Anybody was old enough to remember what Pluto in being in Libra was like? What do you think Pluto Aquarius will bring when it comes to relationships?

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What about love life? Is it stay unchanged?
Nothing in life stays unchanged. It is either going forwards, or backwards. If it is not, then it truly is dying.
Mercury on the cusp, you tend to put your own view of yourself, your self esteem, in the hands of your partner.
You feel at ease about yourself when your relationship is working, and libra moon wants to keep it working smoothly.
But that is sometimes a lot to ask of others.

An engineer. Saturn and mars involved, with mars on uranus energy "mechanically" expressing itself.
And mercury on top of that. You are probably good at it too.
My husband has and exact mars/uranus, and he can take anything apart and put it back together, better than before. And if he needs to do a job he can invent and create the tool he needs to do that job. It's an amazing energy.
When pluto moves over this, it should give you more possibilities to "see" solutions, and your 5th house pluto will help in the sense of creativity.