As background to this, I met a guy at my sports club and we got along great. But, we lost contact. I tried out a new sports club today and while talking to the coaches, this same guy comes over and says hi. I genuinely had no idea that he left our last sports club where we met. I'm shocked! The chance of meeting at exactly the same time, in the same place, a place that is new to both of us seems so uncanny. It has re-kindled my interest in him. We trained together tonight and had a good time, we will be training again going forward.
So I asked if we will be together.
There are some positives and negatives in this chart. Can you help figure it out? Any insights?
L1 is Venus in H7 of Scorpio.
L7 is Mars conjunct 4th cusp.
Both significators are in their fall.
Venus separates from a trine from Mars.
Venus is in the domicile of Mars - Mars receives Venus.
Moon in H12 of Aries applies by square to Mars in Cancer.
Moon and Mars exchange mutual reception by domicile.
Mars is immediately applying to Sun - prohibition.
Sun is disposed by Venus - me.
Biggest obstacle - is Sun really prohibition or a part of this picture?
Sun rules his 11th house. Sun could be another friend of his or - me. After all, much mutual reception here. Venus and Moon are in Mars' domicile. Mars in Moon's domicile and is in minor dignities of Moon and Venus.
What do you think?
As background to this, I met a guy at my sports club and we got along great. But, we lost contact. I tried out a new sports club today and while talking to the coaches, this same guy comes over and says hi. I genuinely had no idea that he left our last sports club where we met. I'm shocked! The chance of meeting at exactly the same time, in the same place, a place that is new to both of us seems so uncanny. It has re-kindled my interest in him. We trained together tonight and had a good time, we will be training again going forward.
So I asked if we will be together.
There are some positives and negatives in this chart. Can you help figure it out? Any insights?
L1 is Venus in H7 of Scorpio.
L7 is Mars conjunct 4th cusp.
Both significators are in their fall.
Venus separates from a trine from Mars.
Venus is in the domicile of Mars - Mars receives Venus.
Moon in H12 of Aries applies by square to Mars in Cancer.
Moon and Mars exchange mutual reception by domicile.
Mars is immediately applying to Sun - prohibition.
Sun is disposed by Venus - me.
Biggest obstacle - is Sun really prohibition or a part of this picture?
Sun rules his 11th house. Sun could be another friend of his or - me. After all, much mutual reception here. Venus and Moon are in Mars' domicile. Mars in Moon's domicile and is in minor dignities of Moon and Venus.
What do you think?