USA Nov. 2020 Presidential Election, the Democrat Party Contenders

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Biden's the most "normal" of the group, if that's appealing to the Swing-States. Jill would make a great First Lady. Bernie and Bloomberg aren't married, and regarding the others, there hasn't been a "First Dude" yet. :biggrin:

Biden's more normal than Trump, isn't saddled with the "Socialist" label Bernie chose for himself, and is a Catholic, which is an asset in some ways. The Trump campaign appears to fear his candidacy, which is telling.
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If you live in California, it's a given that all the Electoral votes will go to the Democratic candidate. So, you can't vote for Trump in a meaningful way, except to somewhat lessen the Popular vote disparity.
So is a military friend of my husband's. But apparently he doesn't realize his 3 Pension checks (2 from the Military, 1 from the Post Office) are all Socialist programs therefore, he is participating all these years without even realizing it, lol.

Some Socialist programs in the United States:

U.S. Military
U.S. Postal Service
Fire Departments,
Public Highway system,
Public Schools

Public Parks
City zoos

Medicare, Social Security
Center for Disease Control
MWP (Major Work Projects)
Public Education
non-profit Trash Collection
FICA Insurance
Veterans Administration

Sorry to burst your michael moore bubble but a large majority of those services which you have mentioned are not "socialist" programs.

Socialism is when the government collectively owns the means of production of a particular good that is exchanged among citizens according to the needs of the market under the pretext that goverment is more suited to run certain things which could be run privately.

The armed forces, or security forces, or firefighters, etc. are not goods that compete in a market, in fact competition among them would be detrimental, but rather they are services that exist to prevent emergencies. Thus they are better delegated to the state.

The state does have a role in providing some services which wouldn't work in a competitive market: the monopoly over violence and courts of law would be goo exampples, which are aspects of society that do not function under the premise of a market (for example judges don't compete with each other to provide better services). Doesn't mean everything should be owned by the state or regulated by it. But being a government service doesn't automatically make it "socialism".

In fact it is a good thing you mentioned the U.S. postal service because it is a great example of the failure of implementing goverment run programs in comparison to privately owned enterprises. For example Fedex and UPS, provide much more quality service than the U.S. postal service, which is one of the reasons why that particular service is in decline.

Pensions are also another good example of a failed system and the biggest scam of the 20th century. Somehow working your entire life and donating part of your salary, only to receive a meager amount of money back when you are elder might seem good for you, but in reality you are loosing around two thirds of the money you've generated.
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Nov. 4th 2020 - Tr Jupiter Trine the Sun :joyful:
Democratic party natal:

Republican party natal - on Nov.4th, 2020:

Tr Jupiter cj. n.Jupiter - Tr Saturn cj. Pallas Tr Vesta (also the higher law) cj. Veritas

appears as though there will be a legal challenge in this race?

I'd never seen, nor even considered looking at, natal charts for the two political parties... until this evening..and only because you made it so convenient.
At first I got a bit wide-eyed as to the chart axis for both charts and then realized these charts are "Sun Charts", that is to say cast for noon on that day the Parties were known to have been founded.
The Asc. for the Democratic Partys' natal chart is the 30th of Leo and so is Donald Trump's Asc. ...and has quite the Sabian Symbol, [ibid.] "AN UNSEALED LETTER", which goes to explain a lot as to why Trump seems to never run out of something to say [it also happens to be the location of my Part of Astrology and goes to illustrate why I freely share all my findings and have never charged a dime for any astrological consultation I have given anyone at their request.]
The I.C. for the Republican natal chart is in the 28th degree of Capricorn and the natal placement of the USA's Pluto is in the 28th degree of Capricorn..although the Republican Part was founded about 73 years after the birth of the nation, so a tad more than one degree should be added to all USA natal positions as so to make rectification for the Sidereal precession that transpired in that time. While the Democratic Part was founded in May of 1792 which was 15 years and 10 months after and so 0* 13' 17" needs to be added to the USA natal positions for synastry comparisons.

Here's a list of what I could find of significant relevance without adjusting for the Sidereal it will be mostly about the Sabian Symbols being shared as for the Republican Party natal chart in synastry with that of the U.S.A.,,, and for the Democrats', 13 minutes of a degree difference isn't anything to fret about.

The Republican Partys' natal chart:
The Moon at 25* Scorpio 40' 20" is conjunct the USA's natal Part of Fortune at 25* Scorpio 40' 42"[and Bernie Sanders natal Asc., if that is reliable birth data for Bernie?]
Pluto at 03* Taurus 35' 55" is conjunct the Part of Surprise [aka Part of Homosexuality..which I have serious doubts that it is] at 03* Taurus 29' 41" and also conjunct the Part of Play 03* Taurus 50' 01"
Mars at 28* Virgo 40' 52" is conjunct the USA's natal Part of Faith/Trust at 29* Cap 10' 32"
Chiron at 18* Cap 53' 23" is conjunct with the USA's natal Part of Father aka Part of Advancement at 19* Cap 10' 57"

The Democrat Partys' natal chart:
Mercury at 26* Taurus 02' 10" is conjunct the USA's natal Part of Individuality, which I rather recently came up with the alternative title, the Part of Surety, as for the reason that the formula by which is used to derive this Part is the opposite of that for the Part of Catastrophe, anyways that USA Part is at 25* Taurus 14' 55", so the conjunction is one by orb of less than one degree.
Here's a dusey, Saturn at 25* Aries 55' 33" is conjunct the USA's natal Part of Innocence, aka Part of Naivete, aka Part of Lawsuits, which is at 25* Aries 06' 55"
The South Node at 02* Aries 13' 17" is conjunct the USA's natal Part of Influence/Magnetism, or at least that is what it has been labeled as to date. It is found by Asc. + Pluto - Moon, and I've never gotten around to doing any research on the, who knows what it truly is as I doubt that it is about "Influence" or "Magnetism" as for the Moon being the "Trigger" to the Significator, which is Pluto...sounds like the emotional being triggering transformation and possibly death...?
For some reason I'm getting a mental image of a menopausal woman with a 44 magnum in her hands... not good, not good at all.
The S. Node is also conjunct the USA's natal Part of Benevolence at 02* Aries 45' 15"
Now here's something I think is special. Mars at 17* Virgo 55' 33" conjunct the USA's natal Part of Soul/Spirit at 17* Virgo 18' 24".
...and lastly, one that I find to be a bit troubling to my mind...Uranus at 15* Leo 04' 11" conjunct the USA's natal Part of Army/Police, aka Part of Surgery [but for a mundane chart I would rather have to think it'll be about the former] at 15* Leo 23' 23"


Where as Donald Trump has those transiting Nodes perfectly jibing with his own natal Nodes, Pete, on the other hand, will have some serious Nodal problems.
Pete's natal S. Node is at 22* Cap 27' 11" and on election day, November 3rd, of this year [at 8:00 A.M. EST] Jupiter will be at 21* Cap 24' 21", Saturn will be at 26* Capricorn 21' 23", and Pluto, whoo-boy PLUTO will be at 22* Cap 42' 28"
The Jupiter aspect is about differences with current cultural trends. The Saturn affect usually leads to one becoming for the duration, or at least being perceived in that manner, anti-social and even reclusive. With all his planets in the Northern Hemisphere of his natal chart...that's sort of what He already is.
The Pluto aspect causes rejection, or to look down upon, traditional cultural standards and mores of society.
Jupiter is in conjunction aspect all the remainder of this year. Saturn is in aspect currently but moves off around March 4th but it comes back in conjunct aspect in retrograde July 24th, then goes direct again on September 29th, at 25* Cap 20' and doesn't go beyond six degrees until December 1st...but OMG PLUTO, Pluto goes direct on October 4th at 22* Cap 29", which is about as conjunct as a thing can get.
Pete picked the wrong time to run for the Oval office and it may even do long term damage to his political career. If I was in a position to give Him advice, I'd tell him to drop out right now and don't look back. ...besides, He's too dang young to be taken seriously for the Oval office as of yet...maybe in about another 16 years... but I probably wouldn't vote for him then for the reason ... uhhhh....
There's a lot of reasons, period.
...and as to my mentioning Donald Trump seemingly never running out of words to say... have any of you a copy of the old astrologers book, "Heaven Knows What" by Grant Lewi?
I have always kept a copy close at hand as for the marvelous job He did on the 144 Sun-Moon combination possibilities. He nails every one of them that I have ever had a chance to compare to someone I knew that has any one of the particular combinations. He nailed mine.
What He wrote about the Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius combination is a freakin' HOOT... it's Donald Trump to the hilt.
I wish that I could copy it and post it here, but that dang 100 word allowance just gets in the way.
Maybe if I break it up into a number of 100 word posts?
Can I do that?
Sorry to burst your michael moore bubble but a large majority of those services which you have mentioned are not "socialist" programs.

Socialism is when the government collectively owns the means of production of a particular good that is exchanged among citizens according to the needs of the market under the pretext that goverment is more suited to run certain things which could be run privately.

The armed forces, or security forces, or firefighters, etc. are not goods that compete in a market, in fact competition among them would be detrimental, but rather they are services that exist to prevent emergencies. Thus they are better delegated to the state.

The state does have a role in providing some services which wouldn't work in a competitive market: the monopoly over violence and courts of law would be goo exampples, which are aspects of society that do not function under the premise of a market (for example judges don't compete with each other to provide better services). Doesn't mean everything should be owned by the state or regulated by it. But being a government service doesn't automatically make it "socialism".

In fact it is a good thing you mentioned the U.S. postal service because it is a great example of the failure of implementing goverment run programs in comparison to privately owned enterprises. For example Fedex and UPS, provide much more quality service than the U.S. postal service, which is one of the reasons why that particular service is in decline.

Pensions are also another good example of a failed system and the biggest scam of the 20th century. Somehow working your entire life and donating part of your salary, only to receive a meager amount of money back when you are elder might seem good for you, but in reality you are loosing around two thirds of the money you've generated.

Postal Service where I am is MUCH better than UPS or Fed Ex. Amazon uses it for good reason.
Postal Service where I am is MUCH better than UPS or Fed Ex. Amazon uses it for good reason.

That could be true, but it is an isolated anecdote. The general numbers about the USPS don't lie, they loose money and provide a lower quality service in comparison to private companies.
According to.....?

Why are the Republicans are out to destroy the Postal Service?

According to the people that run the USPS, its own balance sheets (loosing money), consumers choosing to contract the competition, general pricing trends, and general quality service surveys (loosing packages or complaints).

Truth is that the market, ergo the people, will choose the one which is better for them. And fedex and ups are more efficient in package delivery than USPS.
Biden's the most "normal" of the group, if that's appealing to the Swing-States. Jill would make a great First Lady. Bernie and Bloomberg aren't married, and regarding the others, there hasn't been a "First Dude" yet. :biggrin:

Biden's more normal than Trump, isn't saddled with the "Socialist" label Bernie chose for himself, and is a Catholic, which is an asset in some ways. The Trump campaign appears to fear his candidacy, which is telling.

I've never been a Biden fan myself, probably because I grew up in the Del-Mar-Va peninsula where he lives, knew his background there in political matters and am around his age. This type of behavior he is known for, only it seems to be getting worse over time.

But more to the point, today's world? - There seems to be something seriously wrong here, perhaps a hint of dementia?

He behaves as though he lives in the 50s and 60s. For instance, a young college student, a female asked him a perfectly normal/average question, "how do you explain Iowa?" she asked. He retorted sharply with "Have you ever been to a caucus?"...She said "no"...and he said, "You are a lying dog-faced pony soldier" perhaps pieced together from the 50s John Wayne movies.

Someone asked him a few months ago about his son, and once again, he called the voter a "liar" instead of dealing with it. I thought the Democrats (by and large) are sick to death of name calling, harsh retorts who don't measure their words carefully, if at all. Now, as I said, it may be explainable with some early form of dementia only his family is aware of. But if so, is that what we really want?

Watching his harshness with the citizens, I'd have to wonder seriously if he's the man for the times?

All of this might be explained with a simple "He thinks better of himself, and speaks down to others as though he is entitled and they aren't"........(thats another possibility). BUT isn't that a description of DJT?

His campaign is NOW (over 24 hours later) calling it a "joke". What kind of a joker is it who leaves a young college student saying she was left confused, embarrassed and sorry she asked. What kind of man does that to a young woman OR anyone for that matter? :unsure:

Biden jokingly calls woman a 'lying dog-faced pony soldier' after she asks him about Iowa

Former Vice President Joe Biden raised eyebrows on the campaign trail Sunday when he jokingly called a university student a "lying dog-faced pony soldier" after she asked him a question about his apparent fourth-place finish in the Iowa caucuses.
In video clips of the encounter at the campaign event in Hampton, New Hampshire, a woman identified by multiple news organizations as Madison Moore, 21, an economics student at Mercer University in Georgia, warned Biden her question was "going to be a little bit mean."
"You're arguably the candidate with the greatest advantage in this race. You've been the vice president; you weren't burdened down by the impeachment trials. So, how do you explain the performance in Iowa, and why should voters believe that you can win the national election?" asked Moore.
"It's a good question," Biden said. "Have you ever been to a caucus?"
Moore indicated that she had.

"No, you haven’t. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier,


BTW: He also called a voter a LIAR in Iowa - and of course, another pet peeve of mine is he constantly says "MAN", as though he's in the 1960s hippie era. Everyone is "man" including women. He blows hot here, with "get your words straight JACK". (the man's name is not Jack!)

I held my nose for HRC and I suppose I may have to do the same again., but I'm thinking hard about that too. IF Biden can't take the heat of voter's questions, then he needs to "get out of the kitchen"....Trump will burn him big time. (imo)

Ref: Biden Spokeswoman Symone Sanders: “It was a joke, many people in the room laughed”

People laugh ALL the time in the same room or crowd with DJT! The young woman was left perplexed, insulted and embarrassed...THAT is what counts, not what his manager says over 48 hours later. He has not been moved to apologize to that young woman, and I can't even imagine what her parents must think of him!
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Postal Service where I am is MUCH better than UPS or Fed Ex. Amazon uses it for good reason.

There is a big difference between Socialism and Democratic Socialism. Democratic Socialism provides services in a non-capitalistic (profit making) way.

It works for the people, not against them (as profiteering does) Its not supposed to be profit oriented, and ideally, so too people's health shouldn't be based on profits.

Trump considered Betsy DeVoss's brother, who went bankrupt withe lawsuits from his "services" provided as a mercenary group in Iraq. I don't know if he uses them with his today's "dealings" with the Saudi Prince MBS in Yemen, but I'd not be surprised hearing he does with taxpayer monies paying this private profit making firm. His firm re-organized, something which many bankrupt companies do. (see snopes below)

Is this what the Framers and Founders had in mind when they fought the Revolutionary War for a country?
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Before reaching November 4th, 2020 one must first go through Super Tuesday on March 3rd, 2020 -

There will be a VOC Moon the evening of this important day when they'll know more clearly who will be the Democratic Nominee via Delegate count.

The Moon goes VOC before the California polls close, between 6:19-8:25pm PST. What is the potential significance?

This link gives the EST of the Moon's course:

I've looked at a few of the contenders from the last 2 races, and found the following (not sure at all about Bernie Sanders tob however, so this is based only on a rectified popular version)

We do know Biden's and Amy Klobuchar's tob - which of course is gold to an astrologer when verified as they are. The same with Michael Bloomberg -

on Super Tuesday:

Senator Sanders: - Tr Jupiter squares his Venus and trines his NN - Tr Venus sextile his Vertex and IF HE HAS SCORPIO 16°Rising, A TRINE TO THE MC.

Joe Biden: Tr Jupiter 19:55 Cap trine Biden’s MC 19Virgo54’ 120 degrees! Tr Jupiter also sextiles his 4th house Ceres

Mike B: - Tr Jupiter trine Saturn & Mars Tr Sun conj his South Node Tr Jupiter sextile his n. Vesta loss degree
Tr Saturn cj. His Pallas and opposes his Ascendant , Tr Vesta cj his n. Saturn

Amy K: Tr Jupiter sextile her NN and trines tr. Neptune here – (?),_Amy

Mayor Pete: Tr Jupiter cj. His NN trine his Chiron * no known tob,_Pete
It's all a moot subject if Trump cancels the Election due to an "emergency", with the acquiescence of his Senate and Supreme Court.

Not likely, but still a real possibility.
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It's all a moot subject if Trump cancels the Election due to an "emergency", with the acquiescence of his Senate and Supreme Court.

Not likely, but still a real possibility.

Yes! His Ace in the hole. :surprised: The question being, will tr Pluto & Saturn opposing his 11th house planets incl. natal Saturn allow for this to occur? I kind of doubt it, but thats based on simply everyone I know plus myself, with Pluto/Saturn transits tending to make a person sit up and take notice of the lessons meant to be learned. Maybe he'll be an exception.
Yes! His Ace in the hole. :surprised: The question being, will tr Pluto & Saturn opposing his 11th house planets incl. natal Saturn allow for this to occur? I kind of doubt it, but thats based on simply everyone I know plus myself, with Pluto/Saturn transits tending to make a person sit up and take notice of the lessons meant to be learned. Maybe he'll be an exception.

I'm expecting a major result when Saturn (temporarily) ingresses Aquarius on March 21st.
Perhaps it will have something to do with Phase 2 of the Iimpeachment ...underway?! :whistling:

I checked April 25 when Saturn tr will be 1:45 in Aquarius and in trump's 6th house. The ruler of his 6th being Saturn which is square Jupiter (obesity issues possibly) Too much of that beautiful Mar Lago chocolate cake he is so fond of.

Ironically, tr Saturn will be inconjunct his ASC.

Perhaps he's Superman like all his followers/fans seem to believe. We'll see in time.

Trump's doctor admits he only just signed a already written letter from Trump:
"He dictated that whole letter," Bornstein said, referring to Trump. "I didn't write that letter."
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more democratic socialist systems in place already include: :sleeping: *click image to enlarge...


OBVIOUSLY, we have incorporated some Democratic Socialist programs into our Capitalist System. I have no problem with that.

But I do have a problem with going full on Socialist, in the way Bernie is trying to drag us.

It isn't important is it? Most Americans depend everyday on these systems of socialized energy to sustain us all.

Example: - What is important is that during this Coronavirus, the SARS epidemic and other problems we've faced with Neptune in Pisces years, certainly we rely heavily (as I mentioned elsewhere tonight), on NAOA (Nat'l Oceanic Atmospheric Assoc) scientists employed by the U.S.A. (the largest employer in the country is the country itself. ) And with the viruses, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) among other scientists.

It occurs to me, that with the advent soon of Pluto into Aquarius, we will be forced (albeit screaming & kicking for many citizens) into the more ecumenical sharing consciousness of Aquarius, collectively speaking, and moving away (with or without Trump) of the Pluto in Capricorn variety i.e. the capitalist system.

It just seems natural to me. Of course I likely won't be alive to see it when it's in full swing, but I know its the future. :innocent:
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