anyone love Solar Arcs?

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I think it has to do with what venus rules in your chart, what houses. MH can be status, reputation, and people of authority so Pluto on the MC might mean marriage for some as it is a change of status or becoming a parent etc. Venus on the MC might also mean something similar. I know when venus and mars hit my IC opposing my MC I went through a separation which lead to divorce and met someone during that time that I was involved with for a long time.
On the transits of the uranus to DC, it does not happen till 2013 and Uranus is at that point 2 degrees past my AC and trining venus/mars/uranus stellium in the fifth. I will keep digging as ththe current Uranus transit has had me digging for about a year now as ususally something big does happen when uranus hits my chart and of course, it is something I would not have planned:) and when i saw it hits my AC soon I became increasingly alarmed l
Like right now, I would not plan to move from this house or change jobs as I have a certain amount of security in both so it would take something significant to move me ie marriage, lost job, as my focus has been on raising the two children in a stable situation. so , I am like the archeologist accept I am digging into the stars:) looking for the future instead of the past:)
I must say that astrology does give me some piece of calm as I feel on some levels forewarned.
I have been looking at my wedding in 1969. I will only look at exact aspects or up to 1.5° and include progressions and transits.

SA Sun inconjunct Chiron (Outch!!)
SA Uranus (ruler of natal 4th) exactly semi-sextiled natal Pluto, ruler of my Asc.

I post this first, then will add the transits of both days.
SA Uranus sextile SA MC (change of status)
SA Moon in my 1st house exactly sextiled Neptune.
SA Venus conjunct Mercury and square Saturn and in the SA chart Venus trines Pluto.
SA North Node in 7th house exactly inconjunct natal Jupiter (ruler 2) and sextile MC.
SA Mars inconjunct Neptune (Mars traditional ruler of Asc.)
SA MC trine natal Sun, inconjunct exactly my natal Venus. (ruler of 7).
SA Ascendant exactly semi-sextile natal Moon, and trining Mars and opposing natal Uranus.
SA Mercury absolutely exactly opposed my natal Jupiter (ruler 2). Natal Mercury rules my 8th and 11th.

At the same time Progressed Moon was conjunct Pr. MC and exactly semi-sextile Pluto, natal as well as progressed.
Pr. Moon (11° Virgo) trine Pr. Venus(9° Taurus) and inconjunct natal Venus (12°Aries).
Pr. Moon trine natal Sun.(3° orb).
Pr. Venus squared natal Pluto. (natally they are in trine).
Pr. Asc. ruler Jupiter inconjunct both Progr. Mercury and Uranus
Pr. Asc. exactly inconjunct natal Sun.

Divorce: 11th july 2002
SA Uranus exactly trine natal Venus (it was a very amicably divorce).
SA Sun in natal 8 square natal Neptune.
SA Moon inconjunct natal Pluto and square natal Venus
SA Venus in natal 7, inconjunct natal Chiron
SA Mars, in natal 7, exactly sextile Pluto.

Progr. Moon conjunct natal MC exact.
Progr. Uranus sextile natal MC and conj. Part of Happines!! (how ironic...)
Progr. NN exactly conj. natal NN.
Pr. Venus exactly conjunct natal Uranus
Pr. Jupiter exactly inconjunct natal Mars

What is remarkable are the many inconjuncts. How could this be interpreted?
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If we follow Noel in the theory of using only the family of squares for your marriage we would use: SA venus conjunct merc (relationship/contracts) and square Saturn (stability). What houses do these planets rule in the natal?
Then we could use the Merc opposite jupiter (emphasis on contracts?) You say merc rules 8th and 11th (transformation/ friendship/collective?)
Inconjuncts in progressions, as someone pointed out, indicate the need for a resolve of tension? Any Yods pointing to a choice? That would make perfect sense.
The divorce would be the SA sun square neptune and sun is in natal 8? What does it rule and neptune? Just curious as SA Neptune is opposed natal sun/square natal moon and sesqui venus/mars in my SA/natal chart right now:)
I would say the venus conjunct uranus on the progressed chart might seal the deal. I will look at my divorce. I wonder...did you use the date of the final legal disolution? or the time of separation. Since actual divorces tend to drag on and on and then the signing of the papers is anticlimatic
I wonder what date you would use? I have the date of the divorce. I will check that one.
What is remarkable are the many inconjuncts. How could this be interpreted?


From my experience, I have seen that inconjuncts are mainly supporting aspects to other main 'happening' aspects and add meat to the whole thing - as in support the changes and movements, which are triggered by main planetary aspects in SR's, transits, progressions... This is a solar-arc thread, so we are looking mainly at SA's, but I would have also liked to look at SR's and transits, too, as regards your divorce. That said, I do notice that SA Uranus (change) in trine (supporting) your natal Venus (partnerships), as well as your natal MC (public status) sextiled (supporting) by Uranus (change), which tells me that Uranus broke off that partnership and brought about a change in your public status plus status quo, and 'freed' you out of a marriage perhaps in which you were unhappy. The involvement of Venus made it all amicable, as you note, plus the trines and sextiles made it all happen perhaps quite smoothly(?). (Seeing charts/visuals always makes things more concrete and give the complete picture at a single glance.)

Wedding day transits to natal
Tr. Pluto exactly semi-sextile natal MC (sextile Jupiter in wedding chart, square Uranus and Mercury)
Tr. Neptune exactly conjunct natal Asc. (outg. conj. with Jupiter in W.chart)
Tr. Uranus at 0° Libra trine NN in 7th,sextile natal Saturn
Tr. Saturn square Pluto and Saturn and conj. Mercury
Tr. Jupiter sextile Ascendant
Tr. Mars exactly inconjunct Mercury and trine Saturn
Tr. Venus (in 2) exactly inconjunct Uranus(in 7)
Tr. Sun in 8th house and trine Chiron, sextile Mercury, square Neptune.

Transits to natal during divorce:
Tr. Pluto (in 1st house), retrogr. exactly trine midpoint Venus/Mars and trine natal Pluto, opposite Uranus.
Tr. Uranus in 4th house square Asc. and opposite MC.
Tr. Saturn conj. 8th house, sextile MC, inconjunct Jupiter.
Tr. Jupiter exactly trine Ascendant and just entering 9th house.
Tr. Neptune retro, opposing Pluto, ruler Asc. and sextile Venus in 5.
Tr. Mars trine Asc.
Tr. Venus 0° Virgo in 10, trine Mercury in 6.

Wedding day progressed positions and natal midpoints.
Pr. Asc. exactly trine Venus/Mars midpoint.
Pr. Venus exactly inconjunct Asc./MC midpoint
Pr. Venus exactly trine Pluto/Neptune midpoint
Pr. Venus exactly square Moon/Mercury midpoint
Pr. Sun exactly sextile NN/Neptune midpoint
Pr. Moon ex. square Uranus/NN midp.,
trine Neptune/Venus Midp.
square Pluto/Venus Midp. (Pluto Asc.ruler,Venus 7th h.ruler)

Progr. positions to natal midpoints during divorce:
Progr. NN conjunct Sun/Uranus Midpoint.
Pr. Sun inconjunct Asc./Mars Midp.
Pr. Sun exactly semi-sextile Venus/Saturn midp.
Pr. Venus exactly conjunct Mars/MC midpoint
Pr. Moon square Mercury/Mars Midp.
Pr. Moon ex. conjunct Jupiter/Asc. Midpoint (which happens to be natal Asc.)

So, that is about all I can find that could be a bit relevant. Maybe this can help others in predictive work.

The most obvious aspects are of course
Pr. Moon (11° Virgo) trine Pr. Venus(9° Taurus) and inconjunct natal Venus (12°Aries).
SA MC trine natal Sun, inconjunct exactly my natal Venus. (ruler of 7).
when I married

the Progr. Venus conj. natal Uranus at the time of divorce.
Thanks Aquarius7000, yes you could be right. Too often we tend to look at inconjuncts as an "illness" aspect, but here it might show the underlying tension involved in the whole situation. Yes, the divorce was liberating and went as easy as you could imagine, no lawyers thank heaven. Nevertheless very painful emotionally for me and very upsetting for him as he never expected me to run out.

I included progressions and transits because Solar Arc predictions wont be felt when other influences are not present. There must be some sort of strong progression or transit supporting the SA hit.

It is a lot of work to look at everything. For me, the SA Venus square natal Saturn combined with Progr. Venus conjunct natal Uranus would have been enough to figure out that a divorce was a possibility.
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cassanra said:
I think it has to do with what venus rules in your chart, what houses. MH can be status, reputation, and people of authority so Pluto on the MC might mean marriage for some as it is a change of status or becoming a parent etc. Venus on the MC might also mean something similar. I know when venus and mars hit my IC opposing my MC I went through a separation which lead to divorce and met someone during that time that I was involved with for a long time.

When transiting Pluto hit my MC my father died, I divorced my second husband and totally changed my expectations. SA are rather similar in interpretation to transits ....... in my opinion of course:34:
I am curious as to how it pans out truly though I will stick with the SA squares.
I found my divorce papers:) and the date was Jan 16th 1997
The only solar arc aspect of note on that day (using squares only) is:
SA Uranus semi square neptune (I am going to post my chart as I think it is useful to see the houses they represent)
Progressions were more interesting:
P-mars conjunct pluto
MCp opposing N-venus/mars
P-moon semisquare ascendat
P-Mars was at the O degree entering virgo
t-Merc conjoining natal MC/Saturn
t-Mars square MC
t-uranus square neptune (my neptune took a beating:) )
Neptune is housed in my 7th and is an intercepted sign in the 12th.
This does seem a bit grim to pick over our divorces but for me it is useful to understand not only the good times but the most stressful times and the significators of such so thank you for sharing.


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Now to the happy side:) (keep in mind I was will be obvious in the chart:) )
Day of marriage:
SA merc semisquare Sun
SA merc conjoined venus/mars
Sa-pluto square MC
SA-ASC semi sq sun
SA-ASC sesq moon
SA-ASC square venus/mars
SA-MC square neptune (here is neptune....again)

Progressions: P-sun sextile moon
p-sun trine jupiter
MCp square neptune (oh my gosh:) )
t-Moon opposite pluto
mars trine saturn
mars opposite ....guess....NEPTUNE!!! I guess neptune is significant for me in these types of things...hmm interesting I did not see Uranus anywhere on marriage day either hmmmm though it does appear to be forming a trine to the moon and inconjunct with the sun but is within 6 degrees exact and saturnis forming a trine to the sun inxconjunct moon.


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Sometimes we simply try to contribute by putting up our own experience, so instead of saying that Uranus is the planet of changes and Saturn of separation; you explain it through a real-life example like I got separated when Sat was conj my natal Venus at x° (degrees/tech data just make things more concrete, though agree that they are perhaps difficult to follow without a chart.). I should think that this would make things even simpler for 'newbies', like astro theory together with practical examples from real life, and show them how certain aspects might manifest in life.

Btw, like your avatar - finally up and glowing.

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Confusedpisces said:
In the year 2008 leading to my Solar year 2009, there's a heavy emphasis on career. SA Venus is conjunct my Progressed MH in Sun Sign Pisces. And SA Moon is conjunct the Natal MH.

SA venus is really only applicable to natal not prog. SA moon conj MC could suggest house move, restlessness or job change. So what happened?
the Progr. Venus conj. natal Uranus at the time of divorce. As you said there were far more poignant and obvious indications of divorce as you stated without looking to the enth degree at SA, midpoints, progressions, Solar returns etc. Obviously they are important,

yes, to some of us they are important, as one aspect alone is really not indicative of such a happening. There must be more to be found, transit wise and progressed wise)

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astrologer50 said:
So easy and quick, just progressing each planet 1' for each year of your life. Great for retification purposes, but very sensitve on the Angles.

For examaple I have SA Saturn just coming off my Asc. Obvious things like slow downs, health problems with bones etc like Arthritis my knees and neck got murch worse. Lots frustration, want to go forward, but felt held back by circumstances beyond my control.

I have needed the slow down to take stock, repair my health, mental and psychological and emotional states. Haven't tried or wanted to plan anything major or even minor. Just content with what I have, just learning to live in the Now, the present moment, take each day and problem as it arrives.....

Any other examples, anybody else got or had Saturn conj Asc?

Oh boy did I! My SA Saturn just passed my ascendant as well. At the time it was conjunct I also had t. Saturn moving through the ascendant/ 1st house AND opposing natal sun. It was a very wicked time.
Two years ago I had an accident when SA Uranus squared my natal sun. I came home drunk one night and was walking around my apartment with a q-tip in my ear,then accidently ran into a wall and ruptured my eardrum! Talk about a freak accident. During that time I also had Uranus conjunct my north node (Sagg) and had some strange "otherworldly" experiences. You know, I was playing around with the semi-squares because I never considered them before and discovered that there is a semi-square from my Venus to my descendant. That can't be good!
4leafclovah said:
Two years ago I had an accident when SA Uranus squared my natal sun. I came home drunk one night and was walking around my apartment with a q-tip in my ear,then accidently ran into a wall and ruptured my eardrum! Talk about a freak accident. During that time I also had Uranus conjunct my north node (Sagg) and had some strange "otherworldly" experiences. You know, I was playing around with the semi-squares because I never considered them before and discovered that there is a semi-square from my Venus to my descendant. That can't be good!

It just goes to show how valid SA's are. I got SA uranus conj natal jupiter in 8th and t uranus opp natal jupiter. Am just waiting a huge pay off (with 8th, other peoples money) :) ;) will let you know......
I have the Uranus/Jupiter "transit"/8th coming up in the next few months. I hear this can go both ways, but i would prefer it be good:) In my SA chart I have my Venus/ Jupiter midpoint at the midheaven , but it won't be exact for another year I don't think. A few years ago I recieved a large windfall but i'm not seeing anything in the SA chart-will check again later.
I have the Uranus/Jupiter "transit"/8th coming up in the next few months. I hear this can go both ways, but i would prefer it be good:) In my SA chart I have my Venus/ Jupiter midpoint at the midheaven , but it won't be exact for another year I don't think. A few years ago I recieved a large windfall but i'm not seeing anything in the SA chart-will check again later.
Ok, now i see.(Was looking at the wrong year.) SA Venus/Mars midpoint conjunct Jupiter, progressed Venus conjunct midheaven, progressed Jupiter conjunct Venus and conjunct progressed sun, transiting Saturn trine Pluto and transiting Jupiter trine sun(8th). So, there were LOTS of indicators!
Here are some of mine and my friends experiences of solar arcs:

Mercury Conjunct Asc ... My sister was born
Mercury conjunct sister hurt me deeply and I became very concerned with improving my communications with others
Sun conjunct Venus .... fell madly in love at first sight
Sun solar arced (or progressed) into Gemini...went back to college
Sun solar arced (or progressed) into Cancer pregnant
Moon conjunct saturn...very lonely year
Mars conjunct saturn ....Got sick
Moon square Mars ...moved away from home and met 1st boyfriend
Uranus opp Venus ...felt free of need to be in a relationship, experimented more with fashion
Moon square Uranus in 7th...sudden break up broke my heart

Because solar arcs only move a degree a year, I do find that midpoints are quite useful to watch. I forget where I read of this example but I remember hearing of a case where a man's Uranus solar arced to his sun/mars midpoint in the 8th and he was attacked by a swarm of bees and nearly died!