Astrology Quotes,

Astrologers' Community

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Mark Twain said:

“..I was born with Halley’s Comet
and I expect to die upon its return..

he did :)


“..One’s astrological horoscope :)
may be compared metaphorically
to one’s genetic heritage
it cannot be changed
but we can do what we may
with what we are given..”

– Elizabeth Davis

“..The starry vault of heaven :)
is in truth the open book of cosmic projection…”

Carl Jung

“..Astrology is like gravity.
You don’t have to believe in it :)
for it to be working in your life..”

– Zolar

"..astrology & palmistry are good
because they make people vivid
& full of possibilities. :)
They are communism at its best.
Everybody has a birthday
& almost everybody has a palm.."

Kurt Vonnegut

“..The newly born baby
is marked for life by the pattern of the stars :)
at the moment it comes into the world
unconsciously remembers it
& remains sensitive to the return of configurations
of a similar kind..”
– Johannes Kepler

is like any other branch of knowledge.
It can be used for good or for ill :)
properly or improperly
by skilled and unskilled practitioners alike..”

– Elizabeth Clare Prophet
"..One is born at a given moment
in a given place
& has the qualities of :)
the year
and of the season of when born.."


“..One's astrological horoscope
may be compared metaphorically :)
to one's genetic heritage;
- it cannot be changed
we can do what we may with what we are given..”


“..I always keep my weather eye on
the opposition of my seventh house Moon
to my first house Mars...”

said President Theodore Roosevelt
when asked

why he kept his horoscope mounted on a chess board :)

in the oval office.

"..A fiery light
There flash’d, like autumn’s star
that brightest shines
When newly risen from his ocean bath.
Shines eminent amid the depth of night,

Whom men the dog-star of Orion call.." :)



The astrological influences

of the star Acamar :)

Success in public office
ecclesiastical success
Vivian Robson


Ronald Reagan Made Presidential Decisions

Based On Astrology :)

- How History Works


The constellation portends events concerning ships
the ocean
and also
changes in the weather.

In medieval times it was said to indicate vain individuals
with a great deal of ambition, but with very poor judgment :)
- Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990


In all astrology
ALDEBARAN has been thought eminently fortunate :)

portending riches and honor
- one of the four Royal Stars, or Guardians of the Sky, of Persia

5000 years ago, when it marked the vernal equinox.


Hellenistic astrology
is a tradition of horoscopic astrology :)
that was developed and practiced
in the late Hellenistic period
in and around the Mediterranean Basin region
especially in Egypt.
The texts
and technical terminology of this tradition of astrology
were largely written in Ancient Greek
