ARM {Astrological Repair Manual} Preface...

Astrologers' Community

Help Support Astrologers' Community:

This is becoming a very interesting thread!
I do say quite a bit about the planets meanings in my recent book which, thanks to Radu, is Here ; but, I won't be posting much of it in this thread because the book is also in This Thread (I know we're in that thread but I really like linking to my book 8) Plus, I'm hoping folks will post replies to individual chapters of this board). I explore many of the mythological "meanings" and whether they truly "capture" the Meaning of the planet's function.
As I said a little ways up in this thread, the cyclic length of the function and it's relationship to the nesting of all the cycles (and, how those cycles are synchronistically reflected in our psyches) is a Major Determinant of the planets Meaning...

~ Alex
Time Away...

I'm soon moving from Ohio to Florida (USA) as well as attending my daughter's wedding and visiting with relatives plus the usual settling-in that a move entails.
I don't know how regular I can be on these boards during the next couple of weeks; so...
If you post to me (or, you notice others posting to me), I will return 'cause this place is way too much fun to be away from!!!
~ Alex
New Forum

The main part of the first third of my new book, Astrological Repair Manual, is posted just above...
It can also be purchased in a printed, spiral-bound edition on my Publishing Site.
Radu is using the self-interpretation system from the book on his site so you can try it out HERE.
There is also a new forum, Astrological Repair Station, that has the full interpretive system as well as complete instructions on its use. The forum is also a place to extend and deepen the ability of the system to be customized to your own life and circumstances.
Also, as I prepare to write parts two and three of the full method, I'm definitely seeking user feedback. Come on over to the forum and Enjoy yourself !!!

~ Alex
Astrological Repair Station

The Astrological Repair Station Forum now has 14 members.
This is the place to deepen and extend the ideas presented in my book Astrological Repair Manual. That link is to buy the book. Radu also has the whole book here. And, it's also in this forum at the top of this thread.
In addition, the self-interpretation method in the book can be used here.
Come on over to the forum and let's change the face of astrological interpretation!

~ Alex