal charts and see what I'm able to produce as their also becoming likely to win the presidential election in November.
Please note, for those of yo unfamiliar with me and or my methods, let it be known that I make much use of the Sabian Symbols, as ascertained by Elsie Wheeler and Marc Jones, yet, presented and interpreted by Dane Rudhyar.
I also greatly utilize Astrological Parts/Lots and interpret their indvidual influences to the particular person that is to whom the chart represents through the Sabian Symbols found for the particular Sign and degree an Astrological Part happens to be found in.
Astrological Parts are symbolically active and I have provided numerous examples over the last, nearly, fifteen years, giving many demonstrations to the fact here at this forum and in the book I have published.
I haven't gotten too far with any of the three, as of yet, but what I do have, so far, I find interesting, and intriguing, enough to compel me to get started on this presently... as the primaries have already begun and time is of the essence from here on. A hopeful's chances can be dashed in but a day and just as swiftly be enhanced, or at least salvaged, just as swiftly, in my observational experience of many years of political awareness as to elections for political office.
I'll begin with Bernie Sanders.
The natal chart axis, interpreted through the Sabian Symbols, found for the four positions, i.e. the Asc., Desc., M.C, and I.C. are interpreted as, in the same order, as the "WHO". the "WHERE-TO" [or "WHOM-TO", as I sometimes find it to be more easily understood by others], the "HOW" [in interpretation as to the spiritual evolution of the person in question and the "WHY" as to the mundane affairs of the same person], and the "WHY" [as to one's spiritual evolution and the "HOW" as to their mundane affairs]
Bernie's Asc. is given as 25* Scorpio 09' 07", that is the 26th degree of Scorpio, and that just so happens to also be the exact same Sign and degree as the Part of Fortune derived from the natal chart of the USA [the "Zero Hour" chart, i.e. 12:00:01 A.M., July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.]. Though I am presently inclined to believe that all natal charts must be adjusted for the Sidereal precession, the Sabian Symbols found for the original natal chart remains in effect throughout the entire lifetime of an individual, or nation. I believe, at present, that the Sidereal adjustment only be made as so to ascertain the point of conjunction.
The Part of Fortune reveals... symbolically, through the relevant Sabian Symbol, the "Actional", or "Emotional/Cultural", or "Individual/Mental", according to Rudhyar's interpretations of how the Sabian Symbols exert their particular influences changing ever five degrees, repeatedly, in succession... just how one, or the society of a nation, must apply itself in order to produce the most fortuitous circumstances in which to assist oneself in achieving their destiny, in accomplishing their "dharma". It has little, if anything at all, to do with a "fortune" in terms of wealth in a monetary sense.
The Sabian Symbol for the 26th degree of Scorpio is [according to Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala"]
KEYNOTE: The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements.
He who lives in harmony with nature, moving on as new needs arise, finds himself intuitively at home everywhere. He does not make demands upon life, for he has identified himself with the great rhythms of the biosphere and he functions at peace with what they produce. This is the message of the American Indian culture which European invaders so wantonly and meaninglessly destroyed nearly everywhere. Western man has lost faith in life because he wants to dominate and enslave manifestations.
This represents the first stage of the forty-eighth five-fold sequence in the cycle of experience. It brings to us a message we greatly need today — the message of peaceful adaptation to nature, and through adaptation, of EFFICIENT FUNCTIONING in all life situations."
I, myself, can easily see how and why it is relevant to the U.S.A. as being symbolic of it's Part of Fortune... regrettable, perhaps, but apparently necessary as according to Divine decree but as to being the "WHO" of Bernie Sanders'one has to first consider that it is of the "Individual/Mental" type of Sabian Symbol I think that it gives wonderful insight into the kind of person Mr. Sanders is and that is given most particularly with the words within Dane's "Keynote", r.e."The ability to adjust swiftly to a new situation by tuning in to its requirements." and His summation, r.e. "... peaceful adaptation to nature, and through adaptation, of EFFICIENT FUNCTIONING in all life situations."
Bernie's Desc., His "WHERE-TO", is shown us through the Sabian Symbol found for the 26th degree of Taurus [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The ritualization of individual desires.
At this level we see the play of collective values as they affect the individual person and indeed confirm his individuality by giving it a solid basis in a tradition. The individual is still attached to these group-values; he "belongs." Nevertheless, this state is necessary for a safe and secure sense of differentiation within an enfolding whole. Music and the culturally acceptable rituals of love are cultural products, yet each person can use them for the spontaneous fulfillment of his very own desires.
This is the first symbol in the twelfth five-fold series. It reveals the individual human being making use of his personal status to find fulfillment and a sense of social identity. This is ROLE-PLAYING in its most enjoyable form."
As this applies to Mr. Sanders the role He plays is that of a politician and not so much as being for a reason born out of personal desire...not in a selfish sense, anyways, but rather in an impersonal sense of concern and duty to his fellow Americans.... imho, of course... as I just don't "see" Bernie as being one of selfish personal motivation as to why He got into politics and continues on relentlessly.
Bernie Sanders' M.C. The "HOW" of his natal chart, as to his his evolving spiritually and the "WHY" of his mundane, earthly affairs, is at 08* Virgo 27" 24", that is the 9th degree of Virgo. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The urge to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition.
At this stage the individual is seen reacting against cultural standards and stereotyped ways of interpreting his perceptions. This is a statement of uncompromising self-reliance, which may even imply a kind of defiance and a challenge to society. The mind is seeking to discover the character of the basic and true foundation of individual selfhood, the AUM tone (or logos) of individual being. In the process, however, what is expressed is usually the reflection of a deep catharsis with emotionally charged and often tragic overtones.
This fourth stage symbol brings to us the hint of a technique of transformation of the personality. What predominates is a sense of inner conflict and an over-selfconscious attempt at "being oneself." But there is a great difference between being an origin of development pregnant with futurity, and deliberately sought for ORIGINALITY."
This so describes the type of person that Bernie is. In Rudhyar's own words, "...reacting against cultural standards and stereotyped ways of interpreting his perceptions. This is a statement of uncompromising self-reliance, which may even imply a kind of defiance and a challenge to society", and Dane's "Keynote" synopsis "...to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition." Truly because American society is, and has been for sometime, headed on a path of self destruction or, at the least, on one of ruination. Maybe not by the intention of the masses but surely because we are being led, pushed, shoved, and sometimes threatened to get us to comply. We have been lied to in our history books at school, brainwashed by a controlled media, intimidated by the minions of those that are in power and of great wealth that they use to further their own selfish agenda.
Bernie Sanders is a "painter" whom has been painting us his vision of what a grander landscape the United States could be... what it should be, as the founders of our nation envisioned it themselves.
Bernie Sanders' I.C., the "WHY" of the chart axis as to the transition desired by the creator from "WHO" He was cast to be as to the "WHERE-TO" given Him as his desired destiny and by the manner of "HOW" the creator wishes it to be accomplished, as I already wrote about above that the "HOW" is given in symbolic form through the Sabian Symbol found for his M.C.... . and the I.C.also gives the manner of "HOW", through its Sabian Symbol, He should conduct his mundane affairs.
The I.C. is in the 9th degree of Pisces. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: Intense mobilization of energy and skill in the drive for success in any social performance affected by the competitive spirit.
Since the end of the archaic ages and the stressing of individualism, especially in our American society which worships the material images of "success," the desire to win any kind of "race" engenders an often-feverish release of energy controlled by technical skill and long practice. Wherever this symbol is found, it indicates the need to spur one's total being toward speedy attainment of whatever goal it may be.
This is the fourth symbol in the sixty-eighth series; its technical significance is quite evident. Every superfluous "weight," every unnecessary consideration is to be dismissed in the one-pointed attempt to reach one's social goal. SELF-QUICKENING may be the Keyword."
How so very much this symbol describes the man. If He could live to be 200 years old I would wager that He would be in the running of the race for president every four years, relentlessly,
Personally speaking, I pray that He is presently running for the last time, unless He achieves it and then runs for re-election.
The 12th House cusp reveals symbolically, through the Sabian Symbol found for the Sing and degree it is within, one's answer to what they perceive as the greatest problem the world about them is contending with. In Bernie Sanders' natal chart the 12th House cusp is at 04* Scorpio 41' [as His 12th and 6th Houses are "intercepted Houses" giving Him a Sagittarian cast of personality to the affairs of those two House in an, otherwise, chart of predominantly Scorpionic cast by ascendant.] That is in the 5th degree of Scorpio and thus what Bernie sees as the answer as to what he perceives being the most challenging problem the world at large faces, is... [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The inertia of all institutionalized procedures.
Slow is the rise of the land from the vast ocean, but once it is formed it develops a formidable resistance to change in spite of storms. Likewise, once a culture has expressed its basic symbols and its particular way of thinking, feeling and acting in concrete institutions, these change very slowly indeed. The individual who came to the great city (Scorpio i° symbol) soon finds his life set by the rhythms of city living, which obliterate vaster life processes and the moving tides of evolution.
This is the last of the five symbols of the forty-third sequence. We see in it how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, and these are necessary factors in the social life of man — until new horizons beckon. The Keyword is STABILITY."
For the purpose of understanding what I see as being of primary significance here are Dane's words in the summation, "...how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, and these are necessary factors in the social life of man — until new horizons beckon. The Keyword is STABILITY."
Bernie has been inaccurately labeled a "Socialist". Yes, while some of his ideas, and means, that He has managed to get implemented, are socialistic in nature, Bernie is a man that believes in the community, in the communal way of living as a society.[not "Socialism", not "Communism", but "Communal-ism"... please understand, and know, that there is a difference between the three.] A society stably built upon a foundation of mutual benefit and cooperation is a society that is healthy, self nurturing, resistant to societal erosion and destruction. A society that does not turn a deaf ear towards cries arising from genuine need.
As for the reason that I was able to predict Donald Trump successfully attaining the office of president of the United States back in January of 2016 [It is posted here in this forum] which, at that time, the political "pundits" were giving Him, at best, a 2% chance of even getting the Republican Party's nomination, by primarily observing the Sabian Symbols found for His Part of Fortune, Part of Hidden Identity aka Part of Oration, and Part of Catastrophe [that's not all that convinced me, but I'm addressing Astrological Parts at this point in this analysis and the knowledge of which did pretty much convince me, at that time, that He was going to eventually win the entire thing] I've derived those three Astrological Parts for each of these three candidates, so far... I'm going to derive all that I possibly can , eventually...but as I wrote, I want to get the ball rolling on this subject...now... and time is a wasting.
Bernie Sander's Part of Fortune is at 28* Gemini 57' 35", that is the 29th degree of Gemini. {Please see what I wrote above about te Part of Fortune, already, so as to be conscious of how the symbolism relates to the man.]
This is of the "Individual/Mental" variety of Sabian Symbol, according to Dane Rudhyar.[ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The creative exuberance of the human soul in response to basic life experiences.
The mockingbird is able to imitate sounds he hears, but actually he does more than imitate, for he weaves all these sounds into melodies which at times can have joyous amplitude and instinctively creative spontaneity. The symbol refers to the capacity which the talented individual has to take collective material and to transform it under the urge of biological productivity and instinctual love. The song rises, powered by these great natural drives, very much as so-called popular songs rise from the youthful soul in response to deep personal or social emotions.
At this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence, what is presented to us symbolically is the reaction of the individual who has become sensitive to many life currents in his environment and who is able to exteriorize this welling-up response as a gift to his society, displaying VIRTUOSITY."
Once again, it is Danes summation [the last paragraph] that bespeaks so much about the man...Bernie has truly incorporated the symbolism of his Part of Fortune into his being...it surely is a guiding precept in his living day to day, year after year... "a gift to his society"... To borrow and paraphrase from the movie Lawrence of Arabia,He is a river of optimism, and inspiration, to his people
Bernie's Part of Hidden Identity, aka Part of Oration [Asc. + Saturn - Moon] is derived to be at 04* Leo 16' 46", that is the 5th degree of Leo.
I'll get to Bernie's Part in a moment, but first I want to share what Donald Trump's Part of Hidden Identity, aka Part of Oration, is as so that you all can understand why I put such an emphasis on this particular Astrological Part for those running for election to a political office...especially that of the president of the United States.
Donald's Part is at 02* Aries 34' 43", that is the 3rd degree of Aries [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The sustaining power of the Whole, as the individual identifies themselves with It’s life.
Having become objectively aware of their nature and basic humanity, the individualizing person finds power and inner security in realizing their essential identity with the section of the universe in which they operate. They and it seem to the consciousness united in a cosmic-planetary process - in a 'participation mystique.' Metaphysically expressed, this is the concept of the identity of Atman and Brahman. In another sense, through the ability to identify themselves with the complex of life activities surrounding them, the individual person can become truly, not only an image and representation of the Whole of their natal environment (local, planetary and perhaps eventually cosmic), but an agent through whom the Whole may express itself in an act of creative resonance and outpouring. This is the avatar ideal — the ideal of a transpersonal' life and consciousness totally consecrated to and directed by a divine Power. This Power can also be conceived as the archetypal Self, the Christ-principle as it operates in and through an individual person and destiny who have become its outward manifestation in order to meet a collective human need.
The concept of the formal-structural identity of the universal macrocosm and the human microcosm is a very important one, as it manifests itself at many levels. It provided an inner sense of security and harmonic strength to archaic man. To the modern individual assailed by surface evidence of meaninglessness and futility it gives a feeling of participation in the vast tide of evolution. It is the answer to the tragic sense of alienation so prevalent today.
This symbol characterizes the third stage of the first five-fold sequence of phases: the stage of PARTICIPATION IN A GREATER LIFE."
So then, perhaps many, if not all, of you can see why Donald became so popular, so quickly, with the American people? When He speaks, people see Him as the embodiment of the United States. Granted He says a lot more...too much in fact, imho...but many people have a tendency to hear only as much as they wish to hear, unfortunately.
So then, let's get back to Bernie Sanders here. Bernie's Part of Hidden Identity, aka Part of Oration, aka Part of Influence is in the 5th degree of Leo. As like the Sabian Symbol for Donald Trumps Astrological Part, it is also of the "Actional" variety. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The structuring power of elemental forces during the long cycle of planetary evolution.
Dwarfing the time allowed to individual human beings, the vast periods of geological evolution not only awe our imagination, but allow the slow yet magnificent work of elemental forces as they mold landscapes and canyons, rocks and mountains. This symbol points to our need to acquire a much vaster perspective on what we are able to do - and on our yearning for prolonged youth and our pride in masculine achievements. The works of nature should make us feel humble and help us to 'planetarize' our consciousness.
This first stage symbol concludes the first level sequence. It stands in broad pictorial contrast to the first, or rather it seeks to impress us with our vanity as creators of forms and mental achievers. To the dramatic and proud Leo type, it presents a picture of IMPERSONALITY."
The manner in which I have to interpret this, as to Bernie's Part of Oration/Influence/Hidden Identity, is that He sees and speaks of a need to reform, reshape, redefine our nation into one that will be as enduring as those most permanent forms that nature produces. Please recall what I wrote pertaining to His 12th House cusp...that "Stability" is what He believes is the answer to societys' greatest problem...and Rudhyar's keyword, "IMPERSONALITY" should not be overlooked her, either. As it can be taken to mean that what He proposes to be created is a system that is impersonal in nature...not a system that favors any one group over another, any one person over another, but rather a system that is the most favorable to all.
Bernie Sanders' Part of Catastrophe [Asc. + Uranus - Sun].
It has been shown to me that the Sabian Symbol found for ones Part of Catastrophe is literally symbolic of what might be assessed to be, or become, the most profoundly life changing incident to occur to that individual.
But, I have also found that it is a necessary catastrophe, one that must occur at sometime in the individuals life. For some, like myself, in order to be a catalyst for change at the right time in order for one to proceed in the correct direction. For a few such as that of Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth, as it is the reason He was crucified in order to become a martyr. some might say...others will say it was in order to fulfill his karma, and yet others will say that it was in order for Him to fulfill his destiny.
Whether or not one agrees that I have produce the true natal chart for Yeshu'a/Jesus of Nazareth, I think most will agree...and certainly almost everyone that considers themselves to be a Christian by religious affiliation, that it certainly "fits the man" as to what His greatest catastrophe was.
So then, please allow me to introduce here what I derived that Part of Catastrophe to be for Yeshu'a/Jesus so as to demonstrate how this particular Astrological Part is effective. That is the 29th degree of Virgo. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision.
Whether at the religious or at the socio-political and cultural level there comes a time when obsolescent patterns of order and cultural refinement have to be radically and relentlessly challenged. Catabolic personages emerge to seize power and dictate decisions that alter the structures of society; or within an individual life, an intense urge for cathartic changes mobilizes the will, and traumatic decisions are made. At such times, the issue has to be met and, ruthless as the power may appear, it must be accepted.
At this third stage of the thirty-sixth sequence we face the un-postponable necessity for decision and transformation. Existence is motion. No static formation, however beautiful and inspiring, can remain long unchallenged. Everything bows to THE POWER OF THE WILL — divine, executively human, or Satanic."
Note: radically and relentlessly challenging obsolescent [or corrupted] religious and socio-political structures of society... those particular power bases... a Catabolic personage urging for cathartic change.
As to my own Part of Catastrophe it is in the 17th degree of Capricorn and it is a symbol about [according to Dane Rudhyar and the keywords He wrote for the interpretation of the Sabian Symbol for that degree, {ibid.}] "RELEASE FROM INHIBITIONS".
In August of 1984, in the region of the country I was living at the time, there was a lot of drug abuse, unprotected, "free" sex, and other potentially dangerous activities occurring and those temptations were being constantly presented to me...even offered to me...and I decided that if I didn't leave that area, and right away, I might do myself great harm...perhaps even end up dead. Considering that some very destructive drugs were just makking a widespread scene, [for one example crack cocaine, and there were a number of others just as potentially dangerous, some even deadly, and some yet became even deadlier. A neighbor of mine lost his 18 year old son, just a month after he graduated high school, only five years ago when the lad took a Xanex at the end of the day and then came home and fell asleep upon his parents living room couch after they had gone to bed themselves that night. He was found dead in the morning...as what He thought to be a legitimate pharmaceutically manufactured Xanex that someone had obtained through a prescription was in fact rather one produced in China and laced with fentanyl. Considering that AIDS was just about to become known of at that time, in the early 1980's, had I continued to reside in the area I was living in I might have ended up dead soon enough, from one thing or another.
So, I left that area and drove for two days to Los Angeles, called upon my brother for a place to relocate for long enough to decide as to where I should try to permanently relocate and what I should pursue both as for a career and manner of lifestyle to commit to...as I had realized it was imperative that I do so.
I arrived just in time to find that my brother had been laid of from work for nearly two years and while awaiting a call to go back to work He had spent that time studying all he could about astrology in the effort to determine what, if anything, was genuine about it...and what was wrong, what had become corrupted, of it, read a ton of Rudhyar and studied Dane's book on the Sabian Symbols... I spent the next nine months living with him...we both got work for the same contractor, we both worked out at the same gym nightly, hung out together on the weekends ...and thus I got a nine month intensive lesson on what He had collected and proven to himself, and in turn proved to me, what he had amassed as to what is genuine of "Traditional astrology" and other forms of astrological practices that also proved to be so...in particular the Sabian Symbols, as interpreted and presented by Dan Rudhyar.
That was beginning in August of 1984 and I have never ceased studying the "science' since that first day He demonstrated to me the veracity of his findings.
That's what I mean by how the Part of Catastrophe is necessary but doesn't necessarily mean that it will be that which leads you to death. In my cae it was a cathartic, that which caused me to change direction and find my true calling.
Let me just say this about this particular Astrological Part as a final word of advice. To be forewarned of what it is symbolically gives one the advantage of mitigating the damage it will cause you.
Bernie's Part of Catastrophe is at 09* Leo 53' 30", that is the 10th degree of Leo. [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The exalted feeling that rises within the soul of the individual who has successfully passed through the long night which has tested his strength and his faith.
The cold air of night having precipitated upon the field of man's consciousness the moisture of his deepest feelings, this widely spread dew is blessed with the light of significance by the rising sun of the new day. Even tears can be transformed into jewels in the light of victory over night and sorrow.
At this fifth stage of the present sequence we see the potential culmination of the process which began on a note of social and cultural crisis. The would-be reformer has to meet many emotional problems as he begins his work of creation. Creation means transformation; the reformer is actually a transformer if he is truly a creative and inspired individual open to the spirit that 'makes everything new.' The building of a new society, and of one's renewed personality as well, is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony. The Keyword is TRANSFIGURATION."
Did you "see" it? For those of you that didn't let me take a passage from the above and present it again "...the potential culmination of the process which began on a note of social and cultural crisis. The would-be reformer has to meet many emotional problems as he begins his work of creation. Creation means transformation; the reformer is actually a transformer if he is truly a creative and inspired individual open to the spirit that 'makes everything new.' The building of a new society, and of one's renewed personality as well, is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony."
Please recall what His M.C. Sabian Symbol is and what Rudhyar wrote pertaining to that, "... ..."AN EXPRESSIONIST PAINTER AT WORK." and what Dane wrote in explanation, "The building of a new society, and of one's renewed personality as well, is just as much a process of artistic creation as the making of a delicate glass vase or a symphony."
It seems to me that this "catastrophe" has already occurred in Bernie's life. He has been slighted for his early in life associations and some of the proposals and efforts He's made towards the building of a new society....and that has cost him dearly in terms of political popularity.
He's about as experienced now as any person could ever be, and, I believe, likely as wizened now from the experiences to date. Besides, I doubt that you can find a single person that is an adherent of the religion of Christianity that believes that what Yeshu'a/Jesus did, r.e. [challenging those religious and political power structures] was wrong People that are the catalyst for great change often suffer greatly for it. Take Abraham Lincoln for another example.
That's all I have at present. There are other factors I found, that I believe, contributed to Donald Trump getting elected in 2016. One, for example, is that transiting Venus was conjunct His natal Part of Kings & Royalty, which is an Astrological Part I've never studied yet and the title probably doesn't necessarily pertain to only that of royal peerage and such...as here in the United States peerage doesn't mean a doggone thing...except to those that are among our citizenry that are considered to have such in other countries, or have some sort of blood, or associative, relationship to same...but it usually means very little, if anything, to the great majority of us Americans.
There's also the fact that Trump's natal North Node is conj. the U.S.A.'s natal Mars, and despite whether or not one should adjust natal charts according to Sidereal precession, the fact remains that they both share the same Sabian Symbol. Then there's the matter of Trump's natal Part of Faith/Hope is the same Sign and degree as the U.S.A.'s part of Intelligence & Skill which are in the 18th degree of Pisces and has for its Sabian Symbol [ibid.] "IN A GIGANTIC TENT, VILLAGERS WITNESS A SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE.
KEYNOTE: The collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory", and Dane's Keyword
Then there's the matter that come this November the transiting North Node will be conjunct his own natal North node, which is at 20 Gemini 48' 14". It will be precisely so just four or five days before the election and, in fact, will remain in the 21st degree of Gemini until November 26th.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, however, will both be in opposition to His natal Venus and Saturn, Jupiter will be conjunct, within a one degree orb, with his natal Vertex...what that means as to Jupiter conj. natal vertex I haven't any idea but I thought that I should include it for those that might find significance in it.
Considering that most everyone seems to believe He will be re-elected, at this time, and considering the transiting North Node will be exactly conjunct his own North Node just four days prior to the election [the 29th of October] and within a half of a degree on the day of the election yet still in the same degree, i.e. the 21st of Gemini, I'd say that despite the Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto oppositions in transit to His natal Venus and Saturn at that time seems to me to be a very good indication that He will sway the public towards voting for him.
The capper is that Neptune will be .conjunct the USA's natal Part of Catastrophe, which is at 17* Pisces 44' 11" and its Part of Intelligence & Skill at 17* Pisces 52' 11"...and please recall what the Sabian Symbol is for that degree and that it includes displays of public oratory, e.g. campaign speeches, and considering that it is Neptune that is the planet in play here and that Neptune is that planet which stimulates the imaginative faculties, and when in adverse aspect can result in delusional fantasies and the like, that is not going to beneficent to the American voters trying to decide whom is the best candidate.
Besides, those adverse oppositions from Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto to Trump's natal Venus and Saturn are indicative, for the most part, of troubles caused by other than his own actions.. and as for Pluto opposite Saturn that can get real nasty as to a point that absolute evil of the most malefic and powerful in nature can become actively adversarial.
When the polls, those last polls in Hawaii, close on November 3rd at 11:00 P.M. EST the transiting Moon will be at 21* Gemini 00' 06", having begun at 8:00A.M EST that day at 13* Gemini 27' 50" and as Trump's natal N. Node is at 20* Gemini 48' 14", and at apprx. 21* Gemini 51' 31" adjusted for the Sidereal precession that will have occurred since the day He was born [an adjustment of + 1* 03' 17.2"] so, regardless of whether one should adjust for the Sidereal precession or not the Moon will be in a conjunction aspect the entire day of the election to His natal N. Node...and that is going to greatly assist his popularity at exactly the right time that He might need that little extra edge...that is if a "little" is all that it does truly add as that aspect greatly enhances his ability and likelihood of saying just what the public likes to hear ...or messaging by Twitter...and you all know, and know that you can bet on it and take it to the bank...that Trump will be saying and tweeting that entire day.
I wanted to include what findings I have so far for Pete Buttigieg and Mike Bloomberg in this first post but seeing as it has taken me a lot more time to write as much as I have...about a little more than seven hours... there's just no way I'm going to be able to and since I have covered Bernie, at least...whom to me is the most important because I'm hugely in favor of him getting the Oval Office...contributed nearly $700.00 to his campaign in 2016, then that's what I will go ahead and post for right now and hopefully have the other two candidates covered before the end of the day tomorrow.
I do feel compelled to inform you all of a couple of very interesting finds right now though, for as much for the reason I might not get that posted by tomorrow night as for the reason that some of you reading this before I do get that posted might not check back to read any further until much later, and if at all as for some of you.
[As astrologyweekly has informed me that my initial post is too lengthy I will cut the remaining at this point and continue the last few paragraphs remaining in the following post, thank you for your patience and interest, ptv]
Here's a copy of Bernie Sanders' natal chart
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